Cruikshank, Isaac, 1764-1811
- Artist:
- Isaac Cruikshank
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1764–1811
- Birth:
- 1764Edinburgh [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Death:
- 1811London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Artwork:
- "Westminster Races:" - ( A Political Heat, Run In Convent Garden, Between Old Veteran A Famous Horse The Property Of His M-----y, Dutchess A Filly, The Property Of The Duke Of D-----e, And Judas An Obstinate Ass, Who Was Clearly Distanced ) Isaac Cruikshank
A Cure For the Heart Ache!! A New Scotch Reel Altered From the Brunswic Minnet, & The Old Jersey Fig Isaac Cruikshank
A Delitanti Performance of Midas at Turnbridge Wells, October 1792 Isaac Cruikshank
A Deputation from one of the Popular Societies of France, Endeavouring to Persuade John Bull that he can do better Without a Head than with one!! Isaac Cruikshank
A Disunion or the Family Compact Disturbed Isaac Cruikshank
A Flight Across the Herring Pool Isaac Cruikshank
A General Fast in Consequence of the War!!! Isaac Cruikshank
A German Howl or the Emigrant Princes Bemoaning the Loss of Their Dearest Friend Isaac Cruikshank
A Hint for an Escape at the Next Spring Meeting Isaac Cruikshank
A legal method of thrashing out Grain Isaac Cruikshank
A Lesson for Princes Isaac Cruikshank
A Magisterial Visit Isaac Cruikshank
A Meeting of Creditors Isaac Cruikshank
A Necessary War or Quixotism Revived, or The Knight of the Little House Isaac Cruikshank
A New French Bussing Match or More Cursing and Swearing for the Assembly Isaac Cruikshank
A New Irish Jaunting Carr. The Tandem - or Billy in HIs Sulky Isaac Cruikshank
A New Prop for a Rickety Stool Isaac Cruikshank
A Panic on Both Side or Great Men in the Horrors Isaac Cruikshank
A Peace Offering to the Genius of Liberty and Equality Isaac Cruikshank
A Peep at the Plenipo ____!!! Isaac Cruikshank
A Peep Into Saldanha Bay, or Dutch Perfidy Rewarded Isaac Cruikshank
A Recent Escape Isaac Cruikshank
A Right Hon(oura)ble, Alias a Sans Culotte, Alias the Man of the People, Alias the Dissipated Patriot....Alias the Protector turned Begger Isaac Cruikshank
A Right Honorable (sic) Alias a sans Culotte Isaac Cruikshank
A Royal Salute Isaac Cruikshank
A S(t)rath Spey, or New Highland Reel as Danced at Seaton D___L (Delaval) Isaac Cruikshank
A Scene in the Gamester Isaac Cruikshank
A Specimen of Light Horsemanship Isaac Cruikshank
A Spy!!! or the Blessings of a Convention Bill Isaac Cruikshank
A Stroke at the Plenipo or Mary's Mistake Isaac Cruikshank
A Visit to the Irish Pig! . . . With Reflections Physical & Moral Isaac Cruikshank
A Ward of Chancery Isaac Cruikshank
A Whig Toast - A Tory Sentement (sic) Isaac Cruikshank
A Will O'The Wisp or John Bull in a Bog! Isaac Cruikshank
A Worthy Alderman and his Friends Canvasing or Strong Recommendations for the mem'br of Parl'ament Isaac Cruikshank
A Yorkshire Methode of Finding a Horse Isaac Cruikshank
An Irish Union Isaac Cruikshank
Assassination-Versailles, October 6, 1789 Isaac Cruikshank
Bachelor's Hall Isaac Cruikshank
Before the Magistrate Isaac Cruikshank
Billy & Harry in Their Glory or a Great Man Kicked Out of Place Isaac Cruikshank
Billy's Fantoccini or John Bull over Curious Isaac Cruikshank
Birds of a Feather, Flock Together - or Bond Street Loungers Attending the Examination of Their Fellow Scarecrows! Isaac Cruikshank
Bloody News, Bloody News!!! Isaac Cruikshank
Bonne Farte Raising a Southerly Wind, or a Sketch of the Inteded Invasion Found at the Door of Brooks's in St. James's Street (from: Caricature, vol. 3) Isaac Cruikshank
