|Conflagration of the City of Bristol, Taken from the Centre of Somerset Street - (Below) A View of the Gloucester Gaol..|Charles Rosenberg|Harwich|Charles Rosenberg|'The Burial of Tom Moody', the celebrated Whipper in / who was upwards of Thirty Years in the service of George Forrester Esq. of Willey Hall, ...|Charles Rosenberg|View of Lambeth Chapel|Charles Rosenberg|West Country Mails at the Gloucester Coffee House, Piccadilly|Charles Rosenberg|[Coaching ] The Road-Side|after Charles Rosenberg|The Prince Regent|after Charles Rosenberg|The Grand Entrance to Hyde Park|and Charles Rosenberg|The Mouse Trap|or Charles Rosenberg|The Mouse Trap|or Charles Rosenberg|The Mouse Trap|or Charles Rosenberg|The Boats of His Majesty's Sloop 'Procris' Attacking and Capturing off the Coast of Java on 31st of July 1837|print made by Charles Rosenberg