Lysons, Daniel, 1762â1834
- Artist:
- Daniel Lysons
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1762â1834
- Birth:
- 1762
- Death:
- 1834
- Artwork:
- Ancient Font in West Drayton Church, Middlesex Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for a Rector from Harlington Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Dame Margaret Dalett and Ellen Berney, from Beckenham Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Dr. James Goode and his Wife Joan, Daughter of Edward Clinton, West Drayton Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Gregory Lovell and his Wife Anne, Daughter of David Bellingham, Harlington Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for John and Tomasina Goodyere from Teddington Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for John Asplyn, Godfrey Askew, and Elizabeth the Wife of them Both, Edmonton Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for John Burnell from Drayton Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for John Heygge, from Hayes Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Mrs. Hale, Daughter of Porter, Walthamstow Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Mrs. Hester Heve from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Richard Amondesham and His Wife Katherine, Ealing Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Richard de Thorp, from Stanwell Church Daniel Lysons
Brass plate for Sir John Andrew, from Hayes Church Daniel Lysons
Brass plate for two Unidentified Clerics, from Barking Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for unidentified man, Chancel Pavement of Drayton Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Walter and Alice Pope and their son from Cowley Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate Memorial to John and Maud de Bladigdone, from Wickham Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate Monument for John Stockton, West Wickham Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate Monument of the Duchess of Northumberland and Her Daughters, Chelsea Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate to Thomas and Alicia Broke, Parish Church of St. Margaret, Barking Daniel Lysons
Brass Plated for Elizabeth Harvey from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Brass Plates on an unidentified tomb in the Pavement of the Middle Aisle near the Chancel from Daniel Lysons
Brass Plates on an unidentified tomb in the Pavement of the South Aisle from Hillingdon Church Daniel Lysons
Coat of Arms in Chancel at Bedfont Church Daniel Lysons
Coat of Arms in Stained Glass Window behind the Pulpit form Hanworth Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial of George, Earl of Berkeley from Cranford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial of Thomas Fitch, Mrs. Martha Fitch, Mrs. Martha Webb, Mrs. Judith Hawkes and Katherine Webb from Teddington Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial painting to Richard, Hannah and Jane Baker from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to a Poet, Richard Tickell from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Ann Wainewright, from Chiswick Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Anna and WIlliam Heigham from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Anne Littledale from Twickenham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Baybrigg Buckeridge, his wife Mary, and his son, Thomas from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Bright Hemming, from Acton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Caroli Spearman, from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Carous Scarburgh from Cranford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Charles Hitch from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to David Garrick from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Edmond Pigeon and Nickolas Pigeon from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Edmund Scofield and his wife Ann from Cowley Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth and Frances Boone, and Mrs. Esther Chapham from Sudbury Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth Field and Elizabeth Reeves from Cranford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth Hatsell, from Fulham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth Heigham from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth Powle, from Barking Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Emma Horatia Lisle from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Frances Elizabeth Aust, from Paddington Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Francis Phelips, from Sunbury Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Francis Poulton from Twickerham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Fysh Deburgh from Drayton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to George Higginson from Mrs. Martha Higginson from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to George Keated from Isleworth Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to George Lord Berkeley from Cranford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to George Tilson from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Giles Breame from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Heigham Bendish and Heigham Bendish Junior from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Henry and Penelope Colchester, and Four Children and Two Grandchildren, from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Henry Flitcroft from Teddington Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Humphry Primat, Nathaniel and Ann Primat from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Inyr Burgess, from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to James Eckersall and his wife Catherine and his second wife Catherine and his second wife Jane from Drayton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to James Scott and to Francis Wolley from Fulham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Jane Coke, from Sunbury Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Jane Hatley from Stanwell Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John and Ann Goodwin and Mathew their son from Bedfont Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Badger Willer from