Morland, George, 1763-1804
- Artist:
- George Morland
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1763–1804
- Birth:
- 1763London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Death:
- 1804London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Artwork:
- [Animals] Seven studies on hound on one sheet. 'Jno. Harris' on collar of hound at lower left George Morland
1.[Lad astride a horse in a stream.] George Morland
2.[Groom rubbing down a horse] George Morland
A Hop Kiln George Morland
A Man Lifting a Trunk, Two studies on one sheet George Morland
A Party Angling George Morland
A Ram and Ewe in a Landscape George Morland
A Soldier's Return George Morland
A Sportsman Loading His Gun George Morland
A Tea Garden George Morland
A Woman, possibly Anne (née Ward) Morland, Wife of the Artist George Morland
Childish Amusement George Morland
Children Fishing George Morland
Cottagers George Morland
Fallen Horse and Rider, The Hunt Disappearing Left George Morland
Fisherman and Dog Sitting by the Coast George Morland
Fishermen George Morland
Foxhunting in Hilly Country George Morland
Head of a Hound George Morland
Indian girl George Morland
Landscape with Cottage and Figures on Horseback George Morland
Landscape with Horses, Farmer and Dog George Morland
Man Holding Horse by the Bridle George Morland
Man Seated on a Bank George Morland
Old horses with a dog in a stable George Morland
Partridge Shooting George Morland
Peasants in a Grotto George Morland
Peasants Resting George Morland
Pheasant Shooting George Morland
Portrait of a Girl in a Garden George Morland
Rocky Landscape with Two Men on a Horse George Morland
Rural Amusement George Morland
Rustic Employment George Morland
Self Portrait George Morland
Selling Guinea Pigs George Morland
Set of Five: Five studies of Peddlers George Morland
Set of Five: Studies of Children, a Dog, a Cat, etc. George Morland
Set of Five: Studies of Laborers George Morland
Set of Five: Eight studies: Woman with Basket, Blinkered Cart Horse, etc. George Morland
Set of Five: Studies of Girls, one Playing with Hoop, one Picking Berries, Man and Horse, etc. George Morland
Set of Four: Boys Bathing George Morland
Set of Four: Boys Robbing an Orchard George Morland
Set of Four: Boys Skating George Morland
Set of Four: The Angry Farmer George Morland
Setters George Morland
Smugglers George Morland
St. James Park George Morland
St. James's Park George Morland
Study of a Donkey Under a Tree George Morland
Study of a Hound: Head and Shoulders, Facing Right George Morland
The Anglers' Repast George Morland
The Coquette at Her Toilet George Morland
The Country Girl at Home George Morland
The Country Girl in London George Morland
The Farmer's Stable George Morland
The First of September - Morning George Morland
The First of September - Evening George Morland
The Hard Bargain George Morland
The Horse Feeder George Morland
The Last Litter George Morland
The Old Water Mill George Morland
The Squire's Door George Morland
Travellers George Morland
Two Men on a Country Road George Morland
Winter Landscape George Morland
Winter Landscape with Figures George Morland
Youth Diverting Age George Morland
[Shooting]: Innocence Alarm'd. after George Morland
[Shooting]: Setters after George Morland
[The Sportsman's Return] after George Morland
1. Partridge Shooting after George Morland
2. Hare Shooting after George Morland
3. Duck Shooting after George Morland
4. Snipe Shooting after George Morland
A Boy Employed in Burning Weeds after George Morland
A Visit to the Boarding School after George Morland
A Visit to the Child at Nurse after George Morland
African Hospitality after George Morland
Alehouse Politicians after George Morland
Angling: Paying the Hostler after George Morland
Animals [a pair]: 2. Evening or the Post Boy's Return after George Morland
Animals [a pair]: 1. Morning or the Higlers preparing for Market after George Morland
Boys Bathing after George Morland
Boys Skating after George Morland
Breaking the Ice after George Morland
Children Birdsnesting after George Morland
Children Nutting after George Morland
Children Playing at Soldiers after George Morland
Coaching: The Mail Coach after George Morland
Contemplation after George Morland
Cottage Family after George Morland
Dancing Dogs after George Morland
Diligence after George Morland
Discovery after George Morland
Domestic Happiness after George Morland
Evening or the Sportsman's Return after George Morland
Fox Hunting. 2. Going into Cover after George Morland
Fox Hunting. 3. The Check after George Morland
Fox Hunting. 4. The Death after George Morland
Funsbury Square after George Morland
Guinea Pigs after George Morland
Inside of a Country Alehouse after George Morland
Jack in the Bilboes after George Morland
Juvenile Navigators after George Morland
Louisa after George Morland
Morning or the Benevolent Sportsman after George Morland
Sailors Conversation after George Morland
Set of four: 2. Duck Shooting after George Morland
Set of four: 3. Duck Shooting ['Plate 2'] after George Morland
Set of four: 4. Wood-Cock and Pheasant Shooting after George Morland
Set of four: 1. Hare Shooting after George Morland
Set of four: Fox Hunting. 1. Going Out after George Morland
Shepherd's Meal after George Morland
Shooting [a pair]: 1. Morning after George Morland
Shooting [a pair]: 2. Evening after George Morland
Sportsman's Hall after George Morland
Susan's Farewell after George Morland
Suspence after George Morland
Temptation after George Morland
The Angler's Repast after George Morland
The Angry Farmer after George Morland
The Country Butcher after George Morland
The Delightful Story after George Morland
The Deserter, 29 July 1791 after George Morland
The Discovery after George Morland
The Effects of Youthful Extravagance and Idleness after George Morland
The Fair Nun Unmasked after George Morland
The Farm House after George Morland
The Farmer's Door after George Morland
The Fruits of Early Industry and Economy after George Morland
The Gypsie's Tent after George Morland
The Happy Cottagers after George Morland
The Kite Entangled after George Morland
The Peasant's Repast after George Morland
The Pledge of Love after George Morland
The Shephard Boy after George Morland
The Slave Trade after George Morland
The Sportsman's Return after George Morland
The Young Dealer after George Morland
Tired Gypsies after George Morland
Pastoral follower of George Morland
Boy in a Smock formerly attributed to George Morland
Landscape with Trees and Church Spire in the manner of George Morland