Howitt, Samuel, 1756â1822
- Artist:
- Samuel Howitt
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1756â1822
- Birth:
- 1756
- Death:
- 1822London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Artwork:
- A Bear Attacking a Fallen Indian Samuel Howitt
A Boar and a Ram Samuel Howitt
A Boar, a Leopard, a Lion, a Tiger, a Wolf, a Ram, and Two Eagles Samuel Howitt
A Bull and a Rabbit Samuel Howitt
A Bull Attacking a Dog Samuel Howitt
A Bulldog Samuel Howitt
A Chaise and Pair, With Post-Boy Samuel Howitt
A Cheetah Crouching by a Pool Samuel Howitt
A Coach and Four Passing Through Chippenham, Wiltshire Samuel Howitt
A Frog Confronting a Circle of Animals Samuel Howitt
A Goose and a Baboon Samuel Howitt
A Hare Samuel Howitt
A Hare at the Edge of the Wood Samuel Howitt
A Lion Standing over a Wounded Leapard Samuel Howitt
A Monkey and a Fox Samuel Howitt
A Monkey and Young Samuel Howitt
A Park Landscape with Shepherd and Sheep Samuel Howitt
A Raven and Two Swans Samuel Howitt
A Seascape Samuel Howitt
A Tiger Pierced with an Arrow Samuel Howitt
A Tiger Resting: the frontispiece for "Oriental Field Sports" Samuel Howitt
A Tigress Leaping to the Right Samuel Howitt
A Woodcock Samuel Howitt
A Zebra Samuel Howitt
Abyssinian Dog Samuel Howitt
African Civet Samuel Howitt
Alces americanus Samuel Howitt
An Eagle Perched on a Rock; Lion, Fox, Two Hounds and a Rooster (possibly for "Aesop's Fables") Samuel Howitt
An Owl, an Eagle, Two Falcons, a Vulture and Other Birds Perched in Trees Samuel Howitt
Animals of the Cat Family, with a Bear and Foxes Samuel Howitt
Asiatic Greyhound Samuel Howitt
Axis axis Samuel Howitt
Axis porcinus Samuel Howitt
Beagle Samuel Howitt
Bear and Bee-Hives Samuel Howitt
Black-backed Jackal Samuel Howitt
Bull and Cow Samuel Howitt
Bull Attacking Mastiff Samuel Howitt
Bulldog Samuel Howitt
C. Cashew Samuel Howitt
C. Lagopus Samuel Howitt
C. Marzatl Samuel Howitt
C. Vulpes Samuel Howitt
Canis Abyssinious Samuel Howitt
Canis Crocuta Samuel Howitt
Canis Lupus, or Gray Wolf Samuel Howitt
Capreolus capreolus Samuel Howitt
Cervus canadensis Samuel Howitt
Cervus elaphus Samuel Howitt
Cervus elaphus corsicanus Samuel Howitt
Civettictis civetta Samuel Howitt
Country Folk with a Child, Beside a River Samuel Howitt
Coursing: Setting Out Samuel Howitt
Coursing: The Kill Samuel Howitt
Crane and Frogs Samuel Howitt
D. Gigantea Samuel Howitt
Dama dama Samuel Howitt
Dead Teal Samuel Howitt
Deer Before a Thicket Samuel Howitt
Design for a Hunting Trophy or Loving Cup Samuel Howitt
Didelphis gigantea Samuel Howitt
Didelphis vulpecula Samuel Howitt
Does and Fawns Samuel Howitt
Erinaceus Europaeus Samuel Howitt
F. Catus Domesticus Samuel Howitt
Felis Catus Persicus Samuel Howitt
Flying Squirrel Samuel Howitt
Four Galloping Horses Samuel Howitt
Fox and the Hedgehog (Porcupine) Samuel Howitt
Fox Hound Samuel Howitt
Foxhunting: At Fault Samuel Howitt
Foxhunting: Breaking Cover Samuel Howitt
Foxhunting: Going to Cover Samuel Howitt
Foxhunting: Stopping Hounds That Have Changed Samuel Howitt
Foxhunting: The Chase Samuel Howitt
Foxhunting: The Death Samuel Howitt
Full Cry Samuel Howitt
Going Home Samuel Howitt
Going Out in the Morning: an illustration for Captain Thomas Williamson's "Oriental Field Sports" Samuel Howitt
Going out of Kennel Samuel Howitt
Going to Cover Samuel Howitt
Greyhound Samuel Howitt
Gun Dogs Samuel Howitt
Hearne's Oak, Windsor Forest Samuel Howitt
Herd of Eight Horses under a Tree Samuel Howitt
Hog Deer Samuel Howitt
Honey-Badger Samuel Howitt
Horses and Wagon Outside a Cottage Samuel Howitt
Hunting a Hog-Deer: plate 24 for "Oriental Field Sports" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [four of a set of six, untitled]: 4. Full Cry Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [four of a set of six, untitled]: 6. Going Home Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [four of a set of six, untitled]: 1.Going out of Kennel Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [four of a set of six, untitled]: 2. The Check Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of four]: 3. Partridge Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of four]: 1. Grouse Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of four]: 2. Woodcock Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of four]: 4. Pheasant Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 1. "Grow ye Britons then" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 2. "Him from his craggy winding haunts unearth'd" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 3. "Throw the board ditch behind you" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 4. "Into the perilous flood" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 5. "And o'er the lawn" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 6. "For happy he who tops the wheeling chace" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: "3. Throw the broad ditch behind you" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 1. Duck Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 2. Grouse Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 3. Snipe Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 4. "Into the perilous flood" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 4.Woodcock shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 5. "And o'er the lawn" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 5. Pheasant Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 6. "For happy he who tops the wheeling chace" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 6. Partridge Shooting Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 1. "Give ye Britons then" Samuel Howitt
