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James Bruce
Life Dates:
Kinnaird [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
Stirling [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
Kinnaird [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
Stirling [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
"Arch of Marcus Aurelius at Tripoli " James Bruce
1 of 2 finished drawings of Arch at Hydra and a double page of details James Bruce
2 drawings on 1 sheet of interior of amphitheatre at El Djem showing arches, stairs and tiers of seats James Bruce
A Fish, Zeezan jidda James Bruce
A Man Riding a Mule, a Traveler, and Two Men Resting James Bruce
A Servant Bringing Water to Three Hunters James Bruce
A Three-Faced Urn James Bruce
A Vase James Bruce
Abyssinian Lady of Quality James Bruce
Acanthus Sennii Chiov. : finished drawing with added details James Bruce
Actophilomis africanus (African Jacana) James Bruce
African Wildcat or Serval James Bruce
Agapornis taranta (Black-winged Lovebird) James Bruce
Album "The Ruins of Paesto" James Bruce
Album of 28 Drawings of Birds from The Bruce Archive James Bruce
Album of 34 Drawings of Animals and Birds from The Bruce Archive James Bruce
Album of Fifty-one Drawings of Fishes from The Bruce Archive James Bruce
Album of Thirty-four Drawings of Animals and Birds from The Bruce Archive James Bruce
Alcedo cristata (Malachite Kingfisher) James Bruce
An Eagle James Bruce
An Old Man Walking James Bruce
Anthropoides virgo (Demoiselle Crane) James Bruce
Aquaduct at Carthage James Bruce
Aquaduct at Cherchel James Bruce
Aquaduct of Julia Ceasarea James Bruce
Arch and Corinthian Temple of Assuras mod. Zanfour James Bruce
Arch of Caracalla at Tebessa and many measured plans and elevations James Bruce
Arch of Trajan Mactar Modern Makther set in Landscape James Bruce
Arch of Trajan Makther James Bruce
Architectural detail of arch at Assuras James Bruce
Architectural detail of column at Assuras James Bruce
Architectural detail of Column of Arch at Tripoli James Bruce
Architectural Detail of Cornice of Temple at Thignica Modern Ain Tunga James Bruce
Architectural detail of frieze of Corinthian temple at Assuras James Bruce
Architectural detail of Plaque above Niches in Arch at Tripoli James Bruce
Architectural Detail with Measurements both sides of Sheet; From Temple at Thignica, Modern Ain Tunga James Bruce
Architectural Details of Arch at Makther James Bruce
Architectural Details of Pedestal Column and Entablature and Pediment Makther James Bruce
Arundinaria alpina K. Schum. (African Bamboo): finished drawing of habit with roots James Bruce
Arundinaria alpina K. Schum. (African Bamboo): finished drawing of sections of stem and of shoot with leaves James Bruce
Back view of the same circular temple in its present state James Bruce
Basso Relievos: Statues and Inscriptions 1765. Manuscript with Drawings.. James Bruce
Bee Cuckoo James Bruce
Boats in a Harbour James Bruce
Bocorvus abyssinicus (Abyssinian Ground Hornbill) James Bruce
Bostrychia carunculata (Wattled Ibis) James Bruce
Bruce at the Source of the Blue Nile James Bruce
Bubo lacteus (Verreaux's Eagle Owl) James Bruce
Buddleia polystachya Fresen. (African Buddleia): finished drawing James Bruce
Buteo augur (Augur Buzzard) James Bruce
Calotropis procera (Ait.) Ait. f. (Apple of Sodom, Auricular Tree): finished drawing of flowering and fruiting plant James Bruce
Capitol Thamugas James Bruce
Caracal caracal (desert lynx) James Bruce
Cassia fistula (Golden Shower Tree) James Bruce
Cassia Fistula (Purging cassia): finished drawing of leafy shoot with flowers James Bruce
Cassypha semirufa (Ruppell's Robin Chat) James Bruce
Ceiling Decoration of Arch at Tripoli James Bruce
Centre Composite Temple Suttetula Modern Sheitla James Bruce
Centropus monachus (Blue-Headed Coucal) James Bruce
Chalcomitra senegalensis (Scarlet Chested Sunbird) James Bruce
Chamaeleonidae (Chameleon) James Bruce
Charadrius tricollaris (Three-banded Plover) James Bruce
Ciconia episcopus (Wooly-necked Stork) James Bruce
Cisterns at Carthage James Bruce
Clypeasteroida (Sand Dollar) James Bruce
