A Street Scene in Granada on the Day of the Bullfight
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Landscape Scenery", No. 13: Groups of Infantry and Army Horses
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of to be Sold, of Despair, of Who is There, of Sold and Had Him a Week
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of None of Your Stuff, of a Declaration, of a Meltonian, of Is that a Writ I See Before Me, of a Love Feast, of a Buck
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Up With a Down Prospect, of Down with an Up Prospect, of Learning to Trot, of a Hard Mouth
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Unwelcome Guests, of Being Off the Curb, of Can't Exactly Say: No Consulation of Physicians, of W'ont Exactly Say: No Consultations of Lawyers
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Three Men in (?) Seventeenth Century Dress, in a Street Sword Fight, Central Man Run Through
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Knight Falling From His Horse at a Squire's Tilt
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'I Have a Notion This May be Called "Riding to the Hounds at a Smashing Rate" '
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'I Have a Notion You Must Either Pull Him Over or Persuade Him to Pull You Back Again'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'It's My Notion That This is the Only Way to Get Her Along'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'I Have a Notion This Bridge Will A-Bridge My Sport'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'My Good Fellows Have You any Notion Where You Can Get a Saw'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'I Have a Notion That I Don't Look Unlike Mazeppa'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'All He Is Fit For Sir, Now is to Be Cut Up. I Have a Notion That He Can't Be Cut up More Than Myself'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'My Notion is We Shall Get Him up Pretty Shortly What is Your Notion? I've Worked so Hard that I Hav'nt a Notion in Me'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions:" 'Hav'nt You a Notion That Tthis is the Best Mode of Monveyance Over a brook? and I Think by the Look of the Fellow he Never Had Any Thing so Neat in His Thing-a-My Before'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'I Have a Notion That My Horse Looks Like 40 Guineas in the Pound'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'This Gives Me a Notion it's Better to "Look Before You Leap" '
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Drawing for "Specimens of Riding near London:" The Pleasure of Riding in Company. One Would Stop if the Other Could
between 1809 and 1823
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Being Drawn, of a Fine Song, of Troting, of Being In, of Being Out, of a Recoil
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Being Wanted, of Anxiety, of a Has Been, of Duck Catching
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Tragedy, of Comedy, of What Do You Say, of Can't You Hear, of the Ornamental, of the Old Story,
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of The Manager's Judgement, of Being on Board a Packet, of Having Enough to Live Upon, of the Laddle Mis-Placed
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Doubtful Amusement - or Craneing, of Anxious Amusement - or Sure of a Bite, of Public Amusement - or No Taxes, Dangerous Amusement - or a Slapper, Private Amusement - or Cruelty
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Sporting Friends Likely-to Go Together, of a Double Entendre, of Sporting Friends Likely-to Seperate, of Sure to HIt the Mark
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Anecodotes:" Drawing for the Soft-Gound Etching of 'The Sporting Butcher'
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Incidents:" Drawing For the Soft-gound Etching of 'Panther Hunting'
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Scraps", no. 32: Two Mamelukes Talking, One Mounted
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Scraps", no. 34: Mounted Mameluke Pointing a Pistol
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Landscape Scenery", No. 7: Scenes of Cricket and a Waggoner With His Team
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Scraps", No. 28: Skittle Alley With Players and Spectators
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Scraps", No. 15: Racehorse with Jockey Up, Two Men Discussing the Horse
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Landscape Scenery", No. 10: Scenes with Wood-Cutters
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of a Few Neat Ones going to a Mill, of Returning from the Epping Hunt
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Being Bang Up, of a Fine Woman, of Being Bang Down, Of a Quiet One
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of How Do You Do, of I Should Not Have Known You, of My Lud, Of Easing a Patient, of a Loose Rein, of Wokey, of Tight in Hand
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Full Pay, of Half pay, of a strong attachment in the Dog, of anything but go, of no strong attachment to the Horse
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Can't Wait, of Come-to Ther Glass, of Blood & Bone-Going Against Time, of the Reduced List, of Out of Cash & a-Little in Debt at an Inn, of In cash-at an Inn
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Entering Quod, of a Hunting Story, of a Gig and Pair, of Wont Go, of Been in Quod some Tome
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
"Sporting Notions": 'I Had No Notion of the Comforts of Hunting by Water'
between 1831 and 1832
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Taking Lessons, of Having Had Enough, of Earnest, of Fun
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Promising a Vote, of Reminding an Elector, of a Bang up Drive in a Lunday, of Spoiling a Chicken, of Breaking a Hunter, of Reminding a Member, of a Convenient Memory
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Drawing for "Specimens of Riding Near London:" Fancy - View Near Gray's Inn Road
between 1809 and 1823
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of a Great One, of a Fine One, of a Queer One, of a Save All, of a View on Brighton Cliff, of Just Got Over a Gate,