Buonaparte at Rome Giving Audience in State Isaac Cruikshank
Comic Song: The Bold Dragoon Isaac Cruikshank
Consolation in the Gout Isaac Cruikshank
Cool Arguments!!! Isaac Cruikshank
Deputy Pendulum's Motion for an Address Isaac Cruikshank
Divertions of Purley, Or Opposition Attending Their Private Affairs Isaac Cruikshank
Doctor Sangrado Relieving John Bull of the Yellow Fever Isaac Cruikshank
Drawing for Twelfth-Cake at St. Annes Hill!! Isaac Cruikshank
Effects of the Dog Tax Isaac Cruikshank
Embarking on the Ferry Isaac Cruikshank
Episcopal Delight a Scene Near Oatlands, or The Babes in the Wood, with Rawheadon - Bloody Bones (from: Caricature, vol. 3) Isaac Cruikshank
False Liberty Rejected or Fraternizing and Equalizing Principles Discarded No More Coalitions, No More French Cut Throats Isaac Cruikshank
Favorite Guinea Pigs Going to Market Isaac Cruikshank
Flannel Coats of Mail against the Cold or the British Ladies Patriotic Presents to the Army Isaac Cruikshank
Frith the Madman Hurling Treason at the King Isaac Cruikshank
Galic Perfidy, or the National Troops Attachment to their General after their Defeat at Tournay Isaac Cruikshank
General Buonaparte Isaac Cruikshank
General Complaint Isaac Cruikshank
General Fast Isaac Cruikshank
General Mack, Scampering Back! Isaac Cruikshank
General Sorrow, touring the French Directory into Russia Isaac Cruikshank
General Swarrow Towing the French Directory into Russia Isaac Cruikshank
Gen'l Swallow Destroying the French Army Isaac Cruikshank
Gentle Measures of Voluntary Confessions Isaac Cruikshank
Getting the Length of the Duchess's Foot Isaac Cruikshank
Give a Dog an Ill Name, They'll Hang Him Isaac Cruikshank
Glaucus and Scylla or the Monster in Full Cry Isaac Cruikshank
Grandpappa in his Glory!!! Isaac Cruikshank
Half Seas Over, Alias the Hopes of the Family Isaac Cruikshank
Hell in an Uproar: or an Express from the Committee Isaac Cruikshank
How to Gain a Compleat Victory. and. Say. You. Got. Safe. Out. Of. The. Enemy's. Reach Isaac Cruikshank
How to Gammon the Deep, Ones or the Way to Overturn a Coach Ac(c)ording to Act of P(ar)l(ia)m(en)t (from: Caricature, vol. 4) Isaac Cruikshank
Interrogatories, or an Examination before the Commissioners Isaac Cruikshank
John Bull Humbugg'd alias Both-ear'd Isaac Cruikshank
John Bull in a Rage, forcing nic Frog to Fight against his Will Isaac Cruikshank
John Bull Troubled with the Blue Devils! Isaac Cruikshank
John Bulls hint for a Profitable Alliance Isaac Cruikshank
John Gilpin the Second, or City Light House Volunteers Performing Their Evolutions (from: Caricature, vol. 3) Isaac Cruikshank
Lieu(tenan)t Gove(rne)r Gallston's Monkey Breaking of Sir Sydney's Ape Isaac Cruikshank
Lord Howe they run, or the British Tars giving the Carmignols a Dressing on Memorable 1st of June 1794 Isaac Cruikshank
Lord Mum Overwhelmed with Parisian Embraces Isaac Cruikshank
Lord Mum Sucking His Thumb Isaac Cruikshank
Mad Tom's First Practical Essay on the Rights of Man Isaac Cruikshank
Ma'm Vandercrout and Suitors Isaac Cruikshank
Miss Hibernia at John Bulls Family Dinner Isaac Cruikshank
Modern Marriage A La Mode Sweet Fruits of the Third Honey Moon!! Isaac Cruikshank
My Grandmother; Alias the Jersey Jig, Alias the Rival Widows Isaac Cruikshank
No Grumbling Isaac Cruikshank
No Reform, No Reform Isaac Cruikshank
Oh! Dear What can the Matter Be Isaac Cruikshank
One of the Family! Isaac Cruikshank
Opening the Sluices, Or, - Hollands Last Shift Isaac Cruikshank
Parsonic Piety (Good Precepts do As I Say - but Bad Examples Not as I Do) Isaac Cruikshank
