|A View of High Street, Southwark, being the ancient Roadway leading from Old London Bridge taken July, 1830, previous to its Removal to the New Line of Approach|George Johann Scharf|A View of High Street, Southwark, being the ancient Roadway leading from Old London Bridge taken July, 1830, previous to its Removal to the New Line of Approach|George Johann Scharf|A View of the Northern Approach to London Bridge while in a state of Progress|George Johann Scharf|Market Place, Wisbech Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire..., June 28, 1838|George Johann Scharf|Reigate Heath|George Johann Scharf|Shewing St. Michael's Church, Cooked Lane, since taken down taken on the spot, June, 1830|George Johann Scharf|St. Paul's, Deptford|George Johann Scharf|Swan Stairs, London Bridge|George Johann Scharf|The Coronation Procession of His Majesty King George the IV, July 19th 1821|George Johann Scharf|The Playground of the University of London School|George Johann Scharf|View through the South East Window of the Crypt beneath St Stephen's, Westminster|George Johann Scharf|Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park|George Johann Scharf|Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park|George Johann Scharf|Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park|George Johann Scharf|Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park|George Johann Scharf|A View of High Street, Southwark, being the ancient Roadway leading from Old London Bridge taken July, 1830, previous to its Removal to the New Line of Approach|after George Johann Scharf|A View of High Street, Southwark, being the ancient Roadway leading from Old London Bridge taken July, 1830, previous to its Removal to the New Line of Approach|after George Johann Scharf|A View of the Northern Approach to London Bridge while in a state of Progress|after George Johann Scharf|Representation of the Election of Members of Parliament for Westminster 1820|after George Johann Scharf|Shewing St. Michael's Church, Cooked Lane, since taken down taken on the spot, June, 1830|after George Johann Scharf|The Coronation Procession of His Majesty King George the IV, July 19th 1821|after George Johann Scharf|The Playground of the University of London School|after George Johann Scharf|Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park|after George Johann Scharf|Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park|after George Johann Scharf|Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park|after George Johann Scharf|Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park|after George Johann Scharf|Representation of the Election of Members of Parliament for Westminster 1820|and George Johann Scharf|A View of the Grand Fete on Parker's Piece, Cambridge|drawn by George Johann Scharf|A View of the Grand Fete on Parker's Piece, Cambridge|print made by George Johann Scharf