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Pierre Charles Canot
Life Dates:
ca. 1710–1777
France [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
Paris [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
Kentish Town [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
England [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
"A View of Charles Town the Capital of South Carolina in North America," from Scenographia Americana Pierre Charles Canot
1. Going Out / Depart de Chasse Pierre Charles Canot
2. Two Hunters / Deux Chevaux de Chasse Pierre Charles Canot
3. The Whipper-In Trown Out / Piqueur qui a Perdu la Piste Pierre Charles Canot
4. The Earthing of the Fox / Renard dans son Terrier Pierre Charles Canot
5. Coming at the Death / Halte de Chasse Pierre Charles Canot
6. The Death of the Fox / Mort du Renard Pierre Charles Canot
7. Returning from the Chase / Retour de Chasse Pierre Charles Canot
A Brisk Gale Pierre Charles Canot
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Centre, a grey held by a hunt servant, with other horses and hounds....] Pierre Charles Canot
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Riders and hounds resting in a rocky landscape.] Pierre Charles Canot
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [The kill: two riders dismounted, one holding fox above clamouring hounds; the huntsman blowing his horn ...] Pierre Charles Canot
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Three men digging out a fox's earth, watched eagerly by hounds...] Pierre Charles Canot
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Two horses standing restlessly outside a stable...] Pierre Charles Canot
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Two riders by a farmhouse asking direction from a peasant; a well at left, with a couple of foxhounds...] Pierre Charles Canot
A Ship in Distress. Design'd to represent the loss of the Victory by a violent Storm near the Race of Alderney in the Year 1744. Sr. John Balchen the Admiral, & upwards of 1000 Men were on board & unhappily perish'd in the Waves Pierre Charles Canot
A Strong Gale or Squall Pierre Charles Canot
A View from One Tree Hill in Greenwich Park Pierre Charles Canot
A View from one Tree-Hill in Greenwich Park Pierre Charles Canot
A View of the Palace from the South side of the Lake with the Temples of Bellona and AEolus and the House of Confucius in the Royal Gardens at Kew Pierre Charles Canot
At Chatham with Village of Brompton adjacent Pierre Charles Canot
At Deptford with part of the town Pierre Charles Canot
At Portsmouth with part of the Common Pierre Charles Canot
At Sheerness Pierre Charles Canot
At Woolwich with part of the Town Pierre Charles Canot
Burton Constable; page 53 (Volume One) Pierre Charles Canot
Classical landscape with cow herd and cows fording a stream Pierre Charles Canot
Evening, or Sun setting Pierre Charles Canot
Fresh Gale Pierre Charles Canot
Lambeth. The Archbishop of Canterbury's Palace Pierre Charles Canot
Morning, or Sun rising Pierre Charles Canot
Near Plymouth with the Ordinance Wharfe... Pierre Charles Canot
Night & a Ship on fire Pierre Charles Canot
Representation of the Glarious Defeat of the French Fleet off Belleisle on the 20 November 1759 Pierre Charles Canot
Scenographia Americana: A South East View of the City of New York in North America Pierre Charles Canot
Scenographia Americana: A Southwest View of the City of New York, in North America Pierre Charles Canot
Scenographia Americana: A View at the Entrance of the Harbour of the Havana, taken from within the Wrecks Pierre Charles Canot
Scenographia Americana: A View of Louisburg in North America, taken near the Light House when that City was besieged in 1758 Pierre Charles Canot
Scenographia Americana: A View of the Market - Place in the City of the Havana Pierre Charles Canot
Set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [A gentleman standing at left with a hound; at right...] Pierre Charles Canot
Shipwrack Pierre Charles Canot
Storm, Representing that Violent one, which drove his Majesty King George I into Rye Pierre Charles Canot
Taymouth; page 68 (Volume Three) Pierre Charles Canot
The Great Bridge over the Taafe Pierre Charles Canot
The New Building on Shrubs Hill Pierre Charles Canot
The Stag at Bay Pierre Charles Canot
Vent Frais Pierre Charles Canot
View of the Canal in St. James's Park Pierre Charles Canot
View of the City of New York: A South East View of the City of New York in North America Pierre Charles Canot
View of the City of New York: A South West View of the City of New York in North America Pierre Charles Canot
Views in the River and Gulph of St. Lawrence: A View of Pierced Island, a Rock in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Pierre Charles Canot
Views of Montreal and Louisburg: A View of Louisburg in North America taken near the Light House when that city was beseiged in 1758 Pierre Charles Canot
Views of Montreal and Louisburg: An East View of Montreal in Canada Pierre Charles Canot
A Perspective View of the Foundling Hospital with Emblematic Figures and Pierre Charles Canot
Palace of Whitehall - The Water Side and Pierre Charles Canot
A Ship in Distress print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Evening print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Geometrical plan of his Majesty's Dockyard near Portsmouth print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Geometrical Plan of his Majesty's Dockyard, at Chatham print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Geometrical Plan of his Majesty's dockyard, at Sheerness print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Geometrical Plan of his Majesty's Dockyard, at Woolwich print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Geometrical Plan of his Majesty's Dockyard, Deptford print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Geometrical Plan of his Majesty's Dockyard, near Plymouth print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Marine Study No. 1 print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Marine Study No. 2 print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Marine Study No. 3 print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Marine Study No. 4 print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Moonlight print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Morning print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Night and a Ship on Fire print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Noon print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Ships of the Secret Expedition against the Havannah print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Shipwreck print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Sun Under a Cloud print made by Pierre Charles Canot
Two Sprays of Imaginary Flowers print made by Pierre Charles Canot