Sayer, Robert, 1725–1794
- Artist:
- Robert Sayer
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1725–1794
- Birth:
- 1725Yorkshire (England) [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Death:
- 1794
- Artwork:
- George Primrose Robert Sayer
Six Landskips Drawn from Nature. Robert Sayer
A School Boy (William Elmer) after Robert Sayer
General Prospect von der Stadt London after Robert Sayer
Prospect der Kauffmans Halle in der Fenchurch Strasse zu London after Robert Sayer
Richard Gough Esquire, Antiquary after Robert Sayer
Vue generale de la Ville de Londres after Robert Sayer
Vue perspective a Londres de l'Admirante du noveau Batiment pour les Gardes a Cheval Whitehall after Robert Sayer
Kew: The White House, Orangery, and Temple of Arethusa commissioned by Robert Sayer
Colonel Mordaunt's Cock Match at Lucknow print made by Robert Sayer
Statue Hall or the Modern Register Office printed by Robert Sayer
A Perspective View of the Seat of Lodovisi with Part of the City of Rome published Robert Sayer
Views of the Gates of Rome; The Light Horse Gate formerly Pasterula: 1. St. Peters Church 2. the Pontifical Palace 3. the Quarters of the Light Horse Guards 4. part of the Palace of the Holy Offices published Robert Sayer
A Calm published by Robert Sayer
A Flower Piece published by Robert Sayer
A French Petit Maître and His Valet published by Robert Sayer
A French Physician with His Retinue Going to Visit His Patients published by Robert Sayer
A General View of the City of Paris taken from an Eminence in the Village of Chaillot published by Robert Sayer
A Ladies Maid Purchasing a Leek published by Robert Sayer
A Macarony Alderman and His Rib published by Robert Sayer
A Macarony at a Sale of Pictures published by Robert Sayer
A Perspective View of the Building for the Fireworks in the Green Park, Taken from the Reservoir published by Robert Sayer
A Prospect of the City of Dublin, from the Magazine Hill, in his Majesty's Phoenix Park published by Robert Sayer
A Prospect of the Library of Trinity College, Dublin published by Robert Sayer
A Prospect of the Parliament House, in College Green, Dublin published by Robert Sayer
A Scene in "The Recruiting Officer" published by Robert Sayer
A Scene in Kensington Gardens published by Robert Sayer
A School of Girls published by Robert Sayer
A View in Hudson's River of Pakepsey & the Catts-Kill Mountains, from Sopos Island in Hudson's River published by Robert Sayer
A View of Exeter College back gate (a), the Museum (b), the Theatre (c), the Printing House (d), & c. in the University of Oxford published by Robert Sayer
A View of part of St. Mary's Church (a), All Saints Church (b), the Conduit (c), Carfax Church (d), & c. in the University of Oxford published by Robert Sayer
A View of Queen's College (a), University College (b), All Souls College (c), the Steeple of St. Mary's Church (d), & c. in the University of Oxford published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Back Front of the House, & part of the Garden of the Earl of Burlington at Chiswick; with a distant View of the Orangery, Greenhouse, Inigo Jones's Gate, & c. published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Back Part of the Cassina, & Part of the Serpentine River, terminated by the Cascade in the Garden of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Bridge at Walton-on-Thames in Surrey published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Cascade, of part of the Serpentine River, & of the West Front of the House of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Conduit (a), part of Carfax Church (b), the Piazza called the Butter Market (c), the Town Hall (d), the west Front of Christ Church College (e), & c. in the University of Oxford published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Garden of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick, taken from the Top of the Flight of Steps leading to ye Grand Gallery at ye Back Front published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Great Cohoes Falls, on the Mohawk River published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Monument Erected in Memory of the Dreadful Fire in the Year 1666 published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Orchestra with the Band of Music, the Grand Walk, etc. in Marybone Gardens published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Printing House (a), the Theatre (b), the Museum (c), part of the Schools (d), part of All Souls College (e), & St. Mary's Church (f), & c. in the University of Oxford published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Rt. Hon'ble the Lord of Burlington's House at Chiswick; taken from the Road published by Robert Sayer
A View of the Three Walks terminated by the Cassina, the Pavilion, and the Rustic House in the Garden of the Earl of Burlington, at Chiswick published by Robert Sayer
Angelina published by Robert Sayer
Annette and Lubin published by Robert Sayer
April published by Robert Sayer
August published by Robert Sayer
Burchell Reading the Ballad published by Robert Sayer
Captain Conquest and His Baggage Wagon published by Robert Sayer
Clara published by Robert Sayer
Cupid in the Character of a Link Boy published by Robert Sayer
Damon and Pastora published by Robert Sayer
December published by Robert Sayer
Don Ferdinand published by Robert Sayer
Dr. Goldsmith published by Robert Sayer
Edwin published by Robert Sayer
February published by Robert Sayer
For Japanning, Plate 1 published by Robert Sayer
For Japanning, Plate 2 published by Robert Sayer
For Japanning, Plate 3 published by Robert Sayer
For Japanning, Plate 4 published by Robert Sayer
For Japanning, Plate 5 published by Robert Sayer
For Japanning, Plate 6 published by Robert Sayer
Fresh Gale published by Robert Sayer
Garrick as Abel Drugger in "The Alchemist" published by Robert Sayer
Grown Ladies Taught to Dance published by Robert Sayer
High Life Below Stairs, or Mungo Addressing my Ladies Maid published by Robert Sayer
Industry and Idleness Exemplified in the Conduct of Two Fellow Apprentices in Twelve Moral & Instructive Prints published by Robert Sayer
James McArdell published by Robert Sayer
January published by Robert Sayer
July published by Robert Sayer
June published by Robert Sayer
Lady Cathcart and her Child published by Robert Sayer
Laugh and Grow Fat published by Robert Sayer
Life School at the Royal Academy published by Robert Sayer
Lucilia published by Robert Sayer
March published by Robert Sayer
May published by Robert Sayer
Mercury published by Robert Sayer
Miss Cabben published by Robert Sayer
Miss Elliot published by Robert Sayer
Miss Farren in the Character of Hermione published by Robert Sayer
Miss Flora MacDonald published by Robert Sayer
Miss Harriet Powell published by Robert Sayer
Miss Harriote published by Robert Sayer
Miss Nancy Dawson published by Robert Sayer
Morning published by Robert Sayer
Mr. Moore's New Invented Machine for Travelling without Horses published by Robert Sayer
Mrs. Gulston published by Robert Sayer
Noon published by Robert Sayer
November published by Robert Sayer
Now Sir, You're a Complete Macaroni published by Robert Sayer
October published by Robert Sayer
Plundering the Tower published by Robert Sayer
Return of the Prodigal Son published by Robert Sayer
Rigging for a Cruise published by Robert Sayer
Rinaldo and Armida published by Robert Sayer
Rome in it's Original Splendor published by Robert Sayer
Rome in it's Original Splendor; 1. the Temple of Vesta 2. Virgins going to Sacrifice 3. The Imperial Palace 4. A Fountain of Medicinal Water 5. The Arch of Trajan 6. The Tomb of Cestus published by Robert Sayer
Ruins of Ancient Rome; Temple of Concord, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Arch of Titus, Statue of M. Aurelius, Marcellus Theatre, Trajans Pillar published by Robert Sayer
Sal Dab giving Monsieur a Receipt in Full published by Robert Sayer
Samuel Barrington published by Robert Sayer
September published by Robert Sayer
St. Paul published by Robert Sayer
The Bottle Companions published by Robert Sayer
The Brave Captain Tyrrill in the Buckingham of 66 Guns and 472 Men, Defeating the Florissant, Aigrette & Atalante, Three French Ships of War, 3rd November, 1758 published by Robert Sayer
The City of Breslau published by Robert Sayer
The City of Leipzig published by Robert Sayer
The City of Ratisbon published by Robert Sayer
The Contemplative Charmer published by Robert Sayer
The Cotillion Dance published by Robert Sayer
The Curious Maids published by Robert Sayer
The Departure published by Robert Sayer
The Entrance into the Temple of the Sun in Palmira from the East published by Robert Sayer
The Fair Penitent published by Robert Sayer
The Front of the Palace of the King of Prussia published by Robert Sayer
The Full of the Honeymoon published by Robert Sayer
The Glorious Defeat of the French Fleet under the Command of Marshal Conflans, off Belle-Isle, on the 20th of November, 1759, ... published by Robert Sayer
The Happy Consultation or Modern Match published by Robert Sayer
The Hen Peckt Husband published by Robert Sayer
The Housewife's Employment published by Robert Sayer
The Macarony Brothers published by Robert Sayer
The Methodist Tailor Caught in Adultery published by Robert Sayer
The Monmouth of 64 Guns, taking the Foudroyant a French Man of War of 84 Guns on the 28th of Feb. 1758 in the Mediterranean,.... published by Robert Sayer
The Remains of the Great Temple in Palmira seen from the West. ... published by Robert Sayer
The Royal Academy of Arts published by Robert Sayer
The Sailor's Pleasure published by Robert Sayer
The Scytheman's Refreshment published by Robert Sayer
The Swain's Amusement published by Robert Sayer
The Unlucky Boy published by Robert Sayer
The Wane of the Honeymoon published by Robert Sayer
The Welcome Home published by Robert Sayer
Thomas King and Mrs. Baddeley published by Robert Sayer
Thomas King and Sophia Baddely in "The Clandestine Marriage" published by Robert Sayer
Thomas Pownall, Esq., Member of Parliament published by Robert Sayer
Virgin and Child published by Robert Sayer
West View of the City of Edinburgh published by Robert Sayer
Youth Playing Bagpipes published by Robert Sayer