The Chinese House, the Rotunda, & the Company in Masquerade in Renelagh Gardens
unknown artist
The Inside View of King Henry VII Chappel, in Westminster Abby
unknown artist
The Inside of St. Paul's Cathedral from the West End to the Choir
unknown artist
The Inthronization of their Majesties also a View of the West End of the Choir of St. Peters in Westminster, and of the manner of Placing and Seating the Company in that Part of the Choir
unknown artist
A View of the Back Front of the House, & part of the Garden of the Earl of Burlington at Chiswick; with a distant View of the Orangery, Greenhouse, Inigo Jones's Gate, & c
unknown artist
A Perspective View of the Magnificent Structure, erected in the Green Park for the Royal Fireworks exhibited the 27 of April 1749, on account of the General Peace
George Bickham the Elder, 1683/4–1758
A View in the Elysian Fields, from the Spring of Helicon in the Gardens of Earl Temple at Stow, in Buckinghamshire
unknown artist
The Royal Palace of Windsor
Walter Richard Sickert, 1860–1942
Little Dot Hetherington at the Old Bedford, Camden Town, Singing "The Boy I Love Is Up in the Gallery"