Coccinia abyssinica (Lam.): finished drawing James Bruce
Coccinia abyssinica (Lam.): finished drawing, the tuber and detail of fruit James Bruce
Coins of Juba I and II James Bruce
Colius striatus (Speckled Mousebird) James Bruce
Columba guinea (Speckled Pigeon, African Rock Pigeon) James Bruce
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Chr. (Balm of Gilead, Opobalsam): finished drawing of fruit, dissected fruits, and leaves James Bruce
Common Fiscal James Bruce
Constantine James Bruce
Coracias abyssinicus (Abyssinian Roller) James Bruce
Corinthian Temple at Assuras James Bruce
Corvs crassirostris (Thick-Billed Raven) James Bruce
Corvus albus (Pied Crows) James Bruce
Cucumis metuliferus Naud (Wild Cucumber): finished drawing James Bruce
Cyperus papyrus L. (Papyrus Sedge): finished drawing of inflorescence James Bruce
Decorative Border For Title Page James Bruce
Decorative Wall Designs James Bruce
Delphinium wellbyi Hemsley (Wild Delphinium): finished drawing James Bruce
Dendrocopos major (Great Spotted Woodpecker) James Bruce
Detailed and Measured drawing of Column from Pedestal to Entablature of a Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Details of Lower Arch Mactar, Modern Makther James Bruce
Details of Plinth and Entablature of Lower Arch at Mactar, Modern Makther James Bruce
Details of Temple Above Spring at Zaghouan James Bruce
Details of Temple at Sheitla James Bruce
Dik-dik James Bruce
Discopodium penninervium Hochst. : finished drawing James Bruce
Dombeya torrida (J.F. Gmel): finished drawing of leafy flowering shoot with floral details James Bruce
Drawing of Temple Ruins and Figures James Bruce
Elevation and Plan of Arch at Makther James Bruce
Elevation and plan of part of Temples at Baalbec James Bruce
Elevation and Plan of the Arch at Zanfour James Bruce
Elevation and Plan of Trajan's Arch at Makther; erso: Elevation of Pedestal and Entablature of Trajan's Arch James Bruce
Elevation of Amphitheatre of El Djem entitled "Isrus" James Bruce
Elevation of Arch at Tripoli James Bruce
Elevation of Front of most entire Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Elevation of Pedestal Entablature and Pediment of Triumphal Arch at Makther James Bruce
Elevation of Pedestal Entableature of the Arch at Tripoli James Bruce
Elevation of Ruined Temple James Bruce
Elevation of the Front of the 1st temple fronting the sea James Bruce
Entrance Gate Zaghouan James Bruce
Entrance Gate, Zaghouan James Bruce
Entrance to Hieron of Temple of Shietla James Bruce
Eremopterix nigriceps (Black-crowned Sparrow Lark) James Bruce
Euphorbia helioscopia L. (Sun Spurge): finished drawing of flowering plant with details of flowers and leaf and fruit James Bruce
Euphorbia nubica N.E. Br. (Nubian Spurge): finished drawing of flowering and fruiting shoot, with details of floral dissections James Bruce
Euplectes afer (Yellow-Crowned Bishop) James Bruce
Euplectes axillaris (Fan-tailed widowbirds) James Bruce
Felis caligata (Booted Lynx) James Bruce
Fennecus verdus (Fennec) James Bruce
Figures in a Landscape James Bruce
Finished Drawing of Unidentified Palladian Mansion James Bruce
Five Men Talking James Bruce
Folia Prima James Bruce
Forty-one Botanical Drawings with Notes in three Dark Green cloth Volumes James Bruce
Forty-one Botanical Drawings with Notes in Three Dark Green cloth Volumes James Bruce
Fragments of Architecture at Temple of Thignica Ain Tunga James Bruce
Gardenia ternifolia Schum.& Thonn. (Jovis-Tonantis): finished drawing with additional detail of fruit James Bruce
Gardenia ternifolia Schum.& Thonn. (Wild Gardenia): finished drawing James Bruce
Gate at Medjez-el-bab James Bruce
Graphite elevation of unidentified column with graphite and pen and ink dimensions James Bruce
Graphite Sketch of Two Unidentified Birds James Bruce
Gypaetus barbatus (Bearded Vulture) James Bruce
Gyps rurppellii (Ruppell's Griffon Vulture) James Bruce
Halcyon leucocephala (Grey-headed Kingfisher) James Bruce
Head of a Bearded Man James Bruce
Herdsman, Dog, and Cow James Bruce
Heterohyrax brucei (Yellow-Spotted Rock Hyrax) James Bruce
