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L. Truchy
Life Dates:
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Centre, a grey held by a hunt servant, with other horses and hounds....] L. Truchy
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Riders and hounds resting in a rocky landscape.] L. Truchy
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [The kill: two riders dismounted, one holding fox above clamouring hounds; the huntsman blowing his horn ...] L. Truchy
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Three men digging out a fox's earth, watched eagerly by hounds...] L. Truchy
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Two horses standing restlessly outside a stable...] L. Truchy
A set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [Two riders by a farmhouse asking direction from a peasant; a well at left, with a couple of foxhounds...] L. Truchy
Falstaff's Cowardice Detected... L. Truchy
Illustrations to Samuel Richardson's 'The Life of Pamela', illustrated by Joseph Highmore L. Truchy
Leap-Frog L. Truchy
Mr. B. Expostulating with Pamela in the Summer house after some liberties taken Mrs. Jervis (who is seen through the window) having just before left her. L. Truchy
Pamela asking the Blessing of Sr. Jacob Swinford, Mr. B's unkle, a rough old fox hunter, who after the most obstinate resolution to the contrary, relents, and becomes her great admirer, Mr. B. behind, whispering Lady Davers she having conceived the... L. Truchy
Pamela dressed in order to meet Mr. B. at Sir Simon Darnford's, is prevented by the sudden arrival of Lady Davers, who forceibly detains her, & loads her with the bitterest reproaches that rage & disdain could suggest, her Nephew is looking over... L. Truchy
Pamela is represented in this first Piece, writing in her late Lady's dressing room, her History being known only by her letters. She is here surprised by Mr. B. who improves this occasion to further his designs L. Truchy
Pamela on her knees before her Father, whom she had discovered behind the door having overturned the card table in the way. Sr. Simon Darnford his Lady & c. observing her with eagerness and admiration Mr. B struck with this scene is waiting the issue. L. Truchy
Pamela undressing herself (Mrs Jewkes being first got to bed) while Mr. B. disguised in the maids clothes, with the apron thrown over his face, is impatiently waiting for the execution of his plot. L. Truchy
Set of seven, untitled, each dedicated: To the Right Hon'ble. Thomas Lord Viscount Weymouth...from the Original Painting in Long Leat Hall. [A gentleman standing at left with a hound; at right...] L. Truchy
Sir John Falstaff in the Buck Basket L. Truchy
The Exercise of See Saw L. Truchy
The Exercise of the See Saw L. Truchy
The Mock Doctor or Dumb Lady Cur'd L. Truchy
Route Dumonde after L. Truchy
Building Houses with Cards print made by L. Truchy