Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (Great Britain), A catalogue of the pictures, sculptures, models, drawings, prints etc. of the present artists , 1760-1783
- Title(s):
- A catalogue of the pictures, sculptures, models, drawings, prints etc. of the present artists : exhibited in the Great Room of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce ...
- Published/Created:
- London : Printed by Wm. Griffin , 1760-1783.
- Physical Description:
- [2] v. (various pagings) ; 25 cm.
- Holdings:
- Reference LibraryN5055.S62 C3 1760A (LC)Accessible in the Reference Library [Hours]
Note: Please contact the Reference Library to schedule an appointment [Email] - Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- BAC, REF: Photocopy
v.[2] Includes Historical and critical review of the paintings ...1762. - Subject Terms:
- Art -- Catalogs -- Exhibitions.
- Export: