|A Front View of the Royal Palace at Kensington|Nathaniel Parr|A Front View of the Royal Palace of Kensington|Nathaniel Parr|A Front View of the Royal Palace of Kensington|Nathaniel Parr|A General View of the City of Paris taken from an Eminence in the Village of Chaillot|Nathaniel Parr|A North View of Westminster Bridge|Nathaniel Parr|A Perspective View of the Cascade of St. Cloud|Nathaniel Parr|A Prospect of St. James's Park|Nathaniel Parr|A View of the Rotunda House and Gardens at Ranelagh with an exact representation of the Jubilee Ball as it appeared May 24th, 1759|Nathaniel Parr|An Inside View of the Rotundo in Ranelagh Gardens|Nathaniel Parr|An Inside View of the Rotundo in Ranelagh Gardens|Nathaniel Parr|An View of the Rotunda, House and Gardens at Ranelagh with an exact representation of the Jubilee Ball as it appeared, May 24th, 1759|Nathaniel Parr|Battledore and shittlecock|Nathaniel Parr|Chelsey Colledge|Nathaniel Parr|The Diversion of Battledore and Shuttlecock|Nathaniel Parr|The King and Miller of Mansfield|Nathaniel Parr|The taking of the Princessa a Spanish Man of War, April 8, 1740 by His Majesties Ships the Lenox, Kent, and Oxford|Nathaniel Parr|University of Cambridge|Nathaniel Parr|Veue de Parc de St. Jacques|Nathaniel Parr|The Chapter House, St. Pauls|or Nathaniel Parr|A Calm|print made by Nathaniel Parr|A Prospect of the Palace of Chantilli|print made by Nathaniel Parr|A Prospect of the Royal Palace of Thuilleries|print made by Nathaniel Parr|A View of the Doge's Palace at Venice with the Grand landing place before it. The Prison on the right hand the Custom House and Entrance of the Grand Canal in front|print made by Nathaniel Parr|Fresh Gale|print made by Nathaniel Parr|The Great Place or Square of St. Mark as seen from the Great Clock. On the left side is the Portal of St. Marks Church. The magnificent Building on the side in front are the dwellings of the Procurators of St. Mark|print made by Nathaniel Parr|The Place and Church of St. John de Lateran at Rome; 1. St. Johns Church. 2. the Palace Built by Sixtus the fifth. 3. The Holy Ladder. 4. Constantines Font. 5. Hospital for Men. 6. Do. for Women.|print made by Nathaniel Parr