Hoopoe (Upupa epops) James Bruce
Horseman Approaching Traveller Beside River James Bruce
Hyaena hyaena (Striped Hyena) James Bruce
Hypericum quartinianum A. Rich. (St. John's-Wort): finished drawing without addditional details James Bruce
Internal Order of the Cell of the most entire Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Ionic Temple Ptolmeta James Bruce
Jasminum dichotomun Vahl (African jasmine): finished drawing James Bruce
Jerboa James Bruce
Juniperus procera Endl. (African Pencil Cedar): finished drawing of trees's habit James Bruce
Kefla Abay, High Priest of the Nile James Bruce
Kefla Yasous with Horse and Ceremonial Equipment James Bruce
Labiatae (indeterminate species): finished drawing of a leafy shoot, without flowers James Bruce
Lagonosticta senegala (Red-billed Firefinch) James Bruce
Lambressa, the Praerorium James Bruce
Lamprotomis chalybaeus (Greater Blue-Eared Starling) James Bruce
Lamprotomis superbus (Superb Starling) James Bruce
Lawsonia inermis L. (Henna): finished drawing of a flowering leafy shoot James Bruce
Left Corinthian Temple at Suttetula Modern Sheitla James Bruce
Lissotis hartlaubii (Hartlaub's Bustard) James Bruce
Longitudinal Section of the most entire Temple at Baalbec (Legend on separate sheet)(unumbered) James Bruce
Lophaetus occipitalis (Long-Crested Eagle) James Bruce
Lower Arch at Mactor Modern Makther set in a Landscape James Bruce
Lower Arch at Makther on Back James Bruce
Lybius guifsobalito (Black-billed Barbet) James Bruce
Madoqua (Dik-dik) James Bruce
Man Loading a Pack Horse James Bruce
Man on Horseback Approaching a Seated Man James Bruce
Man on Horseback Carrying a Spear James Bruce
Man on Horseback Carrying Bow and Arrows James Bruce
Man on Horseback Carrying Weapons James Bruce
Man on Horseback Throwing a Spear James Bruce
Man on Horseback with Bird James Bruce
Man Playing a Harp James Bruce
Man Wearing a Burnoose and Carrying a Spear James Bruce
Measured drawing of section of pediments of temple Baalbec James Bruce
Measured sketches of arch at Assuras James Bruce
Mechanical Device James Bruce
Merops orientalis (Green Bee Eater) James Bruce
Merops pusillus (Little Bee Eater) James Bruce
Millettia ferruginea (Hochst) Baker: finished drawing James Bruce
Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Baker: finished drawing with a few details excluded James Bruce
Mimusops kummel A. DC. : finished drawing with some flowers James Bruce
Miscellaneous Letters in Wrapper James Bruce
Murex pecten (Venus Comb Murex) James Bruce
Musa x sapientum L. (Banana): finished drawing with details of inflorescence James Bruce
Musa x sapientum L. (Banana): preliminary outline drawing of habit of tree with fruit James Bruce
Mussaenda arcuata Lam. ex Poir. : finished drawing without details James Bruce
Natural History Sketches James Bruce
Neophron percnopterus (Egyptian Vulture) James Bruce
No. 1 plan of a temple at Baalbec James Bruce
No. 1 Sketch of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 1 Temple of Ceres Legitera James Bruce
No. 10 Architecture of the Temple of Minerva Polias and Neptune the King James Bruce
No. 10 sketch of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 14 sketch of temple remains at Palmyra or Baalbec James Bruce
No. 15 drawing of ornamental details of friezes of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 18 drawings of ornamental detail of friezes and verso: the entablature and plan of a temple at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 2 Elevation of the Front of the first temple fronting the sea James Bruce
No. 2 sketch of plan of temple of Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 2. A. Table of Hieroglyphics found at Axum James Bruce
No. 21 view from the North Angle of the peristyle of the temple James Bruce
No. 22 sketch of temple at Baalbec and Palmyra James Bruce
No. 23 drawings of ornamental detail of capitals James Bruce
No. 25 drawing of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 26 drawings of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 28 drawings of ornamental details of columns arches etc. James Bruce
