Vooght, Claes Janszoon, -1696, Le nouveau & grand illuminant flambeau de la mer, de tout le monde , 1736
- Title(s):
- Le nouveau & grand illuminant flambeau de la mer, de tout le monde : contenant la premiere, deuxieme, troizieme, quatrieme, & cinquieme partie : par lesquelles il est clairement & parfaitement bien demonstré toutes les côtes maritimes cônues de tout le monde : avec une pertinentes description de tous les havres, bayes, rades conues, secs, estendues des coursses, & ouvertures des terres, le tout dressé sur leurs vrayes hauteurs polaire ... / recueilli & assemblé ... par Nicolas Jansz. Vooght & Gerard van Keulen, geomêtre & maistre en mathematiques.
- Additional Title(s):
Nouveau et grand illuminant flambeau de la mer, de tout le monde
Nieuwe groote lichtende zee-fakkel. French- Published/Created:
- Imprime a Amsteldam : chez Gerard van Keulen ..., 1736.
- Physical Description:
- 1 atlas (6 volumes) : illustrations, maps ; 55 cm
- Holdings:
- Rare Books and ManuscriptsFolio A 2023 47Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon CollectionView by request in the Study Room [Request]
Note: The Study Room is open by appointment. Please visit the Study Room page on our website for more details. - Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/12452833
- Classification:
- Maps & Atlas (printed)
- Scale:
- Sacles differ.
- Notes:
- Depths shown by soundings. Relief shown pictorially in some maps.
Includes profiles.
The text is by Vooght, with contributions in volume 2 by Jan van Loon. Translated into French by Pierre François Sylvestre. See Koeman.
With allegorical added engraved title pages for each volume, by Jan Luiken. All have variant imprint, the last two digits of the date completed in manuscript: "Imprimé a Amsterdam, par Jean van Ceulen ... 1736." Volume 5 is dated 1724, the final edition of the French text.
Description based on the Yale Center for British Art copy, which contains a sixth volume, with the engraved title page (dated 1736) but without the letterpress title page or text -- anticipating the sixth volume published in 1753 (with charts of the Indian Ocean and the Malay Archipelago). This phenomenon is described in Koeman, page 364.
The text of the atlas is in French; the titles of the maps are mostly in Dutch.
All copies of the atlas vary in contents (see Van Keulen cartography, Amsterdam 1680-1885, page 189). The present description is based on the Yale Center for British Art copy, which contains a sixth volume, with the engraved title page (dated 1736) but without the letterpress title page or text -- anticipating the sixth volume published in 1753 (with charts of the Indian Ocean and the Malay Archipelago). This phenomenon is described in Koeman, page 364.
Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, Keu 55
Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, Keu 84
Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, Keu 104
Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, Keu 120
Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, Keu 132
Van Keulen cartography, Amsterdam 1680-1885, pages 189-216
Fairman, E. "'Wherin all trauailers may vnderstand how to direct their voyages': Maps and Atlases at the Yale Center for British Art from the Bequest of Paul Mellon." In Yale University Library Gazette, 75 (2001), pages 127-130
BAC Folio A 2023 47: Plates are hand-colored. Bound in contemporary mottled calf. Each volume annotated in manuscript: "Del Convento de N.P. Jesus Nazareno"
BAC Folio A 2023 47: Volume five includes six double-folio manuscript maps, five of them signed by Gerard van Keulen. They depict Tierra del Fuego and Cape Horn; the island of Chiloe off Chile; the port of Poulo Condore on the island of the same name (now called Con Dao) off the coast of Vietnam; the gulf of Panama; the Solomon Islands (Guadalcanal, Isabella, and others); and the port of Acapulco in Mexico (with a plan of the town). They were probably made for the Dutch East India Company, for which the van Keulens remained chartmakers until its liquidation in 1799. See: Fairman (2001). - Subject Terms:
- Coasts.Convento de N.P. Jesus Nazareno -- Ownership.Navigation.
- Form/Genre:
- Atlases.
Nautical charts.
Pilot guides. - Export:
- Contents (from title pages): La premiere partie, demonstrant les costes maritimes d'Hollande, Frise, Holsteyn, Jutlandt, Mecklenbourg, Dennemarq, Noorwegue, les costes orientales d'Angleterre & d'Ecosse, Suede, Pomere, Prusse, Lyflandt, Finlandt, Finmarken & Ruslandt, avec les Isles de leurs dependances, comme aussi d'Orcades, Hitlandt, les Isles de Fero, Yslandt, Spitsbergue & l'Isle de Jan Maye, comme aussi la deuxieme & troisieme partie de la navigation occidentale du destroit ... [with 70 maps and views]
- Deuxsiesme partie, demonstrant les costes maritimes de la partie meridionale de la Mer du Nord, la Manche, l'Angleterre, l'Escosse, l'Irlande, les costes de France, d'Espagne, Maroc, Gaulete, de Genehoa, & Gambie, avec les isles adjaçentes, comme aussy les isles des Assores, des Canaries, & du Cap Verg ... [with 75 maps and views]
- La troisiesme partie, demonstrant les costes de Grenade, Murcie, Valance, Cathalogne, Languedoc, Provence, Italie, Dalmatie, Grece, Trace, Natholie, Sirie, d'Egipte, & toute la coste septentrionale de Barbarie, avec les isles adjaçentes, les isles d'Yvica, Majorca, Minorca, Corsica, Sardagne, Sicilia, & Malta, comme aussy les isles de l'Archipel, & Cypres ... [with 60 maps and views]
- La quatrieme partie, demonstrant les costes maritimes de Gujana, Venezuela, Carthagena Nova, Costa Rico, d'Honduras, Yucatan, Mexico, Floride, Caroline, Virginie, Nouveau Pays Bas, Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle France, Terre Neuf, est les costes maritimes septentrionale d'Amerique, avec les isles entre & appartenantes sous icelles ... [with 52 maps, including six in manuscript]
- La cinquieme partie, demonstrant les costes maritimes de Guinée, Angole, des Caffers & Bresil, avec les isles sous dependantes situées entre deux, n'ayant jamais été ainsi descrit parci devant ...
- [Part six: Nautical charts and illustrations of southern Africa, the Indian Ocean, and the Malay Archipelago. With 57 maps and views].
Wilde Americk - Discovery and Exploration of the New World, 1500-1850 (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-09-27 - 2001-09-27) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
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