|A Young Lady Seated Wearing a White Dress|Edward Edwards|Barn Elmes|Edward Edwards|Illustration to A Sentimental Journey: Episode: Maria and her Dog Sylvia|Edward Edwards|Interior View of Westminster Abbey on the Commemoration of Handel, Taken from the Manager's Box|Edward Edwards|Leicester, St. Mary's Church|Edward Edwards|Old Lady with Basket of flowers|Edward Edwards|Sir Joshua Reynolds|Edward Edwards|Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R. A.|Edward Edwards|E. Edwards, Associate and Teacher of Perspective in the Royal Academy|after Edward Edwards|Le Champ de drap d'or|after Edward Edwards|Loves Labour Lost, Act. IV, Scene IV|after Edward Edwards|Staircase at Strawberry Hill|after Edward Edwards|The Pantheon|after Edward Edwards|St. Winifred's Well, Holywell, Flintshire, Wales with the Artist in the Foreground...|attributed to Edward Edwards|Walter Smith|formerly attributed to Edward Edwards|Entrance of Strawberry Hill|or after Edward Edwards