No. 29 sketch of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 3 Minerva Polias and Neptune the King James Bruce
No. 3 sketch of temple remains at Baalbec James Bruce
No. 4 sketch of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 5 interior part of the 2nd temple seen from the North Side James Bruce
No. 5 sketch of Temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 6 Drawing of Ornamental detail of the entablature and capital of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 6 Temple of Neptune the King, View and Elevation of the 2nd temple - seen from the east James Bruce
No. 7 sketch of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 7 the interior part of the 3rd temple looking from the west front James Bruce
No. 8 Architecture of the Temple of Ceres Legitera James Bruce
No. 8 Sketch of Temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No. 9 architecture of the temple of Neptune the King James Bruce
No. 9 sketch of temple remains at Baalbec or Palmyra James Bruce
No.1 A Table of Hieroglyphics found at Axum James Bruce
Noble Arab of the Tribe Beni-Koreish of the Family Harb at Beder-Hunein James Bruce
Numida meleagris (Helmeted Guineafowl) James Bruce
Obelisk at Axum Erected As Is Supposed by Ptolemy Evergetes James Bruce
Oena capensis (Namaqua Dove) James Bruce
Oenostachys abyssinica (A. Rich.) N.E. Br. (Ethiopian Gladiolus): finished drawing of plant in flowers James Bruce
Old Man, Warrior and Boy in a Classical Landscape James Bruce
One Side of a Coin James Bruce
One Side of a Coin with Inscription James Bruce
Onychognathus albirostris (White Billed Starling) James Bruce
Order of the Great Temple at Baalbec with descriptive notes attached James Bruce
Order of the two courts of the Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Oriolus monacha (Black Headed Abyssinian Oriole) James Bruce
Paesto 2nd period James Bruce
Paesto 3rd period James Bruce
Paestum: No. 4 View of the Interior part of the 2nd temple from the east front James Bruce
Pandanus odoratissimus L. (Screwpine): finished drawing for male inflorescence James Bruce
Parts of Mechanical Device James Bruce
Pelecanus onocrotalus (Great White Pelican) James Bruce
Phlomis herba-venti L. : finished drawing James Bruce
Phlomis herba-venti L. : outline of habit of plant James Bruce
Phoenicopterus roseus (Greater Flamingo) James Bruce
Pl. IX Arch of Caracalla at Tebessa James Bruce
Pl. VIII Temple of Jupiter at Tebessa James Bruce
Plan and Section of the Mikeas or Kiosc with the Pillar Where on Is Measured the Daily Increase of the Nile During Inundation James Bruce
Plan of one quarter of the Amphitheatre at El Djem showing outer corridors James Bruce
Plan of one quarter of the amphitheatre at El Djem showing seating tiers James Bruce
Plan of part of the temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Plan of temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Plan of Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Plan of temple of Minerva Polias and Neptune the King James Bruce
Plan of the Amphitheatre at El Djem with description James Bruce
Plan of the circular temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Plan of the great temple of Baalbec and of Portico and Courts leading to it James Bruce
Plan of the most entire temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Plan of the Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Plan of the Temple of Ceres Legifera James Bruce
Plan of the Temple of Neptune the King James Bruce
Plan of three quarters of the amphitheatre at El Djem with descriptive notes James Bruce
Plan of upright of the semi circular Exedra of Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Plan of upright of the Tabernacle above the Niche of Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Plate II Tombe de la Chretienne James Bruce
Plate twenty-one: Arch at Zanfour James Bruce
Plate XV Back of Temple at Sheitla [sic] James Bruce
Ploceus ocularis (Spectacled Weaver) James Bruce
Pluvianus aegyptius (Eqyptian Plover) James Bruce
Portunua pelagicus (Blue Crab) James Bruce
