Pressed botanical specimens, ca. 1825
- Title(s):
- Pressed botanical specimens.
- Published/Created:
- Great Britain, ca. 1825.
- Physical Description:
- 38 specimens ; on sheets 17 x 10 cm
- Holdings:
- Rare Books and ManuscriptsQK61 .P747 Flat AYale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon FundView by request in the Study Room [Request]
Note: The Study Room is open by appointment. Please visit the Study Room page on our website for more details. - Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Archives & Manuscripts
- Notes:
- Accompanied by a contemporary made-to-size box, covered in pink, green, and white paper, trimmed in gold.
Specimens were compiled by an unidentified collector. Many of specimens are native to alpine or cold-weather environments. Four of the specimens are dated, three (1823) from Igloolik, in present day Nunavut, northern Canada. - Subject Terms:
- Botanical specimens -- Collection and preservation -- Great Britain.Botanical specimens -- Great Britain.Flowers -- Collection and preservation -- Great Britain.Flowers -- Great Britain.Mountain plants -- Collection and preservation -- Great Britain.Mountain plants -- Great Britain.Pressed flower pictures.
- Form/Genre:
- Herbaria.
- Export:
- Achillea tomentosa
- Androsace lactea
- Arenaria biflora
- Achillea thoment
- Arenaria ciliata
- Aretia helvetica
- Asplenium septentrionale
- Bupleurum ranunculoides
- Cerastium alpinum
- Ceterach officinarum
- Delphinium consolida
- Draba alpinum, Igloolik, 1823
- Dryas octopetala
- Ephedra distachia
- Erynus alpinus
- Gentiana bavarica
- Gnaphalium divicum
- Gnaphalium leontopodium
- Gnaphalium norvegicum
- Hedysarum obscurum
- Igloolik, 1823 [3]
- Moehringia muscosa
- Phyteuma orbicularis
- Plantago alpina
- Poa vivipara
- Polygonum viviparum
- Potentilla aurea
- Primula acaulis
- Ranunculus alpestris
- Salix reticulata
- Saponaria ocymoides
- Satirium nigrum
- Saxifraga oppositifolia, Minks [?] Island, 1822
- Saxifraga aizoon
- Soldanella alpina
- Trifolium alpinum.
If you have information about this object that may be of assistance please contact us.