|A Game of Bowls|John Collet|A Lady of Fashion with Black Shawl and Red Shoes|John Collet|Ecclesiastical Ruins beside the Thames (?)|John Collet|In Place|John Collet|Red-Plumed Bird-of-Paradise (Paradisea Apoda Raggiana), Southeastern New Guinea|John Collet|River Scene with Church, Cottage and Windmill|John Collet|Scene in a London Street|John Collet|Stable Boy Holding a Horse in a Landscape|John Collet|Stable Boy Leading a Trotting Horse in a Landscape with a Castle Tower|John Collet|The Doctor's Pill|John Collet|[A Soft Tumble after a Hard Ride]|after John Collet|A Morning Frolic or the Transmutation of Sexes|after John Collet|A Morning Frolic, or the Transmutation of the Sexes|after John Collet|A Rescue or the Tars Triumphant|after John Collet|An Officer in the Light Infantry, driven by his Lady to Cox-Heath|after John Collet|Bow Street Myrmidons Spoiling Bob Booty's Morning Draught|after John Collet|Kitty Coaxer driving Dupe, towards Rotten Row|after John Collet|Miss Tipapin Going for All Nine|after John Collet|Miss Wicket and Miss Trigger|after John Collet|The City Chanters|after John Collet|The Cotillion Dance|after John Collet|The Feathered Fair in a Fright|after John Collet|The Feathered Fair, Feeding the Feathered Fowl|after John Collet|The Female Orators|after John Collet|The Honey-moon from Modern Love III: Modern Love Pl. 2|after John Collet|The Husband's Fortune Told|after John Collet|The Ladies' Shooting Poney|after John Collet|The Manchester Hero, or Arts yieId to Arms|after John Collet|The Manchester Hero, or Arts Yield to Arms|after John Collet|The Recruiting Serjeant|after John Collet|The Refusal|after John Collet|The Sacrifice|after John Collet|The Sailors' Present or, The Jealous Clown|after John Collet|The Wife's Fortune Told|after John Collet|Tight Lacing, or Fashion before Ease|after John Collet|A Lady of Fashion with Black Shawl and Black Shoes|attributed to John Collet|Group of Three Young Women|formerly attributed to John Collet