Protea gaguedi J.F. Gmel. (protea): finished drawing James Bruce
Quadrifrontal Arch Tripoli James Bruce
Quadrifrontal Arch, Tripoli James Bruce
Remains of Ancient Architecture in Africa; Title Page James Bruce
Rhamnus prinoides L'Herit. (African Buckthorn): finished drawing without details and with berries added James Bruce
Right Corinthian Temple at Suttetula Modern Sheitla James Bruce
Rocks James Bruce
Ruins of Temples at Saltronza James Bruce
Ruttya speciosa (Hochst.) Engl. : finished drawing James Bruce
Saba comorensis (Bojer) Pichon: finished drawing of flowering shoot James Bruce
Sagittarius serpentarius (Secretary Bird) James Bruce
Section of Amphitheatre at El Djem showing arches stairs and tiers of seats James Bruce
Section of Amphitheatre at El Djem showing arches, stairs and tiers of seats James Bruce
Section of arches and stairs of the temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Six Men Talking James Bruce
Six Studies of a Man on Horseback Carrying Weapons James Bruce
Sketch of Amphitheatre at El Djem showing elevation and section of arches and tiers of seats with descriptive notes James Bruce
Sketch of Arches in Perspective James Bruce
Sketch of Elevation of Amphitheatre at El Djem showing archways James Bruce
Sketch of Man, Woman and Child James Bruce
Sketch of Temple Ruins James Bruce
Sketches of architectural detail of temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Sketches of Temple Columns James Bruce
Slight graphite sketch of ruins of Hieron of Temples at Shietla James Bruce
Solanum adoense Hochst. ex A. Rich. (Nightshade): finished drawing James Bruce
Sphyrna zygaena (Hammer-headed Shark) James Bruce
St Agnes (after Domenichino) James Bruce
St. Agnes (after Domenichino) James Bruce
St. Michael Geesh James Bruce
Sterculia africana (Lour.) Fiori: finished drawing of stem with seed pods, some open showing seeds James Bruce
Studies of a Dhow James Bruce
Studies of a Man Pointing James Bruce
Studies of a Man Wearing Turban James Bruce
Studies of a Woman Wearing Headdress James Bruce
Studies of Camels Kneeling James Bruce
Studies of Ceremonial Weaponry James Bruce
Studies of Feet and Legs James Bruce
Studies of Legs, Arms and Hands James Bruce
Studies of Statuary and a Column James Bruce
Studies of the Front and the Back of a Man James Bruce
Studies of Two Figures James Bruce
Studies of Two Male Heads Wearing Turbans James Bruce
Studies of Two Men James Bruce
Studies of Two Men and a Hand James Bruce
Studies of Two Men with Staffs James Bruce
Studies of Two Seated Men James Bruce
Studies of Warriors on Horseback James Bruce
Studies of Warriors on Horseback and Horseheads James Bruce
Studies of Women and Cherubs James Bruce
Study for Man Playing a Harp James Bruce
Study of a Coin James Bruce
Study of a Man in Profile James Bruce
Study of a Nude Male Sitting James Bruce
Study of a Nude Male Standing and Pointing James Bruce
Study of a Ship James Bruce
Study of the Front of a Horse James Bruce
Study of Two Men James Bruce
Study of Two Women, One Carrying a Plate James Bruce
Tauraco leucotis (White-cheeked Turaco) James Bruce
Temple Above Spring at Zaghouan James Bruce
Temple at Baalbec: Architectural Detail of Entablature of Amphitheatre of Vespesian James Bruce
Temple at Baalbec: Architectural Detail of Upright of the Portico in its Perfect State James Bruce
Temple at Baalbec: Detailed drawing of a Doorway James Bruce
Temple at Baalbec: Double Page from Sketchbook with Drawings of Temples James Bruce
Temple at Baalbec: Sheet of Sketches of Columns James Bruce
Temple at Baalbec: Sketch of Figures to go in Medallions in the Cell of the most entire Temple of Baalbec James Bruce
Temple at Baalbec: Three Temples amongst other Ruins James Bruce
Temple at Thignica Modern, Ain Tunga now totally Destroyed James Bruce
Temple of Jupiter and Minerva James Bruce
Temple of Jupiter and Minerva, Thugga James Bruce
Temple ruins James Bruce
Terpsiphone viridis (African Paradise Flycatcher) James Bruce
Tetraodontidae (Pufferfish) James Bruce
Thamnolaea semirufa (White-winged Cliff-chat) James Bruce
The Antiquities of Africa James Bruce
The Bruce Archive James Bruce
The Medrassen [sic] Pl. V James Bruce
The Ruins of Carthage James Bruce
Three Men Talking James Bruce
Three Unidentified Fish James Bruce
Threkiornis aethiopicus (African Sacred Ibis) James Bruce
Title page for a set of drawings entitled "The Ruins of Paesto" James Bruce
Title Page: "Thugga" James Bruce
Tockus hemprichii (Hemprich's Hornbill) or Tockus abloterminatus (Crowned Hornbill) James Bruce
Tockus Jacksoni (Jackson's Hornbill) James Bruce
Tomb de la Chretienne/ Juba and Cleopatra James Bruce
Tomb of Juba II near Algiers James Bruce
Trajans Arch, Makter James Bruce
Traveler and a Man atop a Camel James Bruce
Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. Edinburgh: J. Ruthven, for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1790 James Bruce
Treron waalia (Bruce's Green Pigeon) James Bruce
Triumphal Arch of Hieron of Temples Sheitla James Bruce
Triumphal Arch Thamugas James Bruce
Tucca Terebinthina; Title Page James Bruce
Turdus abyssinicus (Mountain Thrush) James Bruce
Twenty-eight Arch at Tripoli James Bruce
Two Men Seated James Bruce
Two Men Sitting on Cushions James Bruce
Two Unidentified Birds James Bruce
Two Youths James Bruce
Unidentifed Botanical Subject James Bruce
Unidentified Bee-eater James Bruce
Unidentified Bird James Bruce
Unidentified Bird and Skink James Bruce
Unidentified Birds James Bruce
Unidentified Botanical Subject James Bruce
Unidentified Botanical subject James Bruce
Unidentified Botanical Suject James Bruce
Unidentified Chameleon James Bruce
Unidentified Fish James Bruce
Unidentified Flamingo James Bruce
Unidentified Gazelle James Bruce
Unidentified madogua (Dik-dik) James Bruce
Unidentified Madoqua (Dik-dik): study of head and skull James Bruce
Unidentified Sand Dollar James Bruce
Unidentified Spoonbill James Bruce
Unidentified Sunbird James Bruce
Unidentified Temple Faustana (?) James Bruce
Unidentified Tree James Bruce
Unidentified Ungulate James Bruce
Untitled James Bruce
Upright of the Niche at the Temple at Baalbec James Bruce
Upupa epops (Hoopoe) James Bruce
Uraeginthus bengals (Red Cheeked Cordon Bleu) James Bruce
Vanellus senegallus (African Wattled Plover) James Bruce
Vanellus spinosus (Spur Winged Plover) James Bruce
Veduta di Tunga James Bruce
Vidua chalybeata (Village Indigobird) James Bruce
View of the Cross Portico of part of the large one taken from the five columns immediately South of the Four Pedestals James Bruce
Vulture James Bruce
Weighing Scale James Bruce
Wolf James Bruce
Woman in a Turban Carrying Lilies James Bruce
Woodage Asahel and Kefla Yasous with Ceremonial Equipment James Bruce
Woodage Asahel Wearing Ceremonial Headband James Bruce
Woodfordia uniflora (A. Rich.) Koehne: finished drawing of flowering shoot James Bruce
XIVI Theatre at Ain Tunga Thignica James Bruce
XLX Lower Arch at Makther Details of Cornice James Bruce
XVLL Arch at Makther James Bruce
XXII Side View of Temple at Dougga James Bruce
XXIV Lybian Mausoleum at Dougga James Bruce
Young Woman of Loheia in Arabia Felix of the Tribe Beni-Koreish James Bruce
Abba Gumba after James Bruce
Abou Hannes after James Bruce
Algiers after James Bruce
Arab of Loheia, Tribe Beni Koreish after James Bruce
Arab Shekh, Tribe Beni Koreish after James Bruce
Ashkoko after James Bruce
Balessan after James Bruce
Balesson after James Bruce
Binny after James Bruce
Canja Undersail after James Bruce
Cerastes after James Bruce
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Chr. (Balm of Gilead, Opobalsam): finished drawing if tree's habit (with roots) after James Bruce
Cusso or Banksia Abissinica 1789 after James Bruce
Cyperus papyrus L. (Papyrus Sedge): finished drawing of steam and flowering head, with details of inflorescence left and right after James Bruce
Ensete after James Bruce
Ensete 1789 after James Bruce
Ergett Dimmo 1789 after James Bruce
Ergett el Krome 1789 after James Bruce
Examples of Ceremonial Dress of Soldiers after James Bruce
Farek 1789 after James Bruce
Fennec after James Bruce
Flower of the Banskia Abissinica 1789 after James Bruce
Gaguedi after James Bruce
Geshe el Aube after James Bruce
Hyoena after James Bruce
Kantuffa 1789 after James Bruce
Kantutta 1789 after James Bruce
Kolquall 1789 after James Bruce
Kolquall 1790 after James Bruce
Kuara 1789 after James Bruce
Lynx after James Bruce
Mikeas after James Bruce
Nisser Tokoor after James Bruce
Nisser Werk after James Bruce
No. 1 - A Table of Hieroglyphics found at Axum after James Bruce
No. 2 A Table of Heiroglyphics found at Axum after James Bruce
No. 3 and 4 in the 8 stages of growth of the Surinam Frog after James Bruce
No. 5 and No. 6 in the 8 stages of growth of the Surinam Frog after James Bruce
No. 7 and No. 8 in the 8 stages of growth of the Surinam Frog after James Bruce
No.1 and No. 2 in the 8 stages of growth of the Surinam Frog after James Bruce
Obelisk at Axum after James Bruce
Painting in Fresco in the Sepulchres of Thebes after James Bruce
Painting in the Sepulchres of Thebes after James Bruce
Papyrus after James Bruce
Pearls after James Bruce
Plan of the First Battle of Serbraxos Fought 16 May 1772 after James Bruce
Plan of the first battle of Serbraxos fought 16 May 1772 after James Bruce
Plan of the Island and Harbour of Masuah after James Bruce
Plan of the Second Battle of Serbraxos Fought 20 May 1772 after James Bruce
Plan of the Second Battle of Serbraxos fought 20 May 1772 after James Bruce
Plan of the Third battle of Serbraxos fought 23 May 1772 after James Bruce
Plan of theThird Battle of Serbraxos Fought 23 May 1772 after James Bruce
Rachamah after James Bruce
Rack 1789 after James Bruce
Rhinoceros of Africa after James Bruce
Sassa after James Bruce
Sassa 1789 after James Bruce
Section of the Canja after James Bruce
Sheregrig after James Bruce
Statue of a Man after James Bruce
Tett after James Bruce
Tortoise after James Bruce
Tsaltsalya / El Adda after James Bruce
Waalia after James Bruce
Walkuffa after James Bruce
Walkuffa 1789 after James Bruce
Wanzey after James Bruce
Whaalia after James Bruce
Wooginoos or Bruces Antidysenterica after James Bruce
Brucea antidysenterica J. Miller (James Bruce's Tree): finished drawing with stem of fruits added attributed to James Bruce
2 birds "Aroust el Bahar" formerly James Bruce
Albizia gummifera (J.F. Gmel.) C.A. Sm. (Gummy Albizia Tree): finished drawing of flowering head of shoot, with details of inflorescence, florets, and leaf formerly James Bruce
Albizia gummifera (J.F.Gmel.) C.A. Sm. (Gummy Albizia Tree): finished drawing with minor variations in flowering head formerly James Bruce
Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. (White Mangrove): finished drawing of flowering shoot with details of flowers formerly James Bruce
Binney: number one (a fish) formerly James Bruce
Coffea arabica L. (Arabica Coffee): finished drawing of leafy shoot and berries formerly James Bruce
Coffea arabica L. (Arabica Coffee): finished drawing of leafy shoot, with details of flowers, leaf, and fruits formerly James Bruce
Coins of Juba II and Ptolemay [sic] formerly James Bruce
Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Chr. (Balm of Gilead, Opobalsam): finished drawing of fruiting branch formerly James Bruce
Cordia abyssinica: finished drawing formerly James Bruce
Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman (African Wild Banana): finished drawing formerly James Bruce
Euphorbia abyssinica J.F. Gmel. (Ethiopian Tree-Spurge): finished drawing of single trunk, with details of whole and dissected fruits formerly James Bruce
Graphite drawing of 6 coins formerly James Bruce
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel. : finished drawing formerly James Bruce
Mimosa pigra (L.): finished drawing formerly James Bruce
Posidonia 1st period formerly James Bruce
Posidonia: 1st period formerly James Bruce
Protea gaguedi J.F. Gmel. (Protea): finished drawing with floral details formerly James Bruce
Pterolobium stellatum (Forssk): finished drawing formerly James Bruce
Aspis cornutus (Horned Viper or Cerastes) formerly attributed to James Bruce
Carthamus tinctorius L. (Safflower): finished drawing of flowering plant formerly attributed to James Bruce