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- Africa -- Maps.1
- Asia -- Maps.1
- Austria -- Description and travel.1
- Belgium -- Description and travel.1
- Cities and towns -- Austria.1
- Cities and towns -- Belgium.1
- Cities and towns -- Europe -- Maps -- Early works to 1800.1
- Cities and towns -- France -- Maps.1
- Cities and towns -- Germany.1
- Cities and towns -- Great Britain -- Maps -- Early works to 1800.1
- Cities and towns -- Italy -- Maps.1
- Cities and towns -- Netherlands.1
- Cities and towns -- Spain -- Maps.1
- Cities and towns -- Switzerland -- Maps.1
- Europe -- Description and travel.1
- Europe -- Maps -- Early works to 1800.1
- France -- Aerial views.1
- France -- Description and travel.1
- France -- Maps.1
- Germany -- Description and travel.1
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