Westall, Richard, 1765â1836
- Artist:
- Richard Westall
- Gender:
- male
- Life Dates:
- 1765â1836
- Birth:
- 1765Hertford [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Death:
- 1836London [YCBA], [View map in LUX]
- Artwork:
- A Landscape with a Portrait of a Lady, Full Length, Holding a Hat Richard Westall
Album of engravings after Thomas STOTHARD and various unknown artists, along with 4 loose prints Richard Westall
Alcibiades and Timon Richard Westall
An Apple Tree Near a Cottage Richard Westall
Christ Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:13-14) Richard Westall
Christ Raising the Widow's Son (Luke 7:13-16) Richard Westall
Conversation on a Country Road Richard Westall
Elisha on His Death-Bed (II Kings 12:17) Richard Westall
Greatheart's Battle with Grim Richard Westall
Jonah Cast Into the Sea (Jonah 1:15) Richard Westall
Joshua and the Angel (Joshua 5:13) Richard Westall
Moses Bringing the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:29) Richard Westall
Moses Striking the Rock (Numbers 20:11) Richard Westall
Queen Judith reciting to Alfred when a child Richard Westall
Rosebud, or the Judgement of Paris Richard Westall
Spring - "From the Plains from the Woodlands and Groves, What Strains of Wild Melody Flow!" Richard Westall
The Annunciation (Luke 1:26) Richard Westall
The Birth of Christ (Luke 2:15) Richard Westall
The Seven Bishops Going To Trial Richard Westall
Theatrical Figures About a Throne Richard Westall
Wanstead House Richard Westall
Catharine of Aragon Pleading Her Own Cause Before King Henry the Eighth after Richard Westall
George Gordon Byron, sixth Baron Byron after Richard Westall
Hay Makers in a Storm after Richard Westall
Henry VIII, Act IV, Scene II, Abbey of Leicester. Wolsey, Northumberland, and Attendants, Abbot of Leicester, etc. after Richard Westall
Illustration for 'Denham' after Richard Westall
Illustration for 'Russell', Ode from the Spanish after Richard Westall
Joan of Arc Maid of Orleans Receiving the Consecrated Banner after Richard Westall
Julius Caesar: Act IV Scene III: Brutus' Tent ... after Richard Westall
King Henry IV: Part I, Act III, Scene i, The Archdeacon of Bangor's House in Wales. Hotspur, Worcester, Mortimer, & Owen Glendower after Richard Westall
King Henry IV: Part I, Act III, Scene I, The Archdeacon of Bangor's House in Wales. Hotspur, Worcester, Mortimer, & Owen Glendower after Richard Westall
King Henry the Eighth: Act IV Scene II: Abbey of Leicester. Wolsey, Northumberland, and Attendants, Abbot of Leicester, etc. after Richard Westall
MacBeth, Act I, Scene V: "Inverness. A Room in MacBeth's Castle" after Richard Westall
Miss Fanny Ayton after Richard Westall
Paradise Lost, Book V after Richard Westall
Paradise Lost, Book VI after Richard Westall
Stratford-on-Avon after Richard Westall
Telemachus and Mentor Discovered by Calypso after Richard Westall
Telemachus relating his Adventures to Calypso after Richard Westall
The Dreams of the Youthful Shakespeare after Richard Westall
The Laughing Horseman after Richard Westall
The Monastery, Mysie Happer's Visit to Sir Piercie Shafton after Richard Westall
This is my Wife said Edward after Richard Westall
William Hodges, Esq. R. A., Landscape Painter to the Prince of Wales after Richard Westall
Incantation Scene formerly attributed to Richard Westall
Mary, Queen of Scots formerly attributed to Richard Westall