Romford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Beard from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Crofts, from Ealing Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Davenport from Wickernham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Finch, from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Mist and his wife Elizabeth from Hillingdon Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Peele from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Walker from Hillingdon Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John William from Harlington Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Lord and Lady Latimer and Tomb of the children Ralph, Katherin, Ralph, Dorothye, Jane, Margaret and Anne from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Maria Whitfield from Bedfont Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mary Bantock from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mary Gardiner from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mary Heigham from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mary Heming from Hillingdon Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mathew Harvie from Twickenham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Elizabeth Lardner, from Stanwell Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Hester Hill and Mr. Thomas Hill, Chelsea Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Lucretia Gazeley and her children Sarah Maria, Lucretia, Joseph, Joseph-William, Eliza and Eliza Gazeley, from Hornsey Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Martha Whish, from Stanwell Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Mary Gregory, Caroline Gregory, John Gregory, Abigail Gregory, William Gregory, Mary Abigail Gregory, six children: Charlotte, Louisa, Georgina, Michael, Emma and George Gregory and Charles John Gregory from Cranford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Sarah Starkey, Hannah Lodington, John and Efrer Larchevesque, and John's second wife Martha from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Nathaniel Crewe from Feltham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Orlando Humpreys from Barking Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Reverand Joseph Trapp from Harlington Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Richard Billingsley, from Sudbury Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Rupert and Mary Billingsley from Drayton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sir George Carey from Drayton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sir John Benett and his wives Elizabeth and Bridget from Harlington Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sir Robert Carr from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Somerset English, his wife Judith, his mother, his father, a sister, and a brother from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas and Ann Felows from Hillingdon Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas and Elizabeth Moore and their daughter Elizabeth, from Chiselhurst Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Chamber from Hanworth Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Fuller from Cranford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Gilmoore and Mrs. Elizabeth Gilmoore from Twickenham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Heming from Hillingdon Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Weldish from Bedfont Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Wildman from Twickenham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Two Cousins both Named Elizabeth Isaak from Hanworth Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Vere Warner also Robert and Jane Kennel from Chiswick Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to William Ravenscroft and his wife Margaret, also two children of Mrs. Frances Ball from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to William Smith from Cranford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to William Thompson, and to Elizabeth and Samuel Wegg, and Sarah Leheup, from Acton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorial to William, Robert and Mary Dyer, from Sudbury Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Cyrus Maigre, Ann Maigre and Henry and Margaret Cooper from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Francis Page, Mathew and Isobel Page and Mr. Richard Lee of Bedford Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Francis Wilkson and John and Eluzay Hewitt from Feltham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Jonathan Reeves and his wife Elizabeth, and John and Elizabeth Cooke, from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Lady Letitia Poinez and Robert Cooper from Harlington Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Martha Ogle, and to Sir Thomas Kinsey and his grandchildren Rober and Elizabeth Kinsey of Fulham Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Miss Sophia Henrietta Voelcker and Thomas Crump from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Mrs. Mary Staunton, John Silvester, Mrs. Frances Whiterly and Mrs. Rebecca Lone from Bedfont Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Richard Carmarden and Thomas Wigg, Chislehurst Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Richard Cumberland and Mrs. Elizabeth Mosteyn from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Sir James Cockburn, an infant Collins and Carolus Jacques A.M. from Cowley Church Daniel Lysons
Momorial for Parishioners of Feltham Daniel Lysons
Monument to Jennett Hamilton, Chelsea Church Daniel Lysons
Monument with Missing Brass Plates of James and Eleanor Walsingham, Chislehurst Daniel Lysons
Monuments to Mrs. Rebecca Cassamajor and Thoma Spateman, Chiswick Church Daniel Lysons
Piece of a Tombstone from Barking Chruch, Essex Daniel Lysons
Portrait of James Good, M.D. of New College Oxford Daniel Lysons
Slab over Tomb of Catherine Daughter of Lord Latimer from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Stained Glass in the East Window of Hanworth Church Daniel Lysons
Stained Glass in the Windows of Hanworth Church Daniel Lysons
The Chancel Window of Hanworth Church Daniel Lysons
The Environs of London Daniel Lysons
