Here begynneth the legende named in Latyn Legenda aurea, that is to saye in Englysshe The golden legende
[8 January 1498/99?]
Lefèvre, Raoul, active 1460
Here begynneth the volume intituled and named the recuyell of the historyes of Troye
[1473 or 1474]
Durand, Guillaume, approximately 1230–1296
Incipit raco[i]nale diuino[rum] offico[rum]
[6 October 1459]
Higden, Ranulf, -1364
ended the thyrtenth daye of Apryll the tenth yere of the regne of kyng Harry the seuenth. And of the incarnacyon of our lord: MCCCC lxxxxv [13 April 1495]