A catalogue of the select and valuable collection of pictures
Christie & Manson
A catalogue of a very valuable assemblage of capital pictures, chiefly of the great Italian, with some fine specimens of the French, Flemish, Dutch, & English schools
Edward Foster (Firm)
Catalogue of a collection of pictures, of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch schools :the property of a gentleman, who, in the formation of this cabinet, has shewn how fully he is acquainted with the various Masters and Schools : including some exceedingly choice specimens of Correggio, Domenichino, J. Romano, Luini, Poussin, Jan Stein [Steen], Backhuysen, Ruysdael, G. Dow, Snyders, Rubens, A. Vandevelde, Patel, A. Maas, W. Vandevelde, Wright, Marlow, Hodges, Morland, Loutherbourg ; a magnificent picture of lions by Rubens ; a storm, W. Vandevelde ; landscape & sheep, A. Vandevelde ; continence of Scipio, Eckhout ; Achilles discovering his father's amour, & flight into Egypt, both by N. Poussin ; landscape by Karel du Jardin ; a beautiful landscape by Dietricy ; landscape by Moucheron, figures by A. Vandevelde ; Holy family by Paggi, &c. : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Edward Fosters, at his Gallery, 54, Pall Mall, on Friday, Nay 31, 1833, and following day, exactly at two o'clock