- Title:
- The Deluge
- Former Title(s):
- The deluge. [1837, Royal Academy of Arts, London, exhibition catalogue]
- Date:
- 1834
- Materials & Techniques:
- Oil on canvas
- Dimensions:
- 66 1/4 x 101 3/4 inches (168.3 x 258.4 cm), Frame: 73 1/2 × 109 inches (186.7 × 276.9 cm)
- Inscription(s)/Marks/Lettering:
Signed and dated, lower right: "J. Martin. | 1834"
- Credit Line:
- Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
- Copyright Status:
- Public Domain
- Accession Number:
- B1978.43.11
- Classification:
- Paintings
- Collection:
- Paintings and Sculpture
- Link to Frame:
- B1978.43.11FR
- Subject Terms:
- boats | comet | death | destruction | family | flood | geology | heaven | lightning | meteorology | moon | night | Noah's arks | people | religious and mythological subject | rocks (landforms) | science | sea | storm | sun | tidal waves | violence | waves (natural events) | wife
- Access:
- Not on view
- Link:
- https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:5017
- Export:
- IIIF Manifest:
Travelling. J.M.W. Turner in Search of the Sublime and Picturesque (LWL - Museum für Kunst und Kultur, 2019-11-08 - 2020-01-26) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
The Critique of Reason : Romantic Art, 1760–1860 (Yale University Art Gallery, 2015-03-06 - 2015-07-26) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
British Vision - Observation and Imagination in British Art (Museum of Fine Arts Ghent, 2007-10-06 - 2008-01-13) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
Constable to Delacroix : British Art and the French Romantics 1820-1840 (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003-09-29 - 2004-01-04) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
Constable to Delacroix : British Art and the French Romantics 1820-1840 (Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2003-06-01 - 2003-08-27) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
Constable to Delacroix : British Art and the French Romantics 1820-1840 (Tate Britain, 2003-02-06 - 2003-05-11) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Art Gallery of South Australia, 1998-09-16 - 1998-11-15) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition] [Exhibition Description]
This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Queensland Art Gallery, 1998-07-15 - 1998-09-06) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition] [Exhibition Description]
This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998-05-01 - 1998-07-05) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition] [Exhibition Description]
John Martin: Visions of the Biblical Flood (Yale Center for British Art, 1997-09-17 - 1997-11-30) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
John Martin: Visions of the Biblical Flood (Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 1997-05-10 - 1997-08-03) [YCBA Objects in the Exhibition]
"Salon de 1835", L'Artiste, IX, Paris, p. 64, 97, J10 +Ar8823 (LSF) [ORBIS]
Acquisitions : The First Decade 1977-1986, Yale Center for British Art , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1986, pp. 9, 16, no. 38, N590.2 A7 OVERSIZE (YCBA) [YCBA]
Thomas Balston, John Martin, 1799-1854, his life and works., G. Duckworth, London, 1947, pp. 18, 56, 88-, NJ18 M39 B35 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Emma Barker, Art & visual culture, 1600-1850 : academy to avant-garde, , Tate Publishing, London, 2012, p. 213, pl. 5.32, N6756 .A78 2012 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Julian Bell, Wonderland, TLS, the Times Literary Supplement, Issue no. 5463, December 14, 2007, pp. 11-12, Film S748 (SML) Also Available Online in TLS Archive [ORBIS]
British Institution: Exhibition of Ancient Masters, Athenaeum, July 1854, p. 819, Available online in British Periodicals II Also available: A88 At421 + (SML) Available online in British Periodicals II [ORBIS]
Thomas Buser, Religious art in the nineteenth century in Europe and America, v. 28a-28b, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y., 2002, no. 12, N7875 B88X 2002 (DIVINTY) [ORBIS]
Norman Cohn, Noah's flood, the Genesis story in Western thought , Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1996, no. 34, BS658 C64X 1996 (Bass) [ORBIS]
Malcolm Cormack, Concise Catalogue of Paintings in the Yale Center for British Art, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1985, pp. 156-157, N590.2 A83 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Holland Cotter, A Master of Biblical Floods and Final Days, New York Times, 14 September 1997, p. AR33, Yale Internet Resource [ORBIS]
Etienne Delecluz, Les Beaux-arts dans les deux mondes en 1855. Architecture, sculpture, peinture, gravure., Charpentier, Paris, p.89, J447 Ex75X 856D (LSF) [ORBIS]
Deluge (mezzotint with etch, 1828), Magazine Antiques, vol. 120, November 1981, p. 1159?, NK1125 A3 (HAAS) [ORBIS]
S. M. Ellis, Current Literature, Fortnightly Review, vol. 116, July 1924, pp. 138-41, A88 F778 (SML) Available online in British Periodicals database. [ORBIS]
William Feaver, The Art of John Martin, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975, NJ18 M39 F43 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Fine Art Gossip, Athenaeum, no. 1088, September 1848, p. 885, Available online: British Periodicals II Also available: .A88 At421 + (SML) [ORBIS]
Evan R. Firestone, John Linnell: The Eve of the Deluge, Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, vol. 62, April 1975, pp. 131-9, J418 C65D (SML) Also available on line in JSTOR [ORBIS]
