Bunbury, Henry, 1750â1811
- Artist:
- Henry William Bunbury
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1750â1811
- Birth:
- 1750Suffolk [YCBA], [View map in LUX]Mildenhall [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Death:
- 1811Keswick [YCBA], [View map in LUX], [View map in LUX]Keswick [YCBA], [View map in LUX], [View map in LUX]
- Artwork:
- A Cavalry Officer (Henry IV) Leading a Charge Outside a Castle Henry William Bunbury
A Country Boy and Girl Henry William Bunbury
A Dishevelled Man Grimacing and Walking Awkwardly with a Cane: full length Henry William Bunbury
A Double-chinned Man (?Clergyman): Profile Facing Left, Head and Shoulders Henry William Bunbury
A Laundry Maid Henry William Bunbury
A Leering Man: Profile Facing Left, Head and Shoulders Henry William Bunbury
A Long-Chinned Man Arm in Arm with a Bosomy Woman in Tall Hat Henry William Bunbury
A Man with a Long Nose and Tie Wig: Profile, facing right, half length Henry William Bunbury
A Man wth a Large Nose: Profile Facing Right, Head and Shoulders Henry William Bunbury
A Soiree Henry William Bunbury
A Travelling Coach and Pair Henry William Bunbury
An Elderly Hook-nosed Man in a Cocked Hat: Profile Facing Right Henry William Bunbury
An Illustration of H. Bunbury ('Geoffrey Gambado'), "An Academy for Grown Horsemen: 'A Bit of Blood' Henry William Bunbury
Back from the Wars Henry William Bunbury
Back View of a Man Standing with a Large Book or Case under his Left Arm and a Stick under his Right Arm Henry William Bunbury
Carter Filling his Pipe Henry William Bunbury
Collection of Prints by Notable Dilettanti Henry William Bunbury
Entrance to Pidcock's Exhibition Tent at a Fair Henry William Bunbury
Falstaff Carrying Dead Hotspur Henry William Bunbury
How to Ride without a Bridle Henry William Bunbury
How to Salute Henry William Bunbury
Illustration to H. Bunbury ('Geoffrey Gambado') Annals of Horsemanship: '6 Love and Wind' Henry William Bunbury
Launce Teaching His Dog Crab Henry William Bunbury
Patience in a Punt Henry William Bunbury
The Balloon Henry William Bunbury
The Broken Pipe Henry William Bunbury
The Duel: 'Twelfth Night,' Act III, Scene IV Henry William Bunbury
The Prince Regent and the Moneylenders Henry William Bunbury
The Sporting Undergraduate Henry William Bunbury
Young Man Holding a Stick under his Arm Henry William Bunbury
[Patience in a Punt] after Henry William Bunbury
A Band of Savoyards after Henry William Bunbury
A Maid after Henry William Bunbury
A Modern Spread Eagle after Henry William Bunbury
A pair: 1. Symptoms of Rearing, 2. Moses after Henry William Bunbury
A Riding-House after Henry William Bunbury
Black-George after Henry William Bunbury
Charlotte at the Tomb of Werther after Henry William Bunbury
Coaching: 3. Postilion facing right, a horse in background after Henry William Bunbury
Coaching: 4. Back view of a postilion, distant village in background after Henry William Bunbury
Coaching: 5. A postilion facing right with hands extended after Henry William Bunbury
Coaching: 1.Postilion, wearing broad-brimmed hat, facing left after Henry William Bunbury
Coaching: 2.Postilion, wearing tricorne hat and pigtail, facing right after Henry William Bunbury
Damn Mambrino after Henry William Bunbury
Dancing Bear with Its Keeper, Piper, and Audience of One after Henry William Bunbury
Dick the Butcher and Smith the Weaver seizing the Clerk - "Henry VI," Part II, Act I, Scene II after Henry William Bunbury
Dodbery and Verges, with the Watch; "Much Ado About Nothing", Act III, Scene II after Henry William Bunbury
Drummer after Henry William Bunbury
Englishman at Paris, 1767 after Henry William Bunbury
Every Sous Begad! after Henry William Bunbury
Fallstaff Playing the Prince, The Prince Playing the King after Henry William Bunbury
Falstaff at Hern's Oak - "Merry Wives of Windsor," Act V, Scene V after Henry William Bunbury
Falstaff at Justice Shallow's Mustering his Recruits - "Henry IV," Part II, Act III, Scene III after Henry William Bunbury
Falstaff reproved by King Henry after Henry William Bunbury
Falstaff Reproved by King Henry after Henry William Bunbury
Falstaff with Hotspur on his Back - "Henry IV," Part I, Act V, Scene IV after Henry William Bunbury
Falstaff's Escape - "The Merry Wives of Windsor," Act IV, Scene II after Henry William Bunbury
