|A Baby Elephant sitting by a fence|Daniel Maclise|A Child Playing with a Dog|Daniel Maclise|An Elephant, facing left|Daniel Maclise|An Elephant, walking to left|Daniel Maclise|Henry Sass|Daniel Maclise|Study of a Young Girl, Seated|Daniel Maclise|Hamlet - The Play Scene|after Daniel Maclise|Hamlet, The Play Scene - "Hamlet", Act III, Scene II|after Daniel Maclise|Orlando and the Wrestler - "As You Like It"|after Daniel Maclise|The Play Scene - "Hamlet", Act III, Scene II|after Daniel Maclise|Procession of Characters from Shakespeare's Plays|formerly attributed to Daniel Maclise|The Play Scene, "Hamlet", Act III, Scene II|painted by Daniel Maclise