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Phillips, Mr.
Physical Description:
17, [1] pages ; 25 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts

611. A catalogue of a most superb, capital, and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures : the property of a Gentleman, highly distinguished for his taste in the arts : the whole selected with unbounded liberality, and now brought from his seat at Fonthill, in Wiltshire : consisting of inestimable works of the following great masters, viz : Spagnoletto, A. Durer, Sa. Rosa, Guido, Murillo, D. Feti, C. Lorrain, Seb. Bourdon, Canaletti, Zuccarelli, Rembrandt, Ostade, Wouvermans, Both, V. Der Heyde, C. du Jardin, Ruysdael, Wynants, De Vlieger, Polemborgh, Teniers, V. der Meulen, Webber, Loutherbeourg : among the celebrated pictures in this collection, are the following distinguished and capital : the Rape of Deianira, by Paduanino, one of the noblest efforts of genius in the Venetian School, both for colouring and design : the Holy Family, by Murillo, a very elegant composition, full of grace and simplicity : the Death of Socrates, by S. Rosa : a Landscape with St. Francis preaching : and a sea port by ditto : and Lucretia, by Guido, very capital : amongst the moderns, are eight capital and much distinguished pictures of the Rake's Progress, by the immoral Hogarth, esteemed the finest of his works : a pair of elegant and splendid cabinets, with the subjects of Cupid and Psyche, painted by Smirke : also four tripods, or exquisite workmanship : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, Pall Mall, on Saturday, February the 27th 1802, at twelve o'clock.

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Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
Physical Description:
8 pages ; 27 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
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Phillips, H., -1840
Physical Description:
21, [1] pages ; 23 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
No cover image available
Physical Description:
20 pages ; 21 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts

639. A catalogue of the reserved part of a capital collection of Italian pictures : the property of the late Jacob More, Esq. dec : many years distinguished as an eminent artist, resident at Rome : and selected from some of the first cabinets in Italy : comprising the works of the following much esteemed Masters, viz : M. Angelo, J. Bassiano, Corregio, G. de Notte, L. da Vinci, Mola, Pamegiano, P. Perugino, S. Rosa, Tintoretto, P. Veronse, &c. &c. : a most capital sea-port by Claude : and a landscape by the late Mr. Jacob More : also, by permission are added, a valuable collection of cabinet pictures : containing chiefly of the Flemish and Dutch schools, in the highest preservation : the property of Mons. Liss, of Antwerp : brought to England on the invasion of Flanders by the French : consisting of the works of the following great Masters, viz. : Rubens, Vandyck, Teniers, Ostade, Cuyp, A. V. de Velde, W.V. de Velde, Ruysdael, Backuysen, Lingelback, Wynants, Mieres, Weenix, C. du Jardin, Dietrich, Vernet, &c. : also, a most capital portrait, by Vandyck, of the celebrated Govartius, author of the History of the Netherlands : and a beautiful landscape, representing a Summer's Evening, by Claude, a very picturesque and poetical scene : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, (by order of the executors and consignees) at his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, February 26th, 1796, and following day, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed two days preceding the sale : when catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee House, Cornhill : and in Pall Mall.

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Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
Physical Description:
9 pages ; cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
No cover image available
Bryan, Michael, 1757–1821
Physical Description:
14, [2] pages. ; 23 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts