A catalogue of the capital, genuine, and valuable collection of pictures, the property of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Bart. dec. late president of the Royal Academy
Peter Coxe, Burrell, and Foster (London, England)
A catalogue of all that valuable and magnificent collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch Pictures
Vernon, Thomas
A catalogue of a superlatively fine collection of capital pictures by the most celebrated Masters of the English, Flemish, and Italian Schools : amongst which are the works of Aldegraver, Rembrandt, Waterloo, De Heem, L. Bramer, Beschey, P. Brill, Schalcken, Bassano, Callot, Hamskerck, Vander Neer, Vinchenbooms, Goltzius, D. V. Bergen, Savery, Steinwick, Vernet, Wright, of Derby, West, Fuseli, Barrett, Mortimer, Cipriani, Angelica, Smith, of Chichester, Hearne, &c. : the whole being the property of the late Daniel Daulby, Esq, and will be sold by auction, by T. Vernon, in his Gothic Room, Marble-Street, Williamson Square, Liverpool, on Monday, August 27, 1798, at 10 o'clock precisely : may be viewed three days previous to the sale, and catalogues had on the premises, at one shilling each
Bryan, Michael, 1757–1821
A catalogue of the Orleans' Italian pictures
Bryan, Michael, 1757–1821
A catalogue of the Orleans' Italian pictures
Phillips, H., -1840
Catalogue of a collection of pictures of great masters of all the schools