|Back view of man on horseback|George Housman Thomas|Boy Whistling|George Housman Thomas|Color Guard Order (Soldier wearing busby)|George Housman Thomas|Head of a Prussian soldier|George Housman Thomas|Head of a young girl and girl with pigtails|George Housman Thomas|Head of horse|George Housman Thomas|Horses feeding in stable|George Housman Thomas|Inspection of guard, Koningsburg, Prussia, study for watercolor, "The Coronation of the King and Queen of Prussia on 18th October 1861"|George Housman Thomas|Jockey on horseback|George Housman Thomas|Male face, marked "Mr. Crawley" for "Vanity Fair" or "Last Chronicles of Barset"|George Housman Thomas|Male figures, possibly studies for sculpture|George Housman Thomas|Man astride a horse drinking from a stream|George Housman Thomas|Man in cap, probably a portrait of Jim Lush|George Housman Thomas|Man in profile with two women|George Housman Thomas|Man writing (similar to man in an illustration by Thomas in "Vicar of Wakefield," p.120)|George Housman Thomas|Men riding horseback|George Housman Thomas|Mounted soldiers with wagon, circa. Crimean war period|George Housman Thomas|Mules|George Housman Thomas|Organ grinder|George Housman Thomas|Portrait of Mr. A. Oliver|George Housman Thomas|Portrait of old woman|George Housman Thomas|Sketch of a horse, and detail of a horse's eye|George Housman Thomas|Sketch of lovers fleeing at night|George Housman Thomas|Sketch of Man in Ermine-trimmed Clothes|George Housman Thomas|Sketch of rocks|George Housman Thomas|Sketch of woman, possibly study for sculpture|George Housman Thomas|Sketches for various illustrations|George Housman Thomas|Sketches of a Girl Reading, and Profile of a Soldier|George Housman Thomas|Sketches of a girl, a woman, and two male heads|George Housman Thomas|Sketches of horses|George Housman Thomas|Sketches of men spitting; possibly an illustration for "Last Chronicles of Barset"|George Housman Thomas|Sketches of men, possibly studies for illustrations|George Housman Thomas|Small sketch of horse|George Housman Thomas|Soldier in tent with cooking stove, possibly peeling potatoes during the Crimean campaign|George Housman Thomas|Soldier in uniform|George Housman Thomas|Soldier piping|George Housman Thomas|Soldiers on horseback|George Housman Thomas|Stable to the left of a backyard|George Housman Thomas|State Carriage Horses, Berlin (Horse with detail of harness)|George Housman Thomas|Studies for illustration, probably for Trollope's "Last Chronicles of Barset"|George Housman Thomas|Studies of cats|George Housman Thomas|Studies of hands and a young man|George Housman Thomas|Studies of heads|George Housman Thomas|Studies of mounted soldier|George Housman Thomas|Study for figure in oil painting, "Haymaking"|George Housman Thomas|Study of a scene from the Coronation of the King and Queen of Prussia, Konigsberg|George Housman Thomas|Study of children running|George Housman Thomas|Study of Christ surrounded by angels, possibly a depiction of The Ascension|George Housman Thomas|Study of hands, sleeves and male profile|George Housman Thomas|Study of leaves|George Housman Thomas|Study of Queen Victoria's Mount, Alma, for the oil painting, "Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort at Aldershot"|George Housman Thomas|Study of woman's shawl|George Housman Thomas|Thin man in top hat on horseback with sketch of male head|George Housman Thomas|Three harnessed horses, with man mounted on one pulling wagon|George Housman Thomas|Three male heads and a horse's head|George Housman Thomas|Three people greeting a soldier|George Housman Thomas|Three women seated with children outside building|George Housman Thomas|Tree trunks|George Housman Thomas|Trees across a river with sketch for tree|George Housman Thomas