A View of the Glorious Action of Dettingen June 16/27 O.S.N.S between the Forces of tghe Allies Commanded by the King of Great Britain and the French Army under the Marshal Noailles
Thomas Bowles, ca. 1712–died 1753
The South West Prospect of London, from Somerset Gardens to the Tower
unknown artist
The Prospect of the Town of Dumblane
John Donowell, active 1753–1786
A View of the Back Part of the Cassina, & Part of the Serpentine River, terminated by the Cascade in the Garden of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick
unknown artist
A View of the City of York from near ye Confluence of the Rivers Ouse & Foss
James Mason, 1710–1783
A View of the Countess of Soffolks House near Twickenham
George Bickham the Younger, ca. 1706–1771
A View to the Grotto of the Serpentine River in the Alder Grove in the Gardens of Earl Temple at Stow, in Buckinghamshire
unknown artist
Dr. Batty's House at Twickenham as View'd from the opposite Shore of the River Thames
unknown artist
A View of Westminster Bridge from Lambeth. 1. Westminster Abby. 2. St. Margaret's Church. 3. Westminster Hall. 4. St. Martin's Church
Francois Vivares, 1709–1780
A View from Richmond Hill up the River
unknown artist
The Royal Palace of Windsor
Print made by John Horsburgh, 1791–1869
Print made by Paul Angier, active 1749
A View of Paris
J. Couse, active 1750
A View of the Town House or Guild Hall of Paris And from thence on both sides ye River Seine to St. Mary's Bridge & to ye Wooden Bridge call'd Pont Rouge
unknown artist
The City of Ancient Rome as in the Reign of Caesar Augustus. Exhibiting in their proper Situations the Public & Magnificent Structures of Rome, in it's highest Glory