|Charles Sackville, 6th Earl of Dorset, 1st Earl of Middlesex|John Simon|James Bruges, Duke of Chandos|John Simon|John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll, 1st Duke of Greenwich|John Simon|Mr. Alexander Pope|John Simon|Sir Robert Walpole|John Simon|Sir Thomas Erle Esqr.|John Simon|The Right Hon'able Peter Lord King|John Simon|The Right Honorable Countess of Bridgwater|John Simon|The Right Honorable Jospeh Addison, Esqr.|John Simon|Thomas Wharton, 1st Marquess of Wharton|John Simon|Abraham's Servant Presenteth Rebekah|print made by John Simon|Autumn|print made by John Simon|Blind Plaintiff, Lame Defendant Share|print made by John Simon|Christ and the Woman of Samaria|print made by John Simon|Dorastus and Fawnia|print made by John Simon|Geffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spencer, William Shakespeare, Benjaminus Johnson|print made by John Simon|Her Grace the Duchess of Mountague|print made by John Simon|Her Royal Highness, the Princess Amelia|print made by John Simon|Her Royal Higness the Princess Carolina|print made by John Simon|Luisa by the Grace of God Queen of Denmark & Norway, &c|print made by John Simon|Masquerade|print made by John Simon|Portraits of Four Indian Kings of Canada: Etow Oh Koam, King of the River Nation|print made by John Simon|Portraits of Four Indian Kings of Canada: Ho Nee Yeath Taw No Row, King of the Generethgarich|print made by John Simon|Portraits of Four Indian Kings of Canada: Sa Ga Yeath Pieth Tow, King of the Maquas|print made by John Simon|Portraits of Four Indian Kings of Canada: Tee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row, Emperour of the Six Nations|print made by John Simon|Samuel Mather|print made by John Simon|Sir Cloudesley Shovel|print made by John Simon|Sir John Vanbrugh|print made by John Simon|Spring|print made by John Simon|Summer|print made by John Simon|The Brazen Age|print made by John Simon|The Consulters|print made by John Simon|The Death of Ananias|print made by John Simon|The Devout|print made by John Simon|The Element of Fire|print made by John Simon|The Gascon Punish'd or The Beau Outwitted|print made by John Simon|The Golden Age|print made by John Simon|The Iron Age|print made by John Simon|The Masqueraders|print made by John Simon|The Miraculous Draught of Fishes|print made by John Simon|The Power of Beauty|print made by John Simon|The Princess Royal (Princess Ann, eldest daughter of George II)|print made by John Simon|The Right Honorable Margeretta Maria Lady North & Grey|print made by John Simon|The Rt. Hon. Joseph Addison, Mathew Prior Esq., Mr. Alexander Pope, and Mr. William Congreve.|print made by John Simon|The Silver Age|print made by John Simon|Virgin and Child|print made by John Simon|Winter|print made by John Simon