|Perspective View: the New Houses of Parliament|Sir Charles Barry|New Houses of Parliament, View of the Adopted Design as the Building Would Appear from the Surrey End of Westminster Bridge|after Sir Charles Barry|New Houses of Parliament; View of the Adopted Design|after Sir Charles Barry|Proposed New Houses of Parliament|after Sir Charles Barry|Jerusalem from the Latin Convent|after sketch by Sir Charles Barry|Lebanon from Tripoli|after sketch by Sir Charles Barry|Lebanon from Tripoli|after sketch by Sir Charles Barry|Lebanon from Tripoli|after sketch by Sir Charles Barry|Rhodes|after sketch by Sir Charles Barry|Rhodes|after sketch by Sir Charles Barry|Doorway, Dean's Yard, Westminster|attributed to Sir Charles Barry|Design for Cowley Manor, Gloucestershire|formerly Sir Charles Barry|The Desert of Sinai|possibly after sketch by Sir Charles Barry|The Desert of Sinai|possibly after sketch by Sir Charles Barry