|Abiud, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Abraham and Isaac, Ancestors of Christ|after Michelangelo|Achaz, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Achim, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Amon, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Ancestor of Christ from Abiah Lunette (Left Figure)|after Michelangelo|Ancestor of Christ from Abiah Lunette (Left Figure)|after Michelangelo|Ancestor of Christ from Abiah Lunette (Right Figure)|after Michelangelo|Ancestor of Christ from Aminadab Lunette (Left Figure)|after Michelangelo|Ancestor of Christ from Aminadab Lunette (Right Figure)|after Michelangelo|Ancestor of Christ from Naason Lunette (Left Figure)|after Michelangelo|Ancestor of Christ from Naason Lunette (Right Figure)|after Michelangelo|Asa, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Christ the Judge and Saints John the Baptist and Abel|after Michelangelo|David, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Eleazar, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Eliakim, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Eliud, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Esron and Aram, Ancestors of Christ|after Michelangelo|Ezekias, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Jacob, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Jacob, Judah and Leah, Ancestors of Christ|after Michelangelo|Jechomas, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Jesse, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Joatham, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Joram, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Josaphat, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Joseph, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Josiah, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Male Figure Study|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "Creation of Eve"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "Creation of Eve"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "Creation of Eve"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "God Separating Light from Dark"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "God Separating Light from Dark"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "God Separating the Waters..."|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "God Separating the Waters..."|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "God Separating the Waters..."|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "The Drunkeness of Noah"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "The Drunkeness of Noah"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "The Drunkeness of Noah"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "The Sacrifice of Noah"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "The Sacrifice of Noah"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude from Panel of "The Sacrifice of Noah"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude Seated from Panel of "Creation of Eve"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude Seated from Panel of "God Separating Light from Dark"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude Seated from panel of "God Separating Light from Dark"|after Michelangelo|Male Nude Seated from Panel of "God Separating the Waters..."|after Michelangelo|Manasses, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Matthew, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Ozias, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Phares, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Roboam, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Salmon, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Series of Studies from the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel|after Michelangelo|Solomon, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae|after Michelangelo|Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae|after Michelangelo|Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae|after Michelangelo|Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae|after Michelangelo|Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae|after Michelangelo|Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae|after Michelangelo|Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae|after Michelangelo|Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae|after Michelangelo|The Elect|after Michelangelo|The Prophet Daniel|after Michelangelo|The Prophet Ezekiel|after Michelangelo|The Prophet Isaiah|after Michelangelo|The Prophet Jeremiah|after Michelangelo|The Prophet Joel|after Michelangelo|The Prophet Jonah|after Michelangelo|The Prophet Zachariah|after Michelangelo|The Resurrection of the Dead|after Michelangelo|Zadoch, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo|Zorobabel, Ancestor of Christ|after Michelangelo