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Roberts, David, 1796–1864
The Holy Land : Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt & Nubia / from drawings made on the spot by David Roberts R.A. ; with historical descriptions by the Rev. George Croly ; lithographed by Louis Hage.
Additional Title(s):
Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt & Nubia
London : F.G. Moon, publisher, 20 Threadneedle Street, 1842-1849.
Physical Description:
3 volumes : illustrations (lithographs) (some color), map, portraits ; 63 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Folio B N 7 Copy 1
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Rare Books and Manuscripts
Folio B N 7 Copy 2
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Rare Books and Manuscripts
Folio B N 7 Copy 3
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Rare Books and Manuscripts
Folio B N 7 Copy 4
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Note: The Study Room is open by appointment. Please visit the Study Room page on our website for more details.

Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Description usually on page facing plate.
The other three volumes of Roberts' great work, usually referred to as Roberts's Holy Land, with title "Egypt & Nubia," were published separately in 1846-1849, although "all six volumes are often found together as a set. It must have been originally the intention to issue the book under one title as Volume I-VI, but there is no hint of this on the title page ...;" see Abbey
Large mounted lithograph frontispiece portrait of David Roberts by Charles Baugniet in volume 1.
Plate entitled "El Khasne, Petra" not included in List of subjects.
Abbey, J.R. Travel in aquatint and lithography, 1770-1860, 385
Tooley, R.V. English books with coloured plates, 1790-1860, 401
Friedman, J. Color printing in England, 1486-1870, 131-132
Includes bibliographical references.
BAC : British Art Center has 4 copies, all issued in or after 1849. Copy 1 issued in 20 parts in 10 paper portfolios, entitled Roberts's sketches in the Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia; parts IX and X wanting the portfolio. Copy 2 issued in 20 parts in 18 cloth portfolios, entitled Roberts' sketches. The Holy-Land. Copies 3 and 4 each bound in 3 volumes.
BAC: List of subscribers wanting in copies 1 and 3. Copy 2 has a printed slip (an apology from the publisher for the delay in publication) tipped in at the beginning; a leaf of advertisements appears at the end of part I. In copy 3 a different advertisement is slipped in at the front.
BAC : In copies 1 and 3, some of the plates appear as illustrations on pages containing letterpress. Copies 2 and 4 have all illustrative matter mounted in plate form, with added coloring by hand.
BEIN 1979 Folio 30: Bound in 2 v. 61 cm.
BEIN 1996 Folio 25: Bound in 2 v.
Bound set of tinted lithographs by Louis Haghe of paintings and sketches by David Roberts of landscapes, scenes, architecture, and antiquities of the Holy Land, produced between 1842 and 1849 by the publisher F.G. Moon. Each lithograph was printed in two formats: the "standard" version, pressed onto thick paper, using one tint for the Holy Land prints, and up to three tints in the Egypt & Nubia set; and the "deluxe" edition, in which the lithograph was printed onto thin India paper, cut to size, and mounted on thick card stock. In the present "standard" edition, the prints have the lithographer's title directly below, with the print title and Roberts' signature reproduced in facsimile from the artist's sketches in the lower left or right corner. Accompanying description of each of the full folio prints appears on the facing page; description of the half folio prints starts below each print. Roberts traveled to Palestine and the Holy Land from Egypt by way of Suez, Sinai (where he visited St. Catherine's monastery), and Petra. In southern Palestine he visited Hebron, Gaza, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Bethany, Jericho, Bethlehem, and Baalbec.
Subject Terms:
Church buildings -- Middle East.
Church buildings.
Egypt -- Sinai.
Israel -- Pictorial works.
Jerusalem -- Description and travel.
Jews -- History.
Jérusalem -- Descriptions et voyages.
Jordan -- Petra (Extinct city)
Jordan -- Pictorial works.
Juifs -- Histoire.
Lebanon -- Description and travel.
Liban -- Descriptions et voyages.
Middle East -- In art.
Middle East -- Jerusalem.
Middle East -- Palestine.
Middle East.
Painters -- Travel -- Middle East.
Painters -- Travel.
Palestine -- Descriptions et voyages.
Palestine -- Pictorial works.
Petra (Extinct city)
Pétra (Ville ancienne)
Proche-Orient -- Antiquités -- Descriptions et voyages.
Roberts, David, 1796-1864
Roberts, David, 1796-1864 -- Travel -- Middle East.
Roberts, David, 1796-1864.
Sinai (Egypt) -- Pictorial works.
Sinaï (Égypte)Ouvrages illustrés.
Syria -- Pictorial works.
illustrated books.
Illustrated works.
Pictorial works.
Lithographs -- Colour -- England -- London -- 19th century.
Illustrated works.
Armorial bindings (Binding)
Illustrated works -- England -- London -- 19th century.
Travel literature.
Ouvrages illustrés.
Croly, George, 1780-1860, author.
Haghe, Louis, 1806-1885, lithographer.
Moon, Francis Graham, Sir, 1796-1871, publisher.
Moon, F. G., publisher.
Day & Haghe, lithographer.

  • v. 1. Jerusalem and Galilee
  • v. 2. The Jordan and Bethlehem
  • v. 3. Idumea and Petra.

Color Printing in England, 1486-1870 (Yale Center for British Art, April 20, 1978-June 25, 1978) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]

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