Schöner, Johann, 1477-1547, Luculentissima quaeda[m] terrae totius descriptio , anno Domini 1515
- Title(s):
- Luculentissima quaeda[m] terrae totius descriptio : cu[m] multis vtilissimis cosmographiae iniciis, Nouaq[ue], & q[uan] ante fuit verior Europae nostrae formatio, praeterea, fluuioru[m], montiu[m], prouintiaru[m], urbiu[m] & gentium, q[uan]plurimoru[m] vetustissima nomina recentioribus admixta vocabulis ...
- Published/Created:
- Impressum Noribergae : I[n] excusoria officina Ioannis Stuchssen, anno Domini 1515.
- Physical Description:
- [15], 65 leaves : illustrations ; 20 cm (4to)
- Holdings:
- Rare Books and ManuscriptsG3170.S36 L83 1515Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon CollectionView by request in the Study Room [Request]
Note: The Study Room is open by appointment. Please visit the Study Room page on our website for more details. - Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- BAC G3170.S36 L83 1515: Bound in contemporary brown leather with remnants of metal clasp on front cover and printed waste on inside of front and back covers.
BEIN: The plate and 2 tables (l. 13 & 14) are fold.; coat-of-arms on verso of t-p., hand colored; Errata slip tipped in between 13th and 14th p. l.
BEIN: Imperfect: l. 39, 55 & 64 bled at bottom.
"Ioann.Stabius globo cosmographico honorabilis viri domini Ioannis Schoner sacerdotis baben bergensis"--Page [5].
Following title: "Ad Lectore[m] Joannis Hiltner Lichtenfelsen̄, epigramma [and 8 lines]."
Signatures: a⁸ b⁶ A-B⁸ C-G⁴ H-K⁸ L⁶.
Leaf 23 numbered 32.
Errata slip before leaf [14].
Imprint from colophon.
"The author follows the suggestion made by Waldseemüller, in 1507, and calls this fourth part of the world America or Amerigen. Schöner's book is probably the second, after the various editions of the Cosmographiae Introductio, to contain the word America."--Church 37, in reference to leaves 60-62.
"This geographical description of the world was prepared to accompany the terrestrial globe mentioned in the privilege on the title page..."--Sabin.
BAV 80; JCB 49.
Sabin, J. Dictionary of books relating to America from its discovery to the present time, 77804
Church, E.D. Catalogue of books relating to the discovery and early history of North and South America, 37
Kebabian, J.S. Henry C. Taylor collection, 49 - Subject Terms:
- Globes -- Early works to 1800.Physical geography -- Early works to 1800.
- Form/Genre:
- Woodcuts.
Printed waste. - Export: