Lupton, Thomas, 1791â1873
- Artist:
- Thomas Goff Lupton
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1791â1873
- Birth:
- 1791London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Death:
- 1873London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Artwork:
- Ancient Jerusalem Thomas Goff Lupton
Racing: Fleur-de-Lis Thomas Goff Lupton
Advertisement for 'Ports of England' engraved by Thomas Goff Lupton
Ben Arthur, Scotland engraved by Thomas Goff Lupton
Dumbarton Rock engraved by Thomas Goff Lupton
Dumblain Abbey, Scotland engraved by Thomas Goff Lupton
Ploughing, Eton engraved by Thomas Goff Lupton
Solway Moss engraved by Thomas Goff Lupton
Watercress Gatherers, Rail's Head, Ferry Bridge, Twickenham engraved by Thomas Goff Lupton
Bridge over Meuse at Namur print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Calais Pier - English Packet Arriving print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Catwater, Entrance to Plymouth Sound print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Dartmouth Castle, on the River Dart print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Deal print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Dover print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Falmouth print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Folkestone print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Front of Wrapper; and Advertisement for Ports of England print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Little Devil's Bridge over the Russ above Altdorft, Switzerland print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Margate print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Newcastle-on-Tyne print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Plymouth print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Ports of England, Title Page and Wrapper print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Portsmouth print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Procris and Cephalus print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Ramsgate print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Rochester, on the River Medway print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Scarborough print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Sheerness, as Seen from the Nore print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Sidmouth print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Stangate Creek, on the River Medway print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Sunrise, Whiting Fishing at Margate print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Sun-rise, Whiting Fishing at Margate (The Small Plate) print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
The Eddystone Lighthouse print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
The Eddystone Lighthouse (The Small Plate) print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
The Shores of Wharfe print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
The Source of the Arveron in the Valley of Chamouni, Savoy print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Title Page: Ports of England print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Warkworth Castle on the River Coquet print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Whitby print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Wrapper for Ports of England print made by Thomas Goff Lupton
Wrapper to 'The Ports of England' print made by Thomas Goff Lupton