Catalogue of the very valuable and extensive collection of engravings, the property of the late William Young Ottley
Phillips, Mr.
Catalogue of the valuable Italian, Spanish and Dutch pictures of a collector, of great taste and judgment
Phillips, Mr.
Catalogue of an important collection of pictures, from the distinguished collection of His Royal Highness the Duke of Lucca
Phillips, Mr.
A catalogue of a collection of ancient pictures, of the highest class
King, Thomas
A catalogue of a capital collection of prints, the work of that incomparable artist Wenceslaus Hollar
Christie, James. 1773–1831
A Catalogue of the whole of the magnificent silver and silver gilt plate, of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, deceased
Phillips, Mr.
Catalogue of an important and highly estimable collection of antient pictures
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the genuine, capital, and valuable collection of pictures, by the most esteemed masters of the Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch Schools