- Title:
- Greenland Falcon
- Former Title(s):
- Gyr Falcon
- Date:
- 1780
- Materials & Techniques:
- beeswax on panel
- Dimensions:
- 32 x 39 inches (81.3 x 99.1 cm)
- Inscription(s)/Marks/Lettering:
Signed and dated, lower center: "Geo Stubbs pinxit 1780"
- Credit Line:
- Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
- Copyright Status:
- Public Domain
- Accession Number:
- B2001.2.62
- Classification:
- Paintings
- Collection:
- Paintings and Sculpture
- Link to Frame:
- B2001.2.62FR
- Subject Terms:
- animal art | bells (idiophones) | falcon (bird) | field | Gyrfalcon | hunting | landscape | leash | perch | talons | white (color)
- Associated Places:
- England | Lowestoft | Suffolk | United Kingdom
- Access:
- Not on view
- Link:
- https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:21168
- Export:
- IIIF Manifest:
The Paul Mellon Bequest : Treasures of a Lifetime (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-02-17 - 2001-04-29) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition] [Exhibition Description]
George Stubbs in the Collection of Paul Mellon: a Memorial Exhibition (Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 2000-02-14 - 2000-05-15) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition] [Exhibition Description]
George Stubbs in the Collection of Paul Mellon: a Memorial Exhibition (Yale Center for British Art, 1999-04-30 - 1999-09-05) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition] [Exhibition Description]
Painting in England 1700-1850 - From The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon (Yale University Art Gallery, 1965-04-15 - 1965-06-20) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
Humphrey Ap Evans, Falconry for you., J. Gifford Ltd, London, 1960, pl. viii, SK321 A6 (Ornithology) [ORBIS]
Christie's (UK), Christie's sale catalogue : Catalogue of pictures by Old Master and works of the early English school : 3 June 1905, London, June 3, 1905, p. 17, Lot 49, Fiche B51 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Cyril Connolly, English Conquest in the Old Dominion, ART News, vol. 62, Summer 1963, p. 30, N1 A6 OVERSIZE (HAAS) [ORBIS]
Malcolm Cormack, Country pursuits: British, American, and French sporting art from the Mellon collections in the Virginia Museum Of Fine Arts, , Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Charlottesville, 2007, pp. 5, 89-90, no. 111, ND1383 G7 V57 2007 + OVERSIZE (YCBA) [YCBA]
Malcolm Cormack, George Stubbs in the collection of Paul Mellon : A memorial exhibition, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1999, p. 67, no. 44, NJ18 St915 G54 1999 (YCBA) [YCBA]
James Dugdale, Sir Charles Tennant, the Story of a Victorian Collector, Connoisseur, v. 178, no. 715, September 1971, pp. 9, 13-14, fig. 12, N1 C75 + (YCBA) [YCBA]
Judy Egerton, British Sporting and Animal Paintings 1655-1867 : A Catalogue : The Paul Mellon Collection, , Tate Publishing, London, 1978, pp. 91-92, no. 89, Colour Pl. 16, ND1383 G7 B75 OVERSIZE (YCBA) [YCBA]
Judy Egerton, George Stubbs, painter : catalogue raisonne, , Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2007, pp. 440-1, no. 222, NJ18 St915 A12 +E44 2007 (YCBA) [YCBA]
English Animal and Sporting Pictures in the Mellon Collection, Apollo, vol. 77,ns#14, April 1963, pp.283, 287, PL. VIII, N1 A54 + (YCBA) Another Copy also available in Vertical File: V1168 [YCBA]
Genius Defined, Time, vol. 82, no.. 1, July 5, 1963, p. 59, V 2333 (YCBA) Hard Copy also available at SML - AP2 T55 + [YCBA]
George Stubbs, 1724-1806, an exhibition held from 13th July to 25th August at the Walker Art Gallery, 1951. , Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 1951, p. 11, no. 44, NJ18 St915 A12 1951 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Catherine M. Gordon, British paintings Hogarth to Turner, Frederick Warne, London, 1981, p. 62, ND466 G67 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Greenland Falcon, Burlington Magazine, vol. 103,no.699, June 1961, p. xv, N1 B87 + (YCBA) Available online through JStor. [YCBA]
Christine E. Jackson, Bird painting, the eighteenth century , Antique Collectors' Club, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1994, p. 97, N7660 J33 1994 (HAAS) [ORBIS]
Painting in England 1700-1850 : collection of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mellon : Exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, , 1,2, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, 1963, p. 169 (v. 1), no. 321, ND466 V57 v.1-2 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Painting in England 1700-1850 from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, The Royal Academy of Arts Winter Exhibition 1964-65., , Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK, 1964, p. 75 (v. 1), no. 268, ND466 R68 1964/65 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Paul Mellon's Legacy : a passion for British art [large print labels], , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2007, v. 1, N5220 M552 P381 2007 OVERSIZE (YCBA) [YCBA]
Duncan Robinson, At home to sporting art : the Brick House, Essays of Friends of British Sporting Art, no. 33, The British Sporting Art Trust, Summer 1997, p. 4, N8250 .B751 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Sotheby's sale catalogue : Catalogue of important old master paintings : 14 June 1961, Sotheby's, London, June 14, 1961, p. 39, lot no. 94, B12 film (YCBA) [YCBA]
Sotheby's sale catalogue : Catalogue of important old master paintings : 14 June 1961, Sotheby's, London, June 14, 1961, p. 39, lot no. 94, Auction Catalogues (YCBA) [YCBA]
Malcolm Warner, The Paul Mellon Bequest : treasures of a lifetime, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2001, p. 53, N5247 M385 P28 2001 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Whitechapel Art Gallery, George Stubbs, 1724-1806., Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings, drawings and engravings held at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, from 27th February--7th April, 1957. , London, 1957, p. 24, no. 55, NJ18 St915 T36 1957 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Yale University Art Gallery, Painting in England, 1700-1850, from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon : [exhibition at] Yale University Art Gallery, April 15-June 20, 1965, , vol. 1, W. Clowes and sons, New Haven, 1965, p. 48 (v. 1), no. 180, ND466 Y35 (YCBA) [YCBA]