|A Grecian Harvest Home (Designs for the Walls of the Great Room of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts)|James Barry|Elysium and Tartarus or the State of Final Retribution|James Barry|His Majesty Recommending a Law (Designs for the Walls of the Great Room of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts)|James Barry|Job Reproved by his Friends|James Barry|Jonah|James Barry|Jupiter and Juno on Mount Ida|James Barry|King Lear|James Barry|King Lear and Cordelia, Act V, Scene 10|James Barry|Male with Arms Spread Wide Seen from Behind|James Barry|Orpheus Theology (Designs for the Walls of the Great Room of Society for the Encouragement of the Arts)|James Barry|Philoctetes in the Island of Lemnos|James Barry|Rome, A View of the Arch of Constantine with Other Ruins|James Barry|Study for Saint Sebastian|James Barry|Study of Hercules for 'Crowning the Victors at Olympia'|James Barry|Temptation of Adam|James Barry|The Conversation of Polemon|James Barry|The Diagorides Victors at Olympia (Design for the Walls of the Great Room of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts)|James Barry|The Education of Achilles|James Barry|The Fall of Satan|James Barry|The Phoenix or the Resurrection of Freedom|James Barry|The Queen or Domestic Education at Windsor (Designs for the Walls of the Great Room of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts)|James Barry|The Society for the Encouragement of the Arts (2 copies)|James Barry|The Thames or the Triumph of Navigation (Designs for the Great Room of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts)|James Barry|Ticket of Admission for a Performance of Horace's 'Carmen Seculare'|James Barry|"King Lear", Act V, Scene III|after James Barry|Designs for the Great Room of the Society of Arts (4 of 1 sheet)|after James Barry|Designs for the Great Room of the Society of Arts (4 of 1 sheet)|after James Barry|Designs for the Great Room of the Society of Arts (4 of 1 sheet)|after James Barry|Designs for the Great Room of the Society of Arts (4 of 1 sheet)|after James Barry|Dr. Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|James Barry, Esq.|after James Barry|Mercury Inventing the Lyre|after James Barry|Pandora|after James Barry|Proposals for the publication of an engraving of Dr. James Barry|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Samuel Johnson|after James Barry|Semiramis|after James Barry|The Birth of Venus|after James Barry|The Cave of the Cumean Sybil on the Shore of the Lake Avernus|attributed to James Barry|Leander Taking Leave of Hero Before Swimming Back Across the Hellespont|formerly James Barry|King Lear and Cordelia|print made by James Barry|Repose in Egypt|print made by James Barry|Repose in Egypt|print made by James Barry|Sacra Christi Familia|print made by James Barry|St. Sebastian|print made by James Barry