|Olivia, Maria and Malvolio from "Twelfth Night," Act III, Scene iv|Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Sublime Oratory ______ A Display of it|Johann Heinrich Ramberg|The Assignation|Johann Heinrich Ramberg|The St. Aubyn Family|Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Alphonso and Aciloe|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Exhibition of Royal Academy|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Faith|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Frederick II, King Of Prussia|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Her Royal Highnes the Princess Elizabeth|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|The Death of Cora|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1787|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|The Meeting Of Edward V And His Brother, The Duke Of York|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Title page: L'Amico' de Fanciulli, Vol. III|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg|Twelfth Night, Act III, Scene IV: Olivia's House|after Johann Heinrich Ramberg