|[Coaching] Stage Coach with the News of Peace|Robert Havell|A pair: 1. The Reading Coaches.|Robert Havell|A pair: 2. The Oxford and Oppostion Coaches.|Robert Havell|A View of Blackfriars Bridge and St. Pauls|Robert Havell|A View of London Bridge and Custom House|Robert Havell|A View of Somerset House|Robert Havell|A View of Southwark Bridge|Robert Havell|A View of the Chapter House taken from the Green|Robert Havell|Clifton Spring and Woods near Maidenhead|Robert Havell|Coaching [a pair]: 2. Arrival of the Stage Coach|Robert Havell|Coaching [a pair]: 1. Stage Coach Setting Off|Robert Havell|Coaching: The Reading Coaches|Robert Havell|Crofton|Robert Havell|Crofton|Robert Havell|Crofton Hall, Yorkshire|Robert Havell|Crofton Hall, Yorkshire|Robert Havell|George IV's Public Entry into the City of Dublin on August 17th 1821|Robert Havell|H. M. George IV Proclaimed King at Carlton House|Robert Havell|H.M.S. Sloop "Bonne Citoyenne" taking the French Frigate....|Robert Havell|His Majesty's Embarkation at Kingstown on 3rd September 1821|Robert Havell|London. Waterloo Bridge, part of Somerset House|Robert Havell|Panoramic View of Venice|Robert Havell|Peckwater Quadrangle, Christ Church, Oxford|Robert Havell|Representation of the Election of Members of Parliament for Westminster 1820|Robert Havell|Royal Telegraph Manchester Day Coach / A distance of 186 miles performed in 18 hours.|Robert Havell|Set of four: A Celebrated Stag Hunt. Plate 1. Meeting at the Oakes|Robert Havell|Set of four: A Celebrated Stag Hunt. Plate 2. Turning Out / Ben the Sailor|Robert Havell|Set of four: A Celebrated Stag Hunt. Plate 3. Taking Soil|Robert Havell|Set of four: A Celebrated Stag Hunt. Plate 3. The Chase|Robert Havell|Shooting: Set of six with title-page and printed wrapper: Sporting Miseries, or Six Red Letter Days in the country|Robert Havell|St. Matthew's Church, Kennington, Lambeth|Robert Havell|The Action between his Majesty's Sloop "Bonne Citoyenne" and the French Frigate "La Furieuse"|Robert Havell|The Devonport Mall near Amesbury, going Post through an Avalanche of Snow.|Robert Havell|The Holyhead and Chester Mails at Hockley Hill near Dunstable|Robert Havell|The Method of Catching Wild Elephants by the Kraal in Island of Ceylon in the East Indies|Robert Havell|The Omnibus|Robert Havell|Tunbridge Wells from Frant Forest|Robert Havell|View of a Triumphal Arch Proposed to be Erected at Hyde Park Corner Commenorative of the Victory ...King George III|Robert Havell|View of the Horse Guards and Melbourne House|Robert Havell|View of the Houses of Lords and Commons from the Old Palace Yard|Robert Havell|View of the Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich|Robert Havell|View of the Tower of London and the Mint|Robert Havell|View of Vauxhall Bridge|Robert Havell|View of Waterloo Bridge|Robert Havell|View of Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church|Robert Havell|A pair: 1. The Reading Coaches.|after Robert Havell|A pair: 2. The Oxford and Oppostion Coaches.|after Robert Havell|A View of Blackfriars Bridge and St. Pauls|after Robert Havell|A View of London Bridge and Custom House|after Robert Havell|A View of London taken from Greenwich Park|after Robert Havell|A View of Somerset House|after Robert Havell|A View of Southwark Bridge|after Robert Havell|Coaching: The Reading Coaches|after Robert Havell|Royal Telegraph Manchester Day Coach / A distance of 186 miles performed in 18 hours.|after Robert Havell|Shooting: Set of six with title-page and printed wrapper: Sporting Miseries, or Six Red Letter Days in the country|after Robert Havell|View of the Horse Guards and Melbourne House|after Robert Havell|View of the Houses of Lords and Commons from the Old Palace Yard|after Robert Havell|View of the Tower of London and the Mint|after Robert Havell|View of Vauxhall Bridge|after Robert Havell|View of Waterloo Bridge|after Robert Havell|View of Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church|after Robert Havell|London, taken near the New Custom House|and Robert Havell|A View of London taken from Greenwich Park|engraved by Robert Havell|Cassiobury, Herfordshire, The Seat of the Earl of Essex|print made by Robert Havell|Cassiobury, Hertfordshire, The Seat of the Earl of Essex|print made by Robert Havell|Cassiobury, Hertfordshire, The Seat of the Earl of Essex|print made by Robert Havell|Seran Raja's Palace|print made by Robert Havell|View of the Front of the New Public Buildings, Guildford|print made by Robert Havell|View of the Old Corn Market and Tuns Inn, Guildford|print made by Robert Havell|View of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich|print made by Robert Havell