Michael Freeman, Victorians and the prehistoric, tracks to a lost world , Yale University Press, New Haven, 2004, p. 171, no. 90, QE 705 G7 F74 2004 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Joseph Grego, Art on the Queen's Accession, Magazine of Art, January 1887, p. 368, N1 M34 + (YCBA) Available online in the British Periodicals Database [YCBA]
Gustave Dore, London Review of Politics, Society, Literature, Art and Science, vol. 11, September 1865, p. 668, Film S2228 (SML) Available online in British Periodicals database. [ORBIS]
Robert Hoozee, British vision : observation and imagination in British art, 1750-1950, , Mercatorfonds Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Brussels , Ghent, 2007, pp. 313, 318, 319-23, 362, no. 256, color detail, p. 318fig. 256, N6767 B78 2007 + OVERSIZE (YCBA) [YCBA]
John Martin - The Dante-Milton of Painters, Hood's Magazine, July 1846, p. 91, A88 H76 (LSF) Available online in British Periodicals Database. [ORBIS]
John Martin, 1789-1854, loan exhibition [of] oil paintings, watercolours, prints [held] 30th October-21st November 1975 [at] Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox. , Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox, Ltd., London, 1975, pp. 46-7., no. 53, NJ18 M39 H39 (YCBA) [YCBA]
John Martin, Editions Treville Co., Ltd. , Tokyo, 2009, p. 33, cat. 15, NJ18 M39 A12 2009 (YCBA) [YCBA]
John Martin, visions of the biblical flood. , Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco, 1997, pp. 2-4, NJ18 M39 S74 1997 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Christopher Johnstone, John Martin, Academy Editions, London, 1974, p. 17-18, 72, 75, NJ18 M39 +J65 Oversize (YCBA) [YCBA]
Lars Kokkonen, Apocalypse Now (Nachtliche Ergusse), John Martins Profanitat im England des 19. Jahrhunderts , Belvedere : Zeitschrift fur Bildende Kunst, 9 Jahr, Heft 1, 2003, pp. 33,34-35, Abb. 2, Not Available at Yale
Les origines du monde : l'invention de la nature au XIXe siècle, Gallimard, Paris : FR, p. 121, fig. 84, N8239.S65 075 2020+ (YCBA) [YCBA]
Julia Marciari-Alexander, This other Eden : Paintings from the Yale Center for British Art, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1998, p. 150, no. 61, ND1314.3 Y36 1998 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Giovanni Mariotti, John Martin: Visions of the Biblical Flood, FMR, October/November 1997, pp. 20-32, N1 F16 OVERSIZE (HAAS) [ORBIS]
Lynn Robert Matteson, Apocalyptic themes in British romantic landscape painting, 1984, Film B43 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Lynn Robert Matteson, John Martin's Deluge: A Study in Romantic Catastrophe, Pantheon, vol. XXXIX/III, July-August-September 1981, pp. 220-228, N3 P3 OVERSIZE (HAAS) [ORBIS]
John McDonald, A Feast of Mellon, Sydney Morning Herald, May 9, 1998, p. 14, Film An Sy25 (SML) Also Available Online (Factiva database) [ORBIS]
Barbara C. Morden, John Martin : Apocalypse Now!, , Northumbria University Press, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2010, pp. 52, 57-58, NJ18 M39 +M67 2010 Oversize (YCBA) [YCBA]
Morton D. Paley's The Apocalyptic Sublime, Apollo, v. 125, no. 300, February 1987, pp. 150-51, N1 A54 + (YCBA) [YCBA]
Martin Myrone, John Martin, apocalypse , Tate Publishing, London, 2011, pp. 54, 106, 163, 201, NJ18.M39 A12 2011 Oversize (YCBA) [YCBA]
Patrick Noon, Crossing the Channel : British and French painting in the age of romanticism, Tate Publishing, London, p. 122-3, no. 56, ND467.5.R6 N66 2003 Oversize (YCBA) [YCBA]
Morton D. Paley, The Apocalyptic Sublime, Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn., 1986, p. 139, no. 66, ND1432 G73 P34 1986 [ORBIS]
Paul Mellon's Legacy : a passion for British art [large print labels], , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2007, v. 3, N5220 M552 P381 2007 OVERSIZE (YCBA) [YCBA]
Mary L. Pendered, John Martin, Painter : His Life and Times, , Hurst & Blackett, London, 1923, pp. 131-139, p. 132, NJ18 M39 P4 1923 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Graham Reynolds, Turner : with a new introduction by David Blayney Brown, Thames & Hudson, London, fig. 164, NJ18.T85 R49 2020 (YCBA) [YCBA]
Duncan Robinson, Acquisitions : The First Decade 1977 - 1986, , Burlington Magazine, vol. 128, October 1986, pp. 9, 16, no. 38, N1 B87 128:3 OVERSIZE (YCBA) [YCBA]
Anny Sadrin, John Martin - The Deluge, Interfaces, v. 7, 1995, pp. 11-26, cover, V 0597 (YCBA) [YCBA]
The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, Monthly Magazine, v. 3:18, June 1840, p. 664, Yale Internet Resource Available online in British Periodicals Database [ORBIS]
The John Martin Exhibition, a Once-Famous Biblical Painter , Illustrated London News, vol. 223, no 5974, October 17, 1953, p. 601, Available online: Illus.London News Hist. Archive [ORBIS]
Turner : horror and delight, Sandstein Verlag, Dresden, pp. 232-233, no. 101, NJ18.T85 A12 2019b Oversize (YCBA) [YCBA]
Richard Verdi, Poussin's Deluge: The Aftermath, Burlington Magazine, v. 123,no.940, July 1981, p. 398, N1 B87 + (YCBA) [YCBA]
Gustav Friedrich Waagen, Works of Art and Artists in England. By G.F. Waagen, Director of the Royal Gallery at Berlin, British and Foreign Review, July 1839, pp. 31, 39 -41, Available Online: British Periodicals II Also available: WC 18931 (LSF - Mudd)
J. Dustin Wees, Darkness Visible : The Prints of John Martin, , Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass., 1986, p. 33, no. 23, NJ18 M39 W44 (YCBA) [YCBA]