The Environs of London, Vol.II: Memorial to Anna Tilson from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
The Environs of London: Brass plate for a Rector, illegible inscription, form Hayes Church Daniel Lysons
The Environs of London: Brass Plate for cleric illegible inscription, from West Wickham Church Daniel Lysons
The Environs of London: Brass plate for Unidentified Infant from East Ham Church Daniel Lysons
The Environs of London: Memorial to Philip Cocks, from Acton Church Daniel Lysons
The Environs of London:Tomb of George Earl of Macartney, from Chiswick Churchyard Daniel Lysons
Tomb and Brass Plate of Alan Porter, from Chiselhurst Church Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Ann Buckley, from Sunbury Churchyard Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Gregory Lovell and his Wife Anne, Harlington Church Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Henniker Family, from West Ham Churchyard Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Hunting Shaw from Hampton Churchyard Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Jane Jaforest, from Fulham Church Daniel Lysons
Tomb of John Evans from Feltham Church Daniel Lysons
Tomb of John Greg from Hampton Churchyard Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Lady Elizabeth Berkeley from Cranford Church Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Mrs. Elizabeth Stafford Hilliard, Elizabeth Grosier, Gregory Grosier and William Grosier Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Mrs. Susannah Thomas and Dame Dorothy Thomas from Hampton Church Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Nathaniel Wickham, from West Ham Churchyard Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Philip James de Loutherbourg, from Chiswick Churchyard Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Sybil Penn, Nurse to King Edward VI Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Thomas Windsor, 1486, with Brass Plates removed from Stanwell Church Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Watts Family, from West Ham Church Daniel Lysons
Tombs of Thomas Anguish, and Anna Glasse, from Hanwell Churchyard Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for John Lord L'Estrange and his Wife Jacquetta Woodville, Hillingdon Church after Daniel Lysons
Campden House at Kensington after Daniel Lysons
Alys Thornton from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Arms and Inscription on Tomb of Sir Edward Fenner of Hays from Hayes Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Chrism of Constance Bownell and her Baby from Heston Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Inscription for Henry Cherke, Verare Jenyns and Reverend Samuel Spence from Hayes Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Francis Awsiter and Richard Awsiter attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for George Ray from Hornsey Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for John Skevington from Hornsey Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Mathew Hunsley attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Robert Lellee from Hayes Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for Thomas Symons from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for unidentified Woman from Stoke Newington Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate for William and Jane Smith from Enfield Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate inscription Thomas Priestly the Elder and the Younger from Hornsey Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate of a Kneeling Man attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate of a Woman from Layton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate of Henry and Julia Redman and two Children from Brentford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate on top of the Tomb of Thomas and Elizabeth Higate from Hayes Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate, unidentified from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Brass Plate, unidentified, from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Coat Armoril of the Noble House of Berkeley from Brentford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Effigy of Charles I above the Memorial to Sir Nicholas Crispe from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Epitaph of Lady Anne Southwell from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Epitaph to Richard Candish from Hornsey Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Font and Memorial to John Carter from Hornsey Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Heston Churchyard with and Artist Sketching the Tomb Stones attributed to Daniel Lysons
Inscription to Ann Tolson, Caleb Cotesworth and Susannah Cotesworth from Isleworth Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial of Francis Stratford from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial of John Peryn from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial of Mrs. Elizabeth Jessop and Mrs. Elizabeth Cobden and Epithaph of Mrs. Codben from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial of Mrs. Elizabeth Searles from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial of Mrs. Mary Skippon from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial of Mrs.Philippa Rous from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial of Ricardi Dewell, Elizabeth Dikenson and Johnathon Rogers from the Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial of the Lady Anne Southwell from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Alice Coburne from Stratford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Alice Hawley from Brentford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Ann Tolson also to Caleb Cotesworth and Susannah, his Wife from Isleworth Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Anne Barker from Chadwick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Anthony and Katherine Nourse from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Baldwin Harvey, also to Ralph and Alice Palmer from Chelsea Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Benjamin Lucas from Brentford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Bridget Carr and her Children John, Frances, Mary, Jane, Anne and Philadelphia from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Charles Barnevett from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Charles Mordaunt from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Christopher Clitherow, Rachel Clitherow and Six of her 19 Children from Brentford attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Crayle Cayle from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Dame Ann Edwards and Sir Thomas Edwards from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Dame Jane Rawlison from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Daniel and Anne Wait from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Edward Crisp from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Edward Smyth, Elizabeth Smyth, Mary Smyth, Elizabeth Barry and Mary Savoy of Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Eleanor Boucher from Paddington Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth and Sir Timothy Lannoy from Hammersmith Chapel of Ease attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth Askew from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth Chambers and Col. Edward James attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth Grene also of Anne Grey from Enfield Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Elizabeth Summers from Stratford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Fraces Trotman from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Francis Ascough and his Wife Ann from Norwood Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Francis Merick and His Family attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Francis Musters attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to George and Elizabeth MacKenzie from Kensngton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to George Oldmixon, his Wife Jane and Child George from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Gideon and Frances Guichenet and their Daughter Sarah also to Silvester Cote attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Gulielmi Millman from Chelsea Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to H.S.E. from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Hannah Towers, Samuel Towers and Five of their Children attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Henrici Hawley and Another to Henry, John and Thomas Whitehead from Brentford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Henry Dixon and Barbara, his Wife from Enfield Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Henry Hawley attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Henry Powell and his Daughter, Elizabeth, also of Marianne, George and John Hay Drummond attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to her Grace Charlotte, Duchess of Somerset from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Hon. Jeremy Whichcot from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Honoria Cason, Nathaniel, Thomas, Hannah and Honoria White from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Isabella Nelson from Norwood Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Jacob Augustus Blondel from Stepney Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Jacob Hawley from Brentforth Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to James and Elizabeth Clitherow from Brentford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to James Clitherow and his daughters Philippa, Martha and Elizabeth from Brentford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to James from Paddington Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to James Howard from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to James Impey, Elijah Impey, Michael Impey, Martha Impey and Jane Sarah Impey attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to James Smith and Sarah Smith, his wife attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Joannes Castell and Christina Samsoni Sheffield from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John and Sarah Nicolls from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Bowman and to Edward Vaughen from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Crayle his wife, Sarah and his two Daughters, Mary and Sarah from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Loving and his Wife Ann from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Porter, Mrs. Sarah Porter and Mrs. Sarah Porter and Mrs. Martha Cooke from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Taylor from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Ward from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to John Watt from Enfield Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Joseph Biscoe and his wife Elizabeth attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Judith Bell also to John Crosse from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Lady Caroline Adair, her two children, Caroline and Amelia and her husband Robert Adair form Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Lady Katherine, Viscountess Conway attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Loilliam and Ann Frohock from Stoke Newington Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Lord John Middleton from Brentford Chruch attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Lucy Smith and Anne Wilton from Chelsea Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Maria Hutchinson and Michael Hutchinson from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Marie Walker from Chadwick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Martha, Philip and George Joseph Cocks from Acton Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mary Buckby and Ann Skinner from Chelsea Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Michael Gardiner and Margarita Browne from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mr. Charles and Mrs. Anne Yarwood from Hayes Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mr. Nathaniel Ravener from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mr. Thomas Lant also to Mr. Robert Harington from Hornsey Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Anne Lowfield and Mrs. Anne Bolney from Chelsea Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Curtis Cullum from Brentford Chruch attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Mary Green attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Mrs. Trevelyan from Heston Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Orlando Bridgeman from Teddington Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Rebecca Wife of John Ward from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Reverend Edward Fowler and Family from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Richard and Thomas Carey from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Richard Blundell from Norwood Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Richard Taverner from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Richard Taylor and Mrs. Ann Taylor and their Children Richard and Anne from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Richard Taylor from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Robert Diecrowe and Joan Diecrowe his Mother and Robert Wheter his Master from Enfield attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Rt. Hon. Edmond Lord Sheffield from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Samuel and Hannah Towers and Five of their Children attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Samuel Buckley and Burrage and Elizabeth Angier attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Samuel Buckley, also to Burrage and Elizabeth Angler attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Samuel Martin, Mary Bryant, Martha Bryant, Lucy Bryant, Mary Hawes, William Martin and Henry Hawes from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sibyll and Rupert Browne from Greenford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sir Edward and Dame Frances Nevill attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sir John Laurence attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sir Orlando Gee Knight from Isleworth Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sir Thomas Chaloner attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Sir William Herbert from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Susannah Kidwell from Norwood Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Tabitha Dickonson from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to the Hon'ble Roland Belasyse and his Daughter Lady Barbara Barnewall from Pancras Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Bonde from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Cartwright , John Carter and John Reynolds attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Cartwright and to John Reynolds attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Clarke and wife Sarah and Thomas Worlidge from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Lant also to Robert Harington from Hornsey Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Parsons, his Wife Mary and their Daughters, Ann Hamill and Mary Baunton form Stoke Newington Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Pearce from Ealing Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Thomas Plankenett, Mrs. Grace Plankenett and Mrs. Grace Woodroofe from Chiswick attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to unidentified Man and Woman from Heston Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to Whitlocke Bulstrode from Heston Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to William Clarkson and Anna Maria Powell attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorial to William Earsby also to Edmund Guesham from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Memorials to Xpofer and Agnes Merick, George Charles Black, and Sarah Horsnell, Elizabeth Ascough, and George Merick attributed to Daniel Lysons
Monument of Lady Cheynie of Chelsea attributed to Daniel Lysons
Nathaniel Lord Delamer and Henry and George Booth from Hampstead Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Old Stained Glass in the Chanel Window aslo Memorial to Reverend Anthony Hilton from Hayes attributed to Daniel Lysons
Remains of Brass Plate and Memorial to William Nicol and Ann his Wife and Elizabeth his Daughter and William his Son of Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Stained Glass Window of St. Catherine from Heston Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Catherine, Countess of Huntingdon, and Lady Jane Guildeford, Duchess of Northumberland of Chelsea Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Dame Katherine Darcy from Isleworth Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Grace Bulford from Stratford Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of John Eaton from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of John Merick from Norwood Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of John Thornhill from Fulham Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Mary Barton and her Servant Erasmia Kirsopp from Paddington Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Mr. Stephen Horncastle, his Wife Susanna and William Horncastle from Paddington Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Richard Lector attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Richard Wright from Chiswick Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Sir Edward Fennen of Hayes from Hayes Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Sir Henry Collet from Stepney Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Sir Joseph Ayloffe and his Mother, Diane Margaret Ayloffe from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Sir Robert Stanley and his Children, Gerdinand and Henriette Maria from Chelsea Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of the Three Children of Sir Thomas Savage from Isleworth Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Thomas Higate from Hayes Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Unidentified Mother and Infant Child from Pancras Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of Walter Grene from Hayes Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of William Hogarth and Mrs. Jane Hogarth from Chiswick attributed to Daniel Lysons
Tomb of William Rawlinson from Hendon Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Undentified Tomb from Norwood Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Unidentified Tomb with Brass Plates Removed from Pancras Church attributed to Daniel Lysons
Vault of Helen and William Gates, Mrs. Helen Gardnor, Mr. Lewis Combrune and Mrs. Helen Combrune attributed to Daniel Lysons