Fille d'Auberge after Henry William Bunbury
Florizel and Autolicus - "Winter's Tale" after Henry William Bunbury
Foot Soldier after Henry William Bunbury
Front, Side View, and Back Front, of a Modern fine Gentleman after Henry William Bunbury
Helena in the Dress of a Pilgrim - "All's Well That Eends Well," Act III, Scene V after Henry William Bunbury
I Will Pay No More Debts of Her Contracting after Henry William Bunbury
Inimitable Mr. James Moss after Henry William Bunbury
Jacques discovered by the Duke after Henry William Bunbury
Jacques discovered by the Duke- "As You Like It," Act II, Scene I after Henry William Bunbury
John Jehu L'Inghilterra after Henry William Bunbury
Launce Teaching his Dog Crab to behave as a Dog in all things - "The Two Gentlemen of Verona," Act IV, Scene IV after Henry William Bunbury
Macbeth and the Murderers - "Macbeth," Act III, Scene I after Henry William Bunbury
Man with a Walking Stick in a Landscape after Henry William Bunbury
May Day after Henry William Bunbury
Monsieur Le Fouet, La Francia after Henry William Bunbury
Pospero Disarming Ferdinand from The Tempest, Act I, Scene II after Henry William Bunbury
Postiglione Germanico after Henry William Bunbury
Postiglione Inglese after Henry William Bunbury
Pot Fair Cambridge after Henry William Bunbury
Pot Fair, Cambridge after Henry William Bunbury
Propagation of a Lie (Center) after Henry William Bunbury
Propagation of a Lie (Left) after Henry William Bunbury
Propagation of a Lie (Right) after Henry William Bunbury
Prospero Disarming Ferdinand, Act I, Scene II after Henry William Bunbury
Riding School after Henry William Bunbury
Romeo and Juliet in Friar Lawrence's Cell - "Romeo and Juliet," Act II, Scene VI after Henry William Bunbury
Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone - "As You Like It," Act II, Scene III after Henry William Bunbury
Rosamund and the Fair Annett after Henry William Bunbury
Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Sir Toby Belch and the Clown - "Twelfth Night", Act II, Scene III after Henry William Bunbury
St. James's Park after Henry William Bunbury
Strephon and Chloe after Henry William Bunbury
Study of a Lady after Henry William Bunbury
Study of a Man with Stick Wearing the Order of the Garter after Henry William Bunbury
Taming the Shrew, Act III, Scene II after Henry William Bunbury
The Damnation of Obadiah after Henry William Bunbury
The Delights of Islington after Henry William Bunbury
The Deserter after Henry William Bunbury
The Fish-Street Macaroni after Henry William Bunbury
The Full Blown Macaroni after Henry William Bunbury
The Gardens of Carleton House with Neapolitan Ballad Singers after Henry William Bunbury
The Hopes of the Family, An Admission at the University after Henry William Bunbury
The Houndsditch Macaroni after Henry William Bunbury
The Inflexible Porter, a Tragedy after Henry William Bunbury
The little Hunchback dining with the Taylor, is choak'd with a Fish Bone after Henry William Bunbury
The Long Minuet as Danced at Bath after Henry William Bunbury
The Origin of Gout after Henry William Bunbury
The Puzzle for the Dog, the Puzzle for the Horse, the Puzzle for Turk, Frenchman, or, Christian after Henry William Bunbury
The Relief after Henry William Bunbury
The Salutation Tavern after Henry William Bunbury
The Slumbers of Ragotin Interrupted after Henry William Bunbury
The St. James's Macaroni after Henry William Bunbury
The Storm after Henry William Bunbury
The Supposed Death of Imogen, 'Cymbeline,' Act IV, Scene IV after Henry William Bunbury
Two Monks after Henry William Bunbury
View on the Port Neuf at Paris after Henry William Bunbury
Wynnstay Theatre after Henry William Bunbury
Wynnstay Theatre Ticket after Henry William Bunbury
How to Ride Without a Bridle print made by Henry William Bunbury
Love and Wind print made by Henry William Bunbury
Overthrow of Dr. Slop print made by Henry William Bunbury
Paysan des Alpes print made by Henry William Bunbury
Paysanne de la France print made by Henry William Bunbury
Pistol eating Fluellen's Leak - "Henry V" print made by Henry William Bunbury
The Battle of the Cataplasm print made by Henry William Bunbury
The Judgement of Paris print made by Henry William Bunbury
The Siege of Namur print made by Henry William Bunbury