The Monmouth of 64 Guns, taking the Foudroyant a French Man of War of 84 Guns on the 28th of Feb. 1758 in the Mediterranean,...
ca. 1760
Print made by Peter P. Benazech, 1767–1794
The Brave Captain Tyrrill in the Buckingham of 66 Guns and 472 Men, Defeating the Florissant, Aigrette & Atalante, Three French Ships of War, 3rd November, 1758
ca. 1760
Paul Sandby, 1731–1809
An Encampment in St. James Park
ca. 1780
Print made by James Watson, 1740–1790
Mary Hale (née Chaloner) as Euphrosyne in 'L'Allegro'
between 1762 and 1764
Print made by Thomas Park, ca. 1760–1834
Mrs. Jordan in the Character of the Comic Muse
Caroline Watson, 1760–1814
Garrick Reading the Ode at the Shakespeare Jubilee