Peep of Day Boy's Preventing an Union by Adding Fire to the Sun. / An Irish Method of Throwing Cold Water on a Subject! Isaac Cruikshank
Plunderer Beating Duplicity - or - Amusements at Cairo Isaac Cruikshank
Political Sparring, for the Amusement of English Spanish French and Dutch Masters and Misses (from: Caricature, vol. 4) Isaac Cruikshank
Polonius, The Tallest, Fittest, Properest, Man to Walk before the King!! Isaac Cruikshank
Pray Remember us Poor Children Isaac Cruikshank
Preparing for Action or an English Man of War engaging Two Dutch Doggers Isaac Cruikshank
Reflections on the French Revolution Isaac Cruikshank
Rehearsal: The Vision of Nantes or the Patriotick Attack of the Troops National Isaac Cruikshank
Resignation the Greatest of all Virtues Isaac Cruikshank
Resist Unto Blood, the True Christian Warfare, The Spirit Against the Flesh (A Clerical Boxing Match) Isaac Cruikshank
Resurection (sic) Men Disturbed, or a Guilty Conscience Needs no Accuser (from: Caricature, vol. 3) Isaac Cruikshank
Revolution Isaac Cruikshank
Rights of Man Alias French Liberty Alias Entering Volunteers for the Republic (from: Caricature, vol. 3) ( from: Caricature, vol. 3) Isaac Cruikshank
Royal Recreation Isaac Cruikshank
Salus in Fugâ - La France se Purge Petit à Petit Isaac Cruikshank
Scotch Eloquence to a Chilly Congregation Isaac Cruikshank
Self Murder or the Wolf Tried and Convicted on his own Evidence Isaac Cruikshank
Shakespeare's Prophecy, the Last Act by One in the Tempest, or the Jack Daws in Borrowed Feathers (from: Caricature, vol. 3) Isaac Cruikshank
Sketches from Nature!!! ___ The Sultan Retiring ___Fashionable Pasttime ___ The Discovery____Confidence Betrayed Isaac Cruikshank
Suffolk Rats protecting their Cheese, or the County Fencibles called to Arms Isaac Cruikshank
Symptoms of Affection, Or - A Specimen of Martial Prowess Isaac Cruikshank
Table D'Hote Isaac Cruikshank
The Antiquities of Malmsbury Isaac Cruikshank
The Aristocratic Crusade, or Chilvalry Revived by Don Quixote de St. Omer and His Friend Sancho Isaac Cruikshank
The Auckward Squad Isaac Cruikshank
The Bobadil disgraced, or Kate in a Rage___For Brunswicks Duke with Ninety Thousand Men, March'd into France and Then!!___and Then March'd Out Again Isaac Cruikshank
The British Menagerie Isaac Cruikshank
The British Neptune riding Triumphant, or the Carmignol's Dancing to the Tune of Rule Britannia Isaac Cruikshank
The Buck & the Goose Isaac Cruikshank
The Budget or John Bull Frightened Out of His (Money) Wits Isaac Cruikshank
The Complaint Isaac Cruikshank
The Corporation Hogs Journey to Smithfield in Stile, or Aldermen turned Pig Show Men Isaac Cruikshank
The Corporation's Visit to their Brother in Smithfield or the Hog's Feast on Being Sworn-in Isaac Cruikshank
The Cryer, Alias the Bell Weather Isaac Cruikshank
The Cuckold Departs for the Hunt Isaac Cruikshank
The Delegates in Council or Beggars on Horseback Isaac Cruikshank
The Duel - or Charley Longing For a Pop Isaac Cruikshank
The Duelist's or Sunday's Amusement Isaac Cruikshank
The Dutch in an Uproar or the Batavian Republic Crying for Winter Isaac Cruikshank
The Dwarf and The Giant or, The Strong Lad of Brighton taking off the Princes Chum!! Isaac Cruikshank
The Enraged Politician or the Sunday Reformer or a Noble Bellman Crying Stinking Fish Isaac Cruikshank
The Faith of Treaties Exemplified or John Bull's last Effort to Oblige his False Friends Isaac Cruikshank
The Family Party or Prince Bladduds Man Traps Isaac Cruikshank
The First Interview, or the Presentation of the Prussian Pearl Isaac Cruikshank
The Flight Isaac Cruikshank
The Freemen Triumphant or the Mare Foald or Here Folly Isaac Cruikshank
The French Bugabo Frightening the Royal Commanders Isaac Cruikshank
The Fruition of Nantes or the Vision Interpreted Isaac Cruikshank
The Gallant Nelson Bringing Home Two Uncommon Fierce French Crocodiles from the Nile as a Present to the King Isaac Cruikshank
The Genius of France Extirpating Despo-tism Tyranny and Oppression from the Face of the Earth, Or - The Royal Warriors Defeated Isaac Cruikshank
The Ghost of Buonaparte Appearing to the Directory!!! Isaac Cruikshank
The Grand Review on Sydenham Common Isaac Cruikshank
The Hopes of the Family in the Road to Preferment Isaac Cruikshank
The Humbug or an Attempt at Tragedy with the Jordan (struck through and replaced by) Joram Upsett Isaac Cruikshank
The Illustrious Lover of the D. of Cumberland Done Over Isaac Cruikshank
The Irish Howl or the Catholics in Fitz! Isaac Cruikshank
The Jocose Prisoner & Honest Cryer. A Joke May be Carried Too Far Isaac Cruikshank
The Lending Library Isaac Cruikshank
The Little Farthing Rush Light Isaac Cruikshank
The Maid of Bath or Mac in her Teens Isaac Cruikshank
The Maid of Bath, or 'Mac' in her Teens Isaac Cruikshank
The Messenger of Peace Isaac Cruikshank
The Modern Gulliver Removing the P(a)rl(iamen)t of Lilliput Isaac Cruikshank
The Modern Leviathan!! Isaac Cruikshank
The Moment of Reflection or a Tale for Future Times!!! Isaac Cruikshank
The Murder of Custine, French Gratitude or Republican Rewards for Past Services (from: Caricature, vol. 3) Isaac Cruikshank
The Near in Blood, the Nearer Bloody Isaac Cruikshank
The New Mercury Dedicated to the Free and Independent Electors of Westminster, Pull Devil: Pull Baker Isaac Cruikshank
The Opening of Parliament or the Air Gun-Plot or the Infamous attack on His Majesty Isaac Cruikshank
The Origin of Cockney Isaac Cruikshank
The Pleasure of Being Kick'd Out of Company Isaac Cruikshank
The Political Locust Isaac Cruikshank
The Political Pawn Brokers Isaac Cruikshank
The Pot calling the Kettle Black A - Or Two of a Trade can never Agree Isaac Cruikshank
The Present State of Europe, Or - John Bull on his Last Legs Isaac Cruikshank
The Present State of Liliput or No Tax on Blindmens Dogs Isaac Cruikshank
The Quarrell about Pensions amicably Settled Isaac Cruikshank
The Quornites Disturb'd or Startling the Game Isaac Cruikshank
The Raft in Danger of the Republican disappoointed Isaac Cruikshank
The Rape of Helen Isaac Cruikshank
The Renuciation of an Ex Noble now become a Republican Sans-Culotte Citizen Isaac Cruikshank
The Renversement, Buffon Says That The Great Grey Goat Is So Rank That After Long Abstinence It Will Court Any Thing Isaac Cruikshank
The Republican Soldier Isaac Cruikshank
The Return From Pizarro Isaac Cruikshank
The Rival Pigs Isaac Cruikshank
The Royal Jasey!! A Sketch For a Vice-Roy!! Isaac Cruikshank
The Royal Soldier in His Majesty's Service Isaac Cruikshank
The Russian Bruiser Getting his Dose - With his Seconds Thirds bottle Holder and (?) coming in for their Share Isaac Cruikshank
The Solicitor General for the French Republic Isaac Cruikshank
The Supper Box at Vauxhall Isaac Cruikshank
The Tetbury Duel or the Bully brought Down Isaac Cruikshank
The Treasury Spectre, or the Head of the Nation in a Queer Situation Isaac Cruikshank
The Triumphal Entry of 100.000 (Crown)'s or a Luck Hit for E-O T-O P-O HO, and A'll the Rest of the O's (from: Caricature, vol. 4) Isaac Cruikshank
The Union Coach Isaac Cruikshank
The Victorious Procession to St. Pauls or Billy's Grand Triumphal, Entry a Prelude Isaac Cruikshank
The Watchman of the State Isaac Cruikshank
The Westminster Mountebank, or Palace Yard Pranks Isaac Cruikshank
