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Carington Bowles
Life Dates:
A View of His Majesty's Dock Yard and Garrison at Sheerness, in the Isle of Sheepy....Riverside Town, Kent Carington Bowles
A View of His Majesty's Dock Yard at Deptford in the County of Kent Carington Bowles
A View of His Majesty's Dock Yard at Woolwich Carington Bowles
Pascal Paoli Carington Bowles
Twelve Illustrations of Robinson Crusoe Carington Bowles
The Oyster Woman after Carington Bowles
Elizabeth, Countess of Northumberland and Carington Bowles
A View in Richmond Gardens, Surry print made by Carington Bowles
Deny It If You Can - Nine Taylors Makes a Man print made by Carington Bowles
The Aelian Bridge and Castle of St. Angelo, with part of the City of Rome print made by Carington Bowles
The Church of St. Peter at Rome print made by Carington Bowles
The Great Cascade of Spring Water at Rome call'd Travi Fountain print made by Carington Bowles
The Inside of St. Peters Church at Rome print made by Carington Bowles
The New Gallery of the Vatican Library at Rome. With the Cornishes ornamented with Etrusian Vases print made by Carington Bowles
The Old Ballad Singer print made by Carington Bowles
A Lesson Westward - or A Morning Visit to Betsy Cole printed by Carington Bowles
Mr. Deputy Dumpling and Family Enjoying a Summer Afternoon printed by Carington Bowles
The Prodigal Son Taking Leave printed for and sold by Carington Bowles
A Greek Lady - Une Dame Greque published by Carington Bowles
A Prospect of the Royal Palace of Thuilleries published by Carington Bowles
A True Town Picture; or an Old Hag of Drury Presenting a Chicken to his Lordship published by Carington Bowles
A View in Hudson's River of Pakepsey & the Catts-Kill Mountains, from Sopos Island in Hudson's River published by Carington Bowles
A View of Queen's College (a), University College (b), All Souls College (c), the Steeple of St. Mary's Church (d), & c. in the University of Oxford published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Back Front of the House, & part of the Garden of the Earl of Burlington at Chiswick; with a distant View of the Orangery, Greenhouse, Inigo Jones's Gate, & c. published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Back Part of the Cassina, & Part of the Serpentine River, terminated by the Cascade in the Garden of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Cascade, of part of the Serpentine River, & of the West Front of the House of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick published by Carington Bowles
A View of the City of York from near ye Confluence of the Rivers Ouse & Foss published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Conduit (a), part of Carfax Church (b), the Piazza called the Butter Market (c), the Town Hall (d), the west Front of Christ Church College (e), & c. in the University of Oxford published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Countess of Suffolks House near Twickenham published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Earl of Radnor's House at Twickenham published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Garden of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick, taken from the Top of the Flight of Steps leading to ye Grand Gallery at ye Back Front published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Great Cohoes Falls, on the Mohawk River published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Palace of Versailles towards ye Garden published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Printing House (a), the Theatre (b), the Museum (c), part of the Schools (d), part of All Souls College (e), & St. Mary's Church (f), & c. in the University of Oxford published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Rt. Hon'ble the Lord of Burlington's House at Chiswick; taken from the Road published by Carington Bowles
A View of the Three Walks terminated by the Cassina, the Pavilion, and the Rustic House in the Garden of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick published by Carington Bowles
Autumn published by Carington Bowles
Doctor Blowbladder Discovering the Perpetual Motion published by Carington Bowles
Dr. Batty's House at Twickenham as View'd from the opposite Shore of the River Thames published by Carington Bowles
Elizabeth, Countess of Pembroke, and the Rt. Honble. George, Lord Herbert published by Carington Bowles
French Privateers, Cruising in the English Channel published by Carington Bowles
Games at Vauxhall: Playing at Cricket published by Carington Bowles
Ha! Ha! Hah! - I've Got the Chink! published by Carington Bowles
Jockey and Jenny published by Carington Bowles
Lady Gorget raising Recruits for Cox Heath published by Carington Bowles
Lady Harriot Grosvenor published by Carington Bowles
Lady's Maid Soaping Linen published by Carington Bowles
Miss Charlotte Williams published by Carington Bowles
Miss Tipapin Going for All Nine published by Carington Bowles
Miss Wicket and Miss Trigger published by Carington Bowles
Mrs Reid in the Character of a Sultana published by Carington Bowles
Reading by a Paper-Bell Shade published by Carington Bowles
Rome in it's Original Splendor published by Carington Bowles
Rome in it's Original Splendor; 1. the Temple of Vesta 2. Virgins going to Sacrifice 3. The Imperial Palace 4. A Fountain of Medicinal Water 5. The Arch of Trajan 6. The Tomb of Cestus published by Carington Bowles
Ruins of Ancient Rome; Temple of Concord, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Arch of Titus, Statue of M. Aurelius, Marcellus Theatre, Trajans Pillar published by Carington Bowles
Spring published by Carington Bowles
Summer published by Carington Bowles
The Barfleur a Second Rate, carrying 90 Guns, and 680 Men, with a View of the Squadron Commanded by Lord Torrington in the Mediterranean published by Carington Bowles
The Bread and Butter Manufactory or the Humours of Bagnigge Wells published by Carington Bowles
The Bread and Butter Manufactory, or the Humors of Bagnigge Wells published by Carington Bowles
The City of Breslau published by Carington Bowles
The City of Leipzig published by Carington Bowles
The City of Ratisbon published by Carington Bowles
The Double Attack, or French Politeness not a Match for English Assurance published by Carington Bowles
The Entrance into the Temple of the Sun in Palmira from the East published by Carington Bowles
The Feathered Fair, Feeding the Feathered Fowl published by Carington Bowles
The Front of the Palace of the King of Prussia published by Carington Bowles
The Husband's Fortune Told published by Carington Bowles
The Lover's Disguise published by Carington Bowles
The Modern Beau in Distress published by Carington Bowles
The Old Beau in an Extasy published by Carington Bowles
The Pretty Ballad Singer published by Carington Bowles
The Pretty Maid Buying a Love Song published by Carington Bowles
The Pretty Maid with Her Apron Before the Candle published by Carington Bowles
The Remains of the Great Temple in Palmira seen from the West. ... published by Carington Bowles
The Wife's Fortune Told published by Carington Bowles
Welladay! Is This my Son Tom! published by Carington Bowles
Winter published by Carington Bowles