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- A catalogue of a valuable and extensive collection of ancient and modern prints, the property of a nobleman of high rank, part the second, consisting of the works of Wenceslaus Hollar .... : etchings by Rembrandt and his scholars ... : specimens of the German School, among which will be found the works of Albert Durer, Lucas Van Leyden, and the Little Masters : a continuation of the series of foreign portraits, engravings after French painters, works of Wille, &c. : which, together will the portfolios which contained this collection, will be sold by auction by Mr. Phillips at his Great Rooms, 73, Bond Street, on Monday, the 9th day of June, 1834, and nine following days ..
- [1834]

- A catalogue of a collection of antient and modern pictures, the genuine property of Mr. Stuart, artist and collector, deceased; to which are added a few pictures, the property of a gentleman, among the pictures, are the works of Pether, Morland, Ibbettson, Wright, Smith, Barratt, and Gilpin, of the Modern School; and various by Italian, Flemish, and Dutch Masters of the antient School : which by order of the Executors, will be sold without reserve, by Mr. H. Phillips, at his Great Room, New Bond-Street, on Monday, 4th February, 1799, at 12 o'clock : may be viewed by catalogues to be had as above : of Mr. Lloyd, Bookseller, Harley Street : Mr. Varley, york Hotel, Bridge-Street, Blackfriars : and of Mr. Phillips, at his house, no. 22, Bury-Street, St. James's
- [1799]

- Catalogue of the collection of pictures, particurlarly several interesing marine subjects, the Battles of the Nile, Trafalgar, Algiers, &c. : a sea view, with the Royal Sovereign Yacht, and others from Vandevelde, &c. by Mr. Cartwright, who long enjoyed the patronage of His Royal HIghness the Duke of Clarence as a marine painter : also his series of drawings, taken whilst residing at the Ionian Islands : the plates and copyright of Views in the Ionian Islands, Costumes, Shipping, &c. : with a selection of original drawings and engravingss, by Old Masters : mahogany easels, dresses of Grecian costume, frames, canvass, and unfinished sketches : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Phillips, at his Great Room, no. 73, New Bond Street, on Thursday, the 28th of May, 1829, at one o'clock, by order of the administrator : may now be viewed, and catalogues had at Mr. Phillips's, 73, New Bond Street
- [1829]

- A catalogue of the important and highly estimable collection of gallery and cabinet pictures, of the highest class, and quality of art ; uniting the choicest specimens of the Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Flemish, British and French Schools : selected from serveral distinguished galleries in Holland, France and England : among them may be noticed A Virgin and Child, by Raphael ... : a Magdalen by Corregio ... : A landscape and a sea port, by Claude : the Assumption, by Murillo : a Landscape and Cattle, by Berghem : a splendid Fete du Village, and two corps de Garde, by D. Teniers : a grand landscape with a waterfall by Ruysdael : Our Saviour in the Storm, ... by Rembrandt : a fine Calm, by W. Vandevelde : noble portraits, by Rembrandt and Vandyck, &c. &c. : besides other equally meriting a distinct notice, by L. Da Vinci, Seb. Del Piombo, Titian, Carracci, Albano, A. Del Sarto, Sir Joshua Reynolds, N. and G. Poussin, Rubens, A. Vandevelde, Cuyp, J. Ostade, Rembrandt, Caneletti, Wouvermans, Both, Hommima, Teniers, De Koening, Wynants. Sir Thos. Lawrence, Vanderwerf, Dietricy, Weenix, Ferg, Ruysdael, Greuze, Wilson : and will be submitted, without reserve, by the order of Thomas Emmerson, esq., who is quitting London for the vicinity of Bath : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Phillips, at his Rooms, 73, New Bond Street, on Friday, 6th of June, 1834, and following day, at one for two precisely
- [1834]