Hunting, Shooting, etc. [set of six]: 2. "Him from his craggy winding haunts unearth'd" Samuel Howitt
Koala Samuel Howitt
Land Spaniels Samuel Howitt
Landscape with Hay Cart before a Cottage Samuel Howitt
Large Water Dog Samuel Howitt
Leopards at Play Among Fallen Trees and Rocks Samuel Howitt
Lesser hedgehog tenrec Samuel Howitt
Lion and Lioness Attacking a Steer Samuel Howitt
Lion Attacking a Stag Samuel Howitt
Llama Samuel Howitt
Lurcher Samuel Howitt
M. Americana Samuel Howitt
Male Red Deer Samuel Howitt
Mastiff Samuel Howitt
Melursus ursinus Samuel Howitt
Monodelphis touan Samuel Howitt
Moschus moschiferus Samuel Howitt
Newfoundland Dog Samuel Howitt
Nine Foxes Gathered Around a Tree: an Illustration of Aesop's Fable, "The Fox who Lost His Tail" Samuel Howitt
North American Lynx Samuel Howitt
Odocoileus virginianus Samuel Howitt
Old Lion Insulted Samuel Howitt
Original Sketchbook, Studies of Mammals, and Studies of Deer Samuel Howitt
Pointer Samuel Howitt
Polecat Samuel Howitt
Procyon lotor Samuel Howitt
Pyrenean chamois Samuel Howitt
Racing Scene Samuel Howitt
Rangifer tarandus Samuel Howitt
Raven and Snake Samuel Howitt
Return From the Chase, After a Fall Samuel Howitt
Rider Leading a Second Horse, Leaving the Grounds of a Country House Samuel Howitt
Riders Outside an Inn Samuel Howitt
Russian Camel Samuel Howitt
Scops Owl Samuel Howitt
Scots Greyhound Samuel Howitt
Setter Samuel Howitt
Shooting a Buck Samuel Howitt
Snipe Shooting Samuel Howitt
Southern Hound Samuel Howitt
Stag Hound Samuel Howitt
Stag, Doe and Fawns Samuel Howitt
Study of a Vampire Bat Samuel Howitt
Taken from Life, amongst the numerous Assemblage at the Royal Menagerie, Exeter Exchange, Strand, London Samuel Howitt
Terrier Samuel Howitt
Terrier Scots Samuel Howitt
The Bear and the Bee-Hives Samuel Howitt
The Canada Lynx from the Life Samuel Howitt
The Check Samuel Howitt
The Death Samuel Howitt
The Dog and The Shadow Samuel Howitt
The Dog and the Wolf Samuel Howitt
The Kill Samuel Howitt
The Mischievous Dog Samuel Howitt
The Stone Gatherers Samuel Howitt
The Tiger at Bay: an illustration for Captain Thomas Williamson's "Oriental Field Sports" Samuel Howitt
The Toll-house with a Coach Crossing the Bridge Samuel Howitt
The Village Inn Samuel Howitt
Two Hounds Attacking a Stag at Bay Samuel Howitt
Two Huskies Samuel Howitt
Two Hyenas Samuel Howitt
Ursus meles Samuel Howitt
V. Zibetha Samuel Howitt
Valley Landscape with Sheep Samuel Howitt
Vormela peregusna Samuel Howitt
Water Spaniel Samuel Howitt
Woodcock Shooting Samuel Howitt
A Tiger Seizing a Bullock in a Pass after Samuel Howitt
Windsor (published by S. Howitt); page 105 (Volume Three) after Samuel Howitt
Sheet of Studies of Hounds, Hare, Falcon and Ducks attributed to Samuel Howitt
The Departure of a Post-Chaise From the (?) Red Lion Inn, Bagshot possibly Samuel Howitt
A Buck and Two Doe print made by Samuel Howitt
Bitch Fox and Cubs print made by Samuel Howitt
Coursing, Plate 1 print made by Samuel Howitt
Coursing, Plate 2 print made by Samuel Howitt
Coursing, Plate 3 print made by Samuel Howitt
Coursing, Plate 4 print made by Samuel Howitt
Fallow Deer print made by Samuel Howitt
Fox and Partridges print made by Samuel Howitt
Hare Running print made by Samuel Howitt
Hare Sitting print made by Samuel Howitt
Hares Feeding print made by Samuel Howitt
Hind and Calf print made by Samuel Howitt
Muskrat print made by Samuel Howitt
Otter print made by Samuel Howitt
Otter Hunting print made by Samuel Howitt
Otter Hunting, Plate 1 print made by Samuel Howitt
Partridge Netting print made by Samuel Howitt
Stag print made by Samuel Howitt
Stag Hunting print made by Samuel Howitt
The Buck's Death Wound print made by Samuel Howitt
The Fox Hound print made by Samuel Howitt
The Greyhound print made by Samuel Howitt
The Hunted Fox print made by Samuel Howitt
The Otter Hound print made by Samuel Howitt
The Pointer print made by Samuel Howitt
The Rabbit print made by Samuel Howitt
The Water Spaniel print made by Samuel Howitt
Three Dogs print made by Samuel Howitt
To Every British Sportsman and Lover of the Arts print made by Samuel Howitt
Two Dogs print made by Samuel Howitt
Recrimination published by Samuel Howitt
Running Away with an Heiress published by Samuel Howitt