|A Glade in a Wood|William Pars|A View at Lucerne|William Pars|A View of Rome Taken from the Pincio|William Pars|Figures with a Bull From Parthenon Frieze|William Pars|Landscape with Temple Ruins at Sunium|William Pars|Measured Drawing of Sculpture in Gymnasium at Ephesus|William Pars|Sacred Cave of Archidamus|William Pars|Sketch of a Horseman, From the Parthenon Frieze|William Pars|Sketch of Centaurs and Lapiths From a Frieze|William Pars|Temple of Jupiter Panhellenios at Aegina|William Pars|Temple of Venus and Rome from the Colosseum|William Pars|The Falls at Powerscourt, Co. Wicklow, Ireland|William Pars|The Secundini Monument at Ighel in the Duchy of Luxembourg|William Pars|East View of the Cottage-garden at Strawberry Hill|after William Pars|Fragment of a Frieze from Temple at Ephesus|after William Pars|Fragment of a Frieze from Temple at Ephesus|after William Pars|Miletus|after William Pars|Views in the Levant: Entrance of the Acropolis at Athens|after William Pars|Views in the Levant: Ruined Temple on Hill at Suninum Overlooking Islands|after William Pars|Views in the Levant: The Port of Aegina|after William Pars|Views in the Levant: The Sacred Cave of Archidamus|after William Pars|Landscape with Lake and Figures on a Rocky Road|formerly attributed to William Pars