YCBA Collections Search
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- Seymour, James, 1702–175274
- Scott, Samuel, approximately 1710–177217
- Haid, Johann Lorenz, 1702–175013
- Leopold, Johann Christian, 1699–175513
- Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista, 1682–175413
- Alexander, John, 1686–before 17682
- Kneller, Godfrey, Sir, 1646–17232
- Raphael,, Italian, 1483–15202
- Smith, John, 1652–17432
- Capra, Alessandro, 17th cent1
- Church of England. Book of common prayer. 17171
- Gole, Jacob, 1660–17371
- Great Britain. Parliament1
- Lens, Bernard III, 1682–17401
- Meulen, Sieuwert van der1
- Seymour, James Col., active 1702–17391
- Solleysel, Jacques de, 1617–16801
- Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 1656–17081
- 18002,003
- 20041,273
- 17911,246
- 18021,162
- 19991,120
- 19951,102
- 19961,093
- 20001,093
- 19981,053
- 20061,042
- 17941,029
- 19001,014
- 2002985
- 1997965
- 2007941
- 1994920
- 2003917
- 2001898
- 1834871
- 2005871
- 2010855
- 2008843
- 1825825
- 2012823
- 2011819
- 1796793
- 1830782
- 1990759
- 2009756
- 1790745
- 2016742
- 1989739
- 1775737
- 1835733
- 1820713
- 2013710
- 1827706
- 1795701
- 1988682
- 1993682
- 1745679
- 1979666
- 1832640
- 1983629
- 1793623
- 1826616
- 1789615
- 1804615
- 2014614
- 1960610
- 1980610
- 1978608
- 1749607
- 1814605
- 1985605
- 1792603
- 1977603
- 1700601
- 1771597
- 1836596
- 2015592
- 1818588
- 1986585
- 1991583
- 1799576
- 1992572
- 1840569
- 1984565
- 1808562
- 1823561
- 1850561
- 1803557
- 1949547
- 1833545
- 1971539
- 1973539
- 1982535
- 1981533
- 1987532
- 1797529
- 1784525
- 1855521
- 1772519
- 1972517
- 1880510
- 2017508
- 1970490
- 1976484
- 1974482
- 1870481
- 1853479
- 1821471
- 1807468
- 1770467
- 1801467
- 1975467
- 1968464
- 1780462
- 1867461
- 1812454
Current results range from 8 to 54
- Unknown 8
Current results range from 1 to 109
- Unknown 8
- Spreading Canvas - Eighteenth - Century British Marine Painting (Yale Center for British Art, 2016-09-09 - 2016-12-04)5
- Masters of the Sea - British Marine Watercolors (National Maritime Museum, 2005-08-25 - 2005-10-25)1
- Masters of the Sea - British Marine Watercolors (Yale Center for British Art, 1987-06-10 - 1987-08-02)1
- Sidesaddle, 1690-1935 (National Sporting Library and Museum, 2018-09-07 - 2019-03-24)1
- The Line of Beauty : British Drawings and Watercolors of the Eighteenth Century (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-05-19 - 2001-08-05)1
- William Hunter and the Anatomy of the Modern Museum (Yale Center for British Art, 2019-02-14 - 2019-05-20)1
- Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection84
- Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Fund15
- Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Fund, in honor of John Baskett10
- Yale Center for British Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson Dilworth1
- Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Fund in honor of John Baskett1