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The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouerland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeres, diuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions, whereunto they were directed ... / by Richard Hakluyt, preacher, and sometime student of Christ-Church in Oxford.
Additional Title(s):

Principal navigations, voyages, traffiqves and discoveries of the English nation

Principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation

Principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation.
Imprinted at London : By George Bishop, Ralph Newberie, and Robert Barker, anno 1599-1600.
Physical Description:
3 v. ; 31 cm. (fol.)
Rare Books and Manuscripts
G240 .H35 1599+ Oversize
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
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Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BEIN Elizabethan Club +54: Imperfect: title page of volume one cut out and pasted to blank sheet bound in; wormholes throughout, with some loss of text; some staining and holes in margins, with no loss of text. Pages 605-608 misbound as 608/606-607/605. Inscriptions throughout: John Mountfelt. Manuscript annotations throughout (some loss due to trimming). Three volumes bound as two.
The second volume is dated 1599.
Title page of first volume, continues: "The first Volume containeth the worthy Discoueries, &c. of the English toward the North and Northeast by Sea, as of Lapland, Scrikfinia, Corelia, Baie of S. Nicolas, the Isles of Colgoiue, Vaigatz, and Noua Zembla, toward the great Riuer Ob, with the mighty Empire of Russia, the Caspian Sea, Georgia, Armenia, Media, Persia, Boghar in Bactria, and diuers kingdomes of Tartaria: Together with many notable monuments and testimonies of the ancient forren trades, and of the warrelike and other shipping of this Realme of England in former ages. VVhereunto is annexed a briefe Commentary of the true state of Island, and of the Northren Seas and lands situate that way : As also the memorable defeat of the Spanish huge Armada, Anno 1588. The second Volume comprehendeth the principall Nauigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and discoueries of the English Nation made by Sea or ouer-land, to the South and South-east parts of the World, as well within as without the Streight of Gibraltar, at any time within the compasse of these 1600. yeres: Diuided into two seueral parts, &c.".
The third volume has title: The third and last volume of the Voyages, nauigations, traffiques, and discoueries of the English nation, and in some few places, where they haue not been, of strangers, performed within and before the time of these hundred yeeres, to all parts of the Newfound world of America, or the West Indies, from 73 degrees of Northerly to 57 of Southerly latitude : as namely to Engronland, Meta Incognita, Estotiland, Tierra de Labrador, Newfoundland, vp the grand bay, the gulfe of S. Laurence, and the riuer of Canada to Hochelaga and Saguenay, ... and likewise to all the yles both small and great lying before the cape of Florida, the bay of Mexico, and Tierra firma, to the coasts and inlands of Newe Spaine, ... and from thence on the backside of America, along the coastes, harbours, and capes of Chili, Peru, Nicaragua, Nueua Espanna, Nueua Galicia, Culiacan, California, Noua Albion, and more northerly as farre as 43 degrees : together with the two renowmed, and prosperous voyages of Sir Francis Drake and M. Thomas Candish round about the circumference of the whole earth, and diuers other voyages intended and set forth for that course. Collected by Richard Hakluyt, preacher, and sometimes student of Christ-Church in Oxford.
The first volume is the second issue of the second edition, lacks the phrase "... the famous victorie atchiued at the citie of Cadiz, 1596 ..." on t.p.
Vols. 1 and 2 dated: 1599, v. 3: 1600.
Vol. 1: [24], 619, [1] p.; v. 2: [16], 312, 204 p.; v. 3: [16], 868 p.; with numerous errors in pagination.
Signatures: v. 1: *⁶, **⁶, A-3E⁶, 3F⁴; v. 2: *⁸, A-2C⁶, 3A-R⁶; v. 3: (A)⁸, A-I⁶, K⁸, L-4C⁶.
Pollard, A.W. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640 (2nd ed.), 12626a
English short title catalogue, S106753
Adams, T.R. English maritime books printed before 1801 1928-1930
Church, E.D. Catalogue of books relating to the discovery and early history of North and South America, 322
Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, 443
Sabin, J. Dictionary of books relating to America from its discovery to the present time, 29597
Sabin, J. Dictionary of books relating to America from its discovery to the present time, 29598
With woodcut head- and tail-pieces; initials.
BAC: British Art Center copy in 3 volumes. Lacking Molyneux-Wright Map. Section on the conquest of Cadiz by Essex is variant 1 (a). Bound in later gilt-tooled red morocco. All 3 volumes have the engraved bookplate of Alexander Dalrymple on the t.p. versos. At the front of vol. 2 are tipped in 9 pages of ms. notes on the work, believed to be in Dalrymple's hand. All 3 volumes bear the stamp of the Admiralty Library. Vol. 1 inscribed: Sr. Wm. Hervy [?] gave me this volume and the other two in June 1616. Vol. 2 & 3 inscribed: Sr. Wm. Wheler, Knt & Baronet.
Subject Terms:
Admiralty Library -- Stamp.
Dalrymple, Alexander, 1737-1808 -- Bookplate. (BACRB)
Dalrymple, Alexander, 1737-1808 -- Ms. notes. (BACRB)
Discoveries in geography -- English.
Hervy, William -- Provenance. (BACRB)
Mountfelt, John -- Autograph.
Voyages and travels -- Early works to 1800.
Wheler, William -- Autograph. (BACRB)
Exploration literature
Annotations (Provenance)
Annotations (Provenance)
Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616.
Bishop, George, -1611, printer.
Newbery, Ralph, -1604, printer.
Barker, Robert, -1645, printer.

Wilde Americk - Discovery and Exploration of the New World, 1500-1850 (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-09-27 - 2001-09-27) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]

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