|A View of Richmond Palace fronting the Green|James Basire, Sr.|A View of Richmond Palace fronting the River Thames|James Basire, Sr.|A View of the Ancient Royal Palace called Placentia in East Greenwich|James Basire, Sr.|A View of the Old Palace at Hampton Court from the Thames, Outer Western Suburb|James Basire, Sr.|Benjamin Hoadly, Bishop of Winchester|James Basire, Sr.|Brick Tower at Streatham|James Basire, Sr.|Chapel of Henry V at Westminster|James Basire, Sr.|Entree Royalle de la Reyne Mere du Royenes-Christien dans la Ville de Londres|James Basire, Sr.|Entree Royalle de la Reyne Mere du Royenes-Christien dans la Ville de Londres|James Basire, Sr.|John of Eltham|James Basire, Sr.|Mr. Thomas Gray|James Basire, Sr.|Plan of the Tower of London MDCCXXVI|James Basire, Sr.|Plan of the Tower of London..1681/1689|James Basire, Sr.|Pylades and Orestes|James Basire, Sr.|Ruins of the Bishop of WInchester's Palace, Southwark|James Basire, Sr.|Seal from the Indenture|James Basire, Sr.|South Elevation of the White Tower, in the Tower of London|James Basire, Sr.|St. Martin, Outwich|James Basire, Sr.|The South Aisle of the Nave of St. Saviour's Church, Southwark|James Basire, Sr.|Chapel of Henry V at Westminster|after James Basire, Sr.|Christ Church Cathedral and Part of Corpus Christi College|after James Basire, Sr.|John of Eltham|after James Basire, Sr.|Three Views of the Tower of London|after James Basire, Sr.|View of the Chapel and Hall of Oriel College|after James Basire, Sr.|Christ Church from the Meadows|after print by James Basire, Sr.|Plate I. Memorials of the Commissioners for Improving Westminster, 1811|attributed to James Basire, Sr.|A View of the Chapel and Hall of Oriel College|print made by James Basire, Sr.|A View of the Chapel and Hall of Oriel College|print made by James Basire, Sr.|A View of Worcester College &c.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|A View of Worcester College &c.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|A View of Worcester College &c.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Ancient Crosses at Whalley|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Browsholme|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Clitheroe from Eadsford Bridge|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Cloisters of Whalley Abbey|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Distant View of Whalley Abbey|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Frankley Chapel, S. E., Worcestershire|print made by James Basire, Sr.|George Vertue, Engraver|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Heads & Ornaments on the North Side of the Monument of King Sebert, Plate VI|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Inside View of the East End of Merton College Chapel|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Inside View of the East End of Merton College Chapel|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Inside View of the Hall of Christ Church|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Monument of Richard II and his Queen Anne 1395-1399|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Monumentum hoc ad austrum in choro Ecclesiae cathedralis Worcestiae positum|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Plan of the Ancient Palace of Westminster by the late Mr. William Capon, measured and drawn between 1793 and 1823|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Plate XI: St Stephen's Chapel|print made by James Basire, Sr.|PLATE XV. Elevation of a Window Bay &c|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Seals of Whalley Abbey|print made by James Basire, Sr.|South View of Christ Church, etc., from the Meadows|print made by James Basire, Sr.|South View of Christ Church, etc., from the Meadows|print made by James Basire, Sr.|South View of Christ Church, etc., from the Meadows|print made by James Basire, Sr.|South West view of St. Stephen's Chapel Westminster, Restored 1800|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Stonyhurst|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The Figure of Aveline Countess of Lancaster, Cumbent on her Monument, Plate II|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The Figures Supposed to be those of King Sebert and King Henry III, Plate V|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The Front of the Monument of Aveline, First Wife of Edmund Crouchback, Plate I|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The Humours of Bartholomew Fair|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The Monument of Ann of Cleves, Fourth Wife of King Henry VIII, Plate VII|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The North Front of the Monument of King Sebert, Plate IV|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The North-East View of the Old Dormitory, in 1758; North-East View of the Remains of Part of the Crypt of the Old Dormitory, discovered in 1815; Plans and Elevations of the Remains|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The Sherburne Chapel in Mitton Church|print made by James Basire, Sr.|The Under Vaulting of one Side of the Canopy of the Monument of Aveline, Coutess of Lancaster, Plate III|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Townley Hall|print made by James Basire, Sr.|View of Exeter College, All Saints Church, etc. from the Turl|print made by James Basire, Sr.|View of Exeter College, All Saints Church, from the Turl|print made by James Basire, Sr.|View of Oxford from the South Side of Heddington Hill|print made by James Basire, Sr.|View of Oxford from the South Side of Heddington Hill|print made by James Basire, Sr.|View of the Cathedral of Christ Church and Part of Corpus Christi College|print made by James Basire, Sr.|View of the Cathedral of Christ Church and Part of Corpus Christi College|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXVI: Chapel of St Stephen, Chapel of St Mary in the Vaults|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXVI: Chapel of St Stephen, Chapel of St Mary in the Vaults|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXVII: The Painted Chamber|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXX: The Story, as it is Presumed, of Joab and Abner. The Martyrdom of the Mother and her Seven Sons, and the Sacrifice of Antiochus.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXXI: A Continuation, as it is Presumed, of the Story of Antiochus. The Story of Abimelech.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXXII: The Story of Hezekiah.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXXIII: The Captivity of Jehoiachin King of Israel. Continuation of the Story, of the Captivity of the Jews|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXXIV: The Story of Elijah and Ahaziah. The Miracles of Elisha.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXXV: Continuation as it is Presumed of the Miracles of Elisha, and the Famine of Samaria. The Acts of Judas Maccabeus.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXXVI: Continuation of the Acts of the Maccabees. The Battle of Judas Maccabeus with Timotheus and the Fall of Maspha.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXXVII: The Coronation of Edward the Confessor. Warriors Flying for Refuge into a City.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Vol. 6, Plate XXXVIII: The Triumph of Largesse or Bounty over Avarice. The Triumph of Debonerete or Meekness over Anger.|print made by James Basire, Sr.|Whalley Abbey (nearer view)|print made by James Basire, Sr.