A Prospect from the Sea of little St. Mark's Place with the Publick Buildings on either side..
Nathaniel Parr, active 1742–1751
The Place and Church of St. John de Lateran at Rome; 1. St. Johns Church. 2. the Palace Built by Sixtus the fifth. 3. The Holy Ladder. 4. Constantines Font. 5. Hospital for Men. 6. Do. for Women
Carington Bowles, 1724–1793
The Inside of St. Paul's Church in Rome built by Constantine the Great..
Remi Parr, active 1723–1750
A Front View of the Church of Madonna della Salute belonging to the Regulars of the Congregation of Somascha with their Monastry Situate on the Grand Canal of Venice
between 1780 and 1815
Remi Parr, active 1723–1750
The Quirinal, or Palace of the Pope on Mount Cavallo at Rome
unknown artist
The City of Ancient Rome as in the Reign of Caesar Augustus. Exhibiting in their proper Situations the Public & Magnificent Structures of Rome, in it's highest Glory
Nathaniel Parr, active 1742–1751
The Great Place or Square of St. Mark as seen from the Great Clock. On the left side is the Portal of St. Marks Church. The magnificent Building on the side in front are the dwellings of the Procurators of St. Mark
between 1780-1815
Carington Bowles, 1724–1793
The Church of St. Mary ye Great at Rome. With ye additional Buildings on each side. Also ye Antique Collumn brought hither from ye Temple of Peace, by Pope Paul V
Carington Bowles, 1724–1793
The Church of Santa Maria della Rotonda at Rome; It was the famous Pantheon of the Antients erected 30 years before the birth of our Saviour
unknown artist
Rome in it's Original Splendor; 1. the Temple of Vesta 2. Virgins going to Sacrifice 3. The Imperial Palace 4. A Fountain of Medicinal Water 5. The Arch of Trajan 6. The Tomb of Cestus