Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, The letters of Samuel Johnson , 1992-1994
- Title(s):
- The letters of Samuel Johnson / edited by Bruce Redford.
- Additional Title(s):
- Correspondence
- Published/Created:
- Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1992-1994.
- Physical Description:
- 5 v. ; 26 cm.
- Holdings:
- Reference LibraryPR3533 A4 1992 (LC)Accessible in the Reference Library [Hours]
Note: Please contact the Reference Library to schedule an appointment [Email] - Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- BEIN: Presentation inscription to Beinecke Library from Bruce Redford and Mary Hyde Eccles.
Includes bibliographical references and index. - Subject Terms:
- Authors, English -- 18th century -- Correspondence.Eccles, Mary Hyde -- Presentation inscription to Beinecke Library.Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 -- Correspondence.Lexicographers -- Great Britain -- Correspondence.Redford, Bruce -- Presentation inscription to Beinecke Library.
- Export:
- v. I. 1731-1772.--v. II. 1773-1776.-- v. III. 1777-1781.-- v. IV. 1782-1784.-- v. V. Appendices & Comprehensive Index.