Lely, Peter, Sir, 1618–1680
- Artist:
- Sir Peter Lely
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1618–1680
- Birth:
- 1618Soest [YCBA], [View map in LUX], [View map in LUX]Soest (Netherlands) [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Death:
- 1680Covent Garden [YCBA], [View map in LUX]London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Activity:
- London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Place of Visit/Tour:
- The Hague
- Study Place:
- Haarlem
- Artwork:
- A Group of Thirteen Drawings of Hands Sir Peter Lely
Diana and her Nymphs at a Fountain Sir Peter Lely
Diana Kirke, later Countess of Oxford Sir Peter Lely
Drawing of a Hand Sir Peter Lely
Drawing of Hands Sir Peter Lely
Drawings of Hands Sir Peter Lely
Edward Montagu, first Earl of Sandwich Sir Peter Lely
Lady Frances Savile, Later Lady Brudenell Sir Peter Lely
Prince Rupert of the Rhine Sir Peter Lely
Sir Ralph Bankes Sir Peter Lely
A King Charles Spaniel after Sir Peter Lely
A Spaniel after Sir Peter Lely
Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury after Sir Peter Lely
Anthony Ashley Cooper, first Earl of Shaftesbury after Sir Peter Lely
Arthur, Earl of Essex after Sir Peter Lely
Barbara Duchess of Cleaveland as a Shepherdess after Sir Peter Lely
Barbara Palmer (née Villiers) Countess of Castlemaine after Sir Peter Lely
Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleaveland after Sir Peter Lely
Barbara Villiers Countess of Castlemaine after Sir Peter Lely
Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland after Sir Peter Lely
Beauty's Tribute (Elizabeth Cooper) after Sir Peter Lely
Charles II after Sir Peter Lely
Charles II, King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland after Sir Peter Lely
Edward Progers after Sir Peter Lely
Eleanor Gwynn after Sir Peter Lely
Elisabeth Countess of Northumberland after Sir Peter Lely
Elizabeth Comtesse de Gramont after Sir Peter Lely
Elizabeth Cooper after Sir Peter Lely
Elizabeth Wriothesley, Countess of Northumberland after Sir Peter Lely
Elizabeth, Countess of Chesterfield (1640-1665) after Sir Peter Lely
Frances Brooke, Lady Whitmore after Sir Peter Lely
Frances Brooke, Lady Witmore after Sir Peter Lely
Frances Teresa Stewart, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox after Sir Peter Lely
George Morley Bishop of Winchester after Sir Peter Lely
Haar Hooght Maria Princesse van Orange after Sir Peter Lely
Henrietta, Countess of Rochester after Sir Peter Lely
Henry Bennet Earl of Arlington after Sir Peter Lely
Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington after Sir Peter Lely
Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington after Sir Peter Lely
James Usher, Arch Bishop of Armagh after Sir Peter Lely
James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh after Sir Peter Lely
John Maitland, 1st Duke of Lauderdale and His Wife, Elizabeth Maitland (née Murray, Duchess of Lauderdale after Sir Peter Lely
John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale after Sir Peter Lely
Katharine Queen Dowager after Sir Peter Lely
Lady Ann Montagu after Sir Peter Lely
Lady Gertrude, Marchioness Of Halifax after Sir Peter Lely
Lady Gertrude, Marchioness of Halifax after Sir Peter Lely
Lady Grammont after Sir Peter Lely
Lady Middleton after Sir Peter Lely
Lady Whitmore after Sir Peter Lely
Louise, Duchess of Portsmouth after Sir Peter Lely
Madam Davids after Sir Peter Lely
Madam Hewse after Sir Peter Lely
Madam Katharine Nevill after Sir Peter Lely
Madam Lucy Loftus after Sir Peter Lely
Madam Mary Kirk after Sir Peter Lely
Madam Philadelphia Saunders after Sir Peter Lely
Madame Davis after Sir Peter Lely
Madame Graham after Sir Peter Lely
Madame Jane Long after Sir Peter Lely
Marchioness of Wharton after Sir Peter Lely
Maria Beatrice Principessa di Modana, Duchessa di York after Sir Peter Lely
Maria Stuart Princesse van Orange after Sir Peter Lely
Mary Bagot Countess of Falmouth and Dorset after Sir Peter Lely
Mary, Princess of Orange after Sir Peter Lely
Ortance Manchini Duchess of Mazarin after Sir Peter Lely
Pamela and Philoclea after Sir Peter Lely
Sir Henry Vane after Sir Peter Lely
Sir Henry Vane the Younger after Sir Peter Lely
Sir Peter Lely after Sir Peter Lely
Sir William Penn after Sir Peter Lely
Sir William Temple after Sir Peter Lely
Sir William Temple, first Baronet after Sir Peter Lely
The Duke and Dutchess of Lauderdale after Sir Peter Lely
The Judgement of Paris after Sir Peter Lely
The Lady Arlington after Sir Peter Lely
The Lady Elizabeth Jones after Sir Peter Lely
The Lady Essex Finch after Sir Peter Lely
The Right Honorable Countess of Exeter (Anne, d.1703) after Sir Peter Lely
The Right Honorable Elizabeth Countess of Northumberland after Sir Peter Lely
The Right Honorable Elizabeth, Countess of Northumberland after Sir Peter Lely
The Right Honorable Lady Ashley after Sir Peter Lely
The Right Honorable Lady Bellasis after Sir Peter Lely
The Right Honorable Mary Feilding sole daughter and heir of Barnha Lord Viscount Cardingford after Sir Peter Lely
William Bartley after Sir Peter Lely
Study for the Portrait of a Lady attributed to Sir Peter Lely
Aphra Behn formerly Sir Peter Lely
Studies of Hands formerly Sir Peter Lely
Drawing of a Hand Holding a Blossom studio of Sir Peter Lely