The Wet Party or the Bogs of Flanders, a New Song Isaac Cruikshank
Two of a Trade Can Never Agree Isaac Cruikshank
View of the Houses of Lords and Commons from Old Palace Yard Isaac Cruikshank
Voluntary Subscriptions Isaac Cruikshank
Washing the Blackamoor Isaac Cruikshank
Whims of the Moment or the Bedford Level!! Isaac Cruikshank
Cockney-Sportsmen finding a Hare after Isaac Cruikshank
Cockney-Sportsmen marking game after Isaac Cruikshank
Cockney-Sportsmen Re-charging after Isaac Cruikshank
Cockney-Sportsmen Shooting-Flying after Isaac Cruikshank
Dr. Johnson's Politeness to Madame Boufflers after Isaac Cruikshank
A Brace of Blessings attributed to Isaac Cruikshank
Bless Thee Bottom, Bless Thee-Thou Art Translated attributed to Isaac Cruikshank
Saint Catharine and St. George attributed to Isaac Cruikshank
Westminster Races, A Political Heat Run in Convent Garden attributed to Isaac Cruikshank
A Lack Water Canal formerly Isaac Cruikshank
Future Prospects, or, Symptoms of Love in High Life formerly Isaac Cruikshank
The Northern Colossus, Or Earl of Toadstool Arm'd with a Poll Axe formerly attributed to Isaac Cruikshank
A Lieutenant Colonel or Isaac Cruikshank
A Long String of Resolutions for the New Year (Left) print made by Isaac Cruikshank
A Long String of Resolutions for the New Year (Right) print made by Isaac Cruikshank
A Spy!!! Or the Blessings of a Convention Bill print made by Isaac Cruikshank
A Worthy Alderman and his Friends Canvasing or Strong Recommendations for a Member of Parliament print made by Isaac Cruikshank
An Abyssinian Breakfast print made by Isaac Cruikshank
How a Great Admiral, with a Great Fleet, went a Great Way, was Lost a Great While, saw a Great Sight - And then came Home for a Little Water print made by Isaac Cruikshank
Le Roi Esclave on Les Sujets Rois Female Patriotism print made by Isaac Cruikshank
Les Sacrefices Forces print made by Isaac Cruikshank
Mrs. Pickles Mistake or the New Papa Disappointed with Justice Shallows Attempt to Charm the Brutes print made by Isaac Cruikshank
New River Head, Islington print made by Isaac Cruikshank
Oysters. Oysters. I Us'd for to Cry, When the Wind Blew so Hard that my Boat could not Ply print made by Isaac Cruikshank
Petition Mongers in Full Cry to St. Stephens beware of Wolves in Sheeps Cloathing print made by Isaac Cruikshank
Sedition, Levelling and Plundering print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The Faith of Treaties Exemplified, or John Bulls last effort to Oblige his False Friends print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The Ghost's, or the Taylor Befrited &c. &c. A German Story print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The Gradual Abolition off (sic) the Slave Trade, or Leaving of Sugar by Degrees print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The Irish Bull broke Loose print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The New Birth print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The New Prussian Exercise, Or - The Allied Armies Distressed in their Rears with a Hint at the Convenience of Sans Culottes print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The Treaty of Peace, or Satisfaction for all Parties print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The Triumph of Bacchus or a Consultation on the Additional Wine Duty!!! print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The U---'s Introduction at St. J(ame)s's with a New Suit of Irish Manufacture print made by Isaac Cruikshank
The Wrangling Friends or Opposition in Disorder print made by Isaac Cruikshank
Young Ladies print